Entire Act


Accepting Deposits

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 17 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Accredited Investor

(In MAR) means:

(i)   any natural person who acquires or intends to acquire Securities for a total consideration of at least USD100,000 (or an equivalent amount in another currency) per Person for each separate offer; or

(ii)  an Authorised Person; or

(iii)  a Body Corporate.

Acting as the Trustee of a Fund

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 9 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Admission to Clearing Rules

(In AMI) rules prepared by an Authorised Clearing House in accordance with AMI 4.1.

Admission to Trading Rules

(In AMI) rules prepared by an Authorised Investment Exchange in accordance with AMI 3.2.

Advising on a Credit Facility

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 19 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Advising on Investments

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 10 of Schedule 1 of GEN.


In relation to a Fund, a Person who is retained by the Fund, its Eligible Custodian, a Person providing oversight or its Fund Manager under a commercial arrangement which is not a contract of service:

(a) to supply any of them with the advice in relation to the Fund as to the merits of investment opportunities or information relevant to the making of judgments about the merits of investment opportunities; or

(b) to exercise for any of the functions concerning the management of the Fund Property.


In relation to a Firm, any entity of which the Firm holds directly or indirectly or controls 10% or more but less than a majority of the voting power.


Astana Financial Services Authority


Astana International Financial Centre

AIFC Court

The court specified under Article 13 of the Constitutional Law.

AIFC ESG Debenture

A Debenture that meets the requirements of MAR 1.10.2.

AIFC Operation

The PRU Investment Business of an Externally Regulated PRU Investment Firm that is (a) carried on through an establishment in the AIFC or (b) carried on through an establishment outside the AIFC but with customers who are resident in the AIFC.

AIFC-Incorporated Insurer

An Insurer that is incorporated as a legal entity under the laws of the AIFC

AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator

A Takaful Operator that is incorporated as a legal entity under the laws of the AIFC

AIFC Legal Services Board

A designated body for the registration and regulation of Legal Advisers to maintain the safety and soundness of the legal services market in the AIFC.

Algorithmic stablecoin

A Digital Asset which uses, or purports to use, an algorithm to increase or decrease the supply of Digital Assets in order to stabilise its price or reduce volatility in its price


The Authorised Market Institution Rules.


The Anti-Money Laundering, Counter-Terrorist Financing and Sanctions Rules.

AML Return

A report in a prescribed format to be filed on an annual basis as described in AML 13.7.

Ancillary Service

An activity specified in Schedule 2 of GEN.

Ancillary Service Provider

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on one or more Ancillary Services.

Annual Operating Expenditure

The amount determined as such in accordance with PRU(INV) 4.4.

Approved Actuary

The Approved Individual performing the role identified at PINS ‎2.2.5 (Approved Actuary)

The Approved Individual performing the role identified at TRR ‎2.4.5 (Approved Actuary).

Approved ECAI

An External Credit Assessment Institution in respect of which the AFSA has given approval for its ratings to be relied on by PRU Investment Firms in relation to PRU(INV) 4.

Approved Individual

An individual who is:

1) approved by the AFSA to carry out a Controlled Function; and

2) approved by the AFSA to be appointed by a DNFBP and Registered Auditor to carry out the MLRO function

Arranging a Credit Facility

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 20 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Arranging Custody

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 6 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Arranging Deals in Investments

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 11 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Assessed Professional Client

Has the meaning given in COB 2.5.1 and 2.5.6.

Asset Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎4.1 of PINS Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement)

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎4.1 of TRR Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement


In respect of a Person ‘A’, any Person, including an affiliated company which is:

(a) an Undertaking in the same Group as A; or

(b) any other person whose business or domestic relationship with A or his Associate might reasonably be expected to give rise to a community of interest between them which may involve a conflict of interest in dealings with third parties.

Associated Party

PINS: (a) a holding company, subsidiary or related company of an AIFC-Incorporated Insurer, (b) a subsidiary or related company of a holding company of an AIFC-Incorporated Insurer, (c) a holding company of a subsidiary of an AIFC-Incorporated Insurer, or (d) a company that, alone or with associates, is entitled to exercise, or control the exercise of, more than 50% of the voting power in the general meeting of an AIFC-Incorporated Insurer.

TRR: (a) a holding company, subsidiary or related company of an AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator, (b) a subsidiary or related company of a holding company of an AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator, (c) a holding company of a subsidiary of an AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator, or (d) a company that, alone or with associates, is entitled to exercise, or control the exercise of, more than 50% of the voting power in the general meeting of an AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator.

AT1 Capital

Additional Tier 1 Capital, as defined in BBR 4.16

In (RAR) rules mean Additional Tier 1 Capital.

Audit Personnel

An individual:

(a) who is employed or appointed by an Auditor in connection with the Auditor's business in the AIFC, whether under a contract of service or for services or otherwise; or

(b) whose services provided in the AIFC, under an arrangement between the Auditor and a third party, are placed at the disposal and under the control of the Auditor.

Audit Principal

A natural person who is appointed by an Auditor under AUD 2.1.3(d).


(a)in relation to an Authorised Person which is incorporated in the AIFC has the meaning given in AUD 1.

(b)in relation to an Authorised Person which is a Recognised Company or Recognised Partnership – an auditor of that Authorised Person;

(c)in relation to a Reporting Entity – an auditor.

Authorised Clearing House

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on the Market Activity of Operating a Clearing House.

Authorised Crowdfunding Platform

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on the Market Activity of Operating a Loan Crowdfunding Platform and/or the Market Activity of Operating an Investment Crowdfunding Platform.

Authorised Firm

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on one or more Regulated Activities.

Authorised Investment Exchange

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on the Market Activity of Operating an Investment Exchange.

Authorised Market Institution

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the

AFSA to carry on one or more Market Activities.

Authorised Person

Either an Authorised Firm or an Authorised Market Institution

Authorised Promoter

Has the meaning given in COB 3.3.1.

Bail-In Tool

The Resolution Tool referred to in section 147(1)(i) and 149 of the FSFR.


A Regulated Financial Institution that is authorised to accept deposits or Open and Operate Bank Accounts or both, as defined in BBR 1.5.

Bank Account

A Correspondent Account, Current Account, or Savings Account.

Banking Book

Includes all on and off-balance sheet positions, exposures, items, which are not included in the Trading Book.

Banking Business Firm

Has the meaning given in AIFC BBR rule 1.4

Base Capital Requirement

The meaning given in PRU(INV) 3.3(3).

For Banking Business Firms has the meaning given in BBR 4.10.

Basel Requirements

The rules and guidance from time to time published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.


AIFC Banking Business Prudential Rules

Beneficial owner

(1) Beneficial owner, in relation to a customer, is:

(a) for an account – a natural person who ultimately owns, or exercises effective control over the account;

(b) for a transaction – a natural person on whose behalf or for whose benefit the transaction is being conducted;

(c) for a legal person or arrangement – a natural person who ultimately owns or exercises effective control over the legal person or arrangement.

(2) Without limiting subrule (1) (a), a beneficial owner for an account includes any natural person on whose instructions the signatories of an account, or any intermediaries instructing such signatories, are acting (either temporarily or permanently).

(3) Without limiting (1) (c), the beneficial owner for:

(a) a legal person includes:

(i)   a natural person who, directly or indirectly, owns or controls at least 25% of the shares, participation interest or voting rights of the legal person; or

(ii)  a natural person who, directly or indirectly, otherwise exercises control over the legal person’s management;

(b) a legal arrangement that administers and distributes funds (such as a trust) includes:

(i)   where the beneficiaries and their distributions have already been determined - a natural person who is to receive at least 25% of the funds of the arrangement;

(ii)  where the beneficiaries or their distributions have not already been determined – a natural person who is part of the class of natural persons for whose benefit the arrangement is established or operated and who could receive at least 25% of the funds of the arrangement; or

(iii) where a natural person, directly or indirectly, exercises control over at least 25% (by value) of the property of the arrangement.


In reference to a corporation, the board of directors of the corporation.

Body Corporate

Any body corporate, including a limited liability partnership and a body corporate constituted under the law of a country or territory outside the AIFC.


A Person who seeks and/or receives funding in the form of one or more loans under an agreement with a lender via the sale of a Debenture which may be facilitated via a Loan Crowdfunding Platform as set out in paragraph 4 of Schedule 4 of AIFC General Rules.


AIFC Banking Business Prudential Guideline


A Centre Participant which is incorporated pursuant to the law of a jurisdiction other than the AIFC.

Broker Dealer

Has the meaning given in BBR 1.6

Business Reorganisation Plan

A plan drawn up in accordance with RAR 4.4.7.

Business Rules

(In AMI) rules established and maintained by an Authorised Market Institution in accordance with AMI 2.5.1.

(In MOTF) rules established and maintained by a MTF Operator or an OTF Operator in accordance with MOTF 6.1.

Capital Conservation Buffer

Has the meaning given in BBR 4.31

Capital Floor

The minimum paid up share capital, or equivalent in any currency acceptable to the AFSA, which must be maintained by an AIFC-Incorporated Insurer pursuant to paragraph ‎1.1 (The Capital Floor) of PINS ‎ Schedule 4 (Calculation of Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)).

The minimum paid up share capital, or equivalent in any currency acceptable to the AFSA, which must be maintained by an AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator pursuant to paragraph ‎1.1 (The Capital Floor) of TRR ‎Schedule 4 (Calculation of Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)).

Capital Resources

In PRU(INV) has the meaning given in PRU(INV) 3.2.

In PRU(INT) has the meaning given in PRU(INT) 3.1(1).

Captive Insurance Business

The business of Effecting or Carrying out Contracts of Insurance only for the business or operations of the Group to which the Captive Insurer belongs.

Captive Insurer

An Authorised Firm with a Licence to carry on Insurance Business only for the business or operations of the Group to which it belongs.

Captive Takaful Business

The business of Effecting or Carrying out Takaful Contracts only for the business or operations of the Group to which the Captive Takaful Operator belongs.

Captive Takaful Operator

An Authorised Firm with a Licence to carry on Takaful Business only for the business or operations of the Group to which it belongs.


Customer Due Diligence, as described generally in AML 6

Central Counterparty

A legal person that interposes itself between the counterparties to the contracts traded on one or more financial markets, becoming the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer.

Central Securities Depository

A Person who holds Securities or Units in a Listed Fund in uncertificated (dematerialised) form so as to act as a repository of ownership entitlements to such Investments to enable book entry transfer of such Investments for the purposes of settlement of transactions.

Centralised Digital Asset

Digital Asset issued by a single or several administrating authorities that establish the rules for its use, maintain a central payment ledger, and have authority to redeem the Currency (withdraw it from circulation).

Centre Bodies

The bodies identified in Article 9 of the Constitutional Statute

Centre Participant

As defined in Article 1(5) of the Constitutional Statute: “legal entities incorporated pursuant to the acting law of the Centre, and other legal entities accredited by the Centre”

CET1 Capital

(In RAR) rules means Common Equity Tier 1 Capital , described in BBR.


An instrument:

(a) which confers on the holder contractual or property rights to or in respect of a Share, Debenture or Warrant held by a Person; and

(b) the transfer of which may be effected by the holder without the consent of that other Person;

but excludes rights under an Option.


The Collective Investment Scheme Rules.


A Person to whom a Centre Participant provides, intends to provide or has provided a service in the course of carrying on a Regulated Activity, Market Activity or Ancillary Service.


Client Assets

Client Money and Client Investments

Client Investment

An investment as defined in COB 8.3.1.

Client Investment Account

An account as defined in COB 8.3.4.

Client Investments Auditor's Report

The report specified in COB 8.3.14.

Client Investments Rule

The Rules contained in COB 8.3.

Client Money

In COB 8, has the meaning given in Rule 8.2.1;

In COB 11, Money of any currency that an Insurance Intermediary receives or holds for, or on behalf of, a Client in the course of, or in connection with, Insurance Intermediation, except Money which is:

(a) due and payable by the Client to the Insurance Intermediary:

 (i) for its own account; or

 (ii) in its capacity as agent of an insurer where the Insurance Intermediary acts in accordance with COB 11.8.4;

(b) otherwise received by the Insurance Intermediary under an arrangement made between an insurer and another Person that has authority to underwrite risks, settle claims, or handle refunds of premiums on behalf of that insurer outside the AIFC and where the Money relates to that business.

Client Money Account

Has the meaning given in COB 8.2.4

Client Money Auditor's Report

The report specified in COB 8.2.19.

Client Money Distribution Rules

In COB 8, the Rules contained in COB 8.2.16;

In COB 11, the Rules contained in COB 11.8.14.

Client Money Rules

The Rules contained in COB 8.2.


The Conduct of Business Rules.

Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

The code of ethics for accountants issued by the International Ethics Standard Board for Accountants (IESBA) of IFAC.

Cold Digital wallet


A Digital wallet that is stored in a platform (device) that is not connected to the Internet.


An Investment which belongs to a Client has been paid for in full by the Client and which is held or controlled by the Authorised Firm under the terms of a deposit, pledge, charge or other security arrangement.

Collective Investment Scheme

As defined in section 92 of the Framework Regulations, which is, in summary, any arrangements with respect to property of any description, including money, the purpose or effect of which is to enable Persons taking part in the arrangements (whether by becoming owners of the property or any part of it or otherwise) to participate in or receive profits or income arising from the acquisition, holding, management or disposal of the property or sums paid out of such profits or income.

Commercial Captive Finance

As an activity of a Credit Provider, means providing finance to a Professional Client or a Market Counterparty to enable them to lease or purchase (through finance lease, operating lease, hire-purchase or a similar form) an asset (usually immoveable properties, machinery, vehicles and equipment) from the Credit Provider’s parent entity or from a member of the parent entity’s group.

Commitment Period

The period specified by an Authorised Crowdfunding Platform in which lenders or Investors may commit to lending to a particular Borrower or investing with a particular Issuer.

Commodities Risk Capital Requirement

A component of Market Risk Capital Requirement and calculated in accordance with BBR 6.5 and chapter 6 of BPG.


Any goods of a fungible nature that are capable of being delivered, including but not limited to metals and their ores and alloys, agricultural products, energy, such as gas and electricity, and Environmental Instruments.

Commodity Derivative

A Derivative in respect of a Commodity                                                                             

Company service provider

A Company service provider is a Person, not captured by (a) to (e) of the definition of DNFBP that, by way of business, provides any of the following services to a customer:

(a) acting as an agent of legal persons to form a company;

(b) acting as, or arranging for another Person to act as, a director or secretary of a company, a partner of a partnership, or a similar position in relation to other legal persons;

(c) providing a registered office, business address, or accommodation, correspondence or administrative address for a company, a partnership, or any other legal person or arrangement; or

(d) acting as, or arranging for another Person to act as, a nominee shareholder for another Person, including through acting on trust for discretionary purposes.

Compliance Officer

The individual performing the Controlled Function identified in GEN 2.2.5.

Connected Person

In relation to a Person (A), a Person which has or at any relevant time had the following relationship to A:

(a) a member of A’s Group;

(b) a Controller of A;

(c) a member of a partnership of which A is a member;

(d) an Employee or former Employee of A;

(e) if A is a Body Corporate:

(i) an officer or manager of A or of a parent of A;

(ii) an agent of A or of a parent of A;

(f) if A is a Partnership is or has been a member, manager or agent of A; or

(g) if A is an unincorporated association of persons which is not a Partnership, is or has been an officer, manager or agent of A.

Consolidated Return

A Consolidated prudential return means a prudential return which reflects the accounts, statements and reports of a Bank consolidated with those of the other members of its Financial Group


In relation to a Fund:

(a) which is in the form of a Body Corporate, the instrument of incorporation;

(b) which is in the form of a Trust, the trust deed;

(c) which is in the form of a Partnership, the partnership deed; or

(d) adopting a form other than one specified in (a) to (c), any instrument creating the legal form of the Fund to which the Fund Manager is a party setting out provisions relating to any aspect of the operation or management of the Fund.


Contingency Funding Plan

Has the meaning given in BBR 9.10

Contingent Liability Transaction

A Derivative under the terms of which the Client will or may be liable to make further payments (other than charges, and whether or not secured by margin) when the transaction falls to be completed or upon the earlier closing out of his position.

Contract for Differences

(1) Subject to sub‐paragraph (2), rights under—

(a) a contract for differences; or

(b) any other contract the purpose or pretended purpose of which is to secure a profit or avoid a loss by reference to fluctuations in—

(i) the value or price of property of any description; or

(ii) an index or other factor designated for that purpose in the contract.

(2) There are excluded from sub‐paragraph (1) —

(a) rights under a contract if the parties intend that the profit is to be secured or the loss is to be avoided by one or more of the parties taking delivery of any property to which the contract relates;

(b) rights under a contract under which money is received by way of deposit on terms that any interest or other return to be paid on the sum deposited will be calculated by reference to fluctuations in an index or other factor;

(c) rights under a Contract of Insurance.

Contract of Insurance      

Any contract of insurance or contract of reinsurance.

Contract of Insurance

Any enforceable contract under which a 'provider' undertakes: (1) in consideration of one or more payments; (2) to pay money or provide a corresponding benefit (including in some cases services to be paid for by the provider) to a 'recipient'; (3) in response to a defined event the occurrence of which is uncertain (either as to when it will occur or as to whether it will occur at all) and adverse to the interests of the recipient

Contract of Reinsurance

A Contract of Insurance covering all or part of a risk to which a Person is exposed under a Contract of Insurance


The conduct identified in section 119 of FSFR.


In relation to a Family Business or Family Entity, the exercise of at least 75 per cent of voting control or other direct or indirect control over the affairs of that Family Business or Family Entity by:

(a) one or more members of a Single Family;

(b) one or more Family Fiduciary Structures;

(c) one or more Family Entities; or

(d) a combinations of any of the above.

Controlled Function

A function of an Authorised Person that may only be carried out by an Approved Individual.


A Person who, either alone or with any Associate:

(a) holds 10% or more of the shares in either the Authorised Person or a Holding Company of that Authorised Person; or

(b) is entitled to exercise, or controls the exercise of, 10% or more of the voting rights in either the Authorised Person or a Holding Company of that Authorised Person; or

(c) is able to exercise significant influence over the management of the Authorised Person as a result of holding shares or being able to exercise voting rights in the Authorised Person or a Holding Company of that Authorised Person or having a current exercisable right to acquire such shares or voting rights.

Conversion Rate

The ratio that determines the number of Shares into which a liability of a specific class will be converted, by reference either to a single instrument of the class or to a specified unit of value of a debt claim.

Core Business Lines

Business lines and associated services which represent material sources of revenue, profit or franchise value for an Authorised Person or its Group.

Corporate Governance Principles

The principles prescribed in MAR 2.2.

Corpporate Treasury Centre 

An entity within a multinational corporation carrying out only corporate treasury activities.

Correspondent Account

An arrangement under which a Bank (correspondent) holds funds on behalf of other bank (respondent) to make payments and other related services for or on behalf of the respondent bank.

Counterparty Grade

The grade of an asset according to the rating of its counterparty, in accordance with the table at paragraph ‎3.1 (Table A Grade of assets according to counterparty ratings) of PINS ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR))

The grade of an asset according to the rating of its counterparty, in accordance with the table at paragraph ‎3.1 (Table A Grade of assets according to counterparty ratings) of TRR ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR))

Credit Conversion Factor

In relation to an off-balance sheet exposure of a PRU Dealing Investment Firm.

Credit Equivalent Amount

Has the meaning given in BBR 5.11

Credit Facility

Any facility which includes any arrangement or agreement which extends monetary credit whether funded or unfunded to a Person including but not limited to any loan or syndicated loan, mortgage, overdraft, financial lease, letter of credit, financial guarantee, trade finance, transaction finance, project finance, asset finance or, where applicable, Commercial Captive Finance.

Credit Provider

Has the meaning given in BBR 1.7

Credit Rating

An opinion regarding the creditworthiness of an entity, Security, debt or other financial obligation which is disseminated to the public or distributed to a Person by subscription and expressed using an established and defined ranking system regarding the creditworthiness of the rating subject.

Credit Risk

In relation to an Authorised Firm, the risk of loss if a counterparty fails to perform or on (or) meet its financial obligation to the Authorised Firm.

Credit Risk Capital Requirement

The meaning given in PRU(INV) 3.3(4).

For Banking Business Firms has the meaning given in BBR 4.11 and in Chapter 5 of BBR.

Credit Risk Mitigation

Has the meaning given in BBR 5.14

Critical Functions

Activities, services or operations the discontinuance of which is likely to lead to:

(a) the disruption of services that are essential to the financial services industry in the AIFC or to the AIFC economy; or

(b) the disruption of financial stability due to the size, market share, external or internal interconnectedness, complexity, or crossborder activities of an Authorised Person or its Group, with particular regard to the substitutability of those activities, services or operations.

Crowdfunding Platform

An Investment Crowdfunding Platform or a Loan Crowdfunding Platform.


Counter-Terrorist Financing.

Current Account

An account with a Bank held in the name of a Client through which the Client can place funds, withdraw cash and execute and receive payment transactions.


Unless otherwise indicated, a customer is:

(a) A person where, in relation to a business relationship between the person and a Relevant Person, there is a firm intention or commitment by each party to enter into a contractual relationship or where there is a firm commitment by each party to enter into a transaction, in connection with a product or service provided by the Relevant Person;

(b) A client of an Authorised Firm;

(c) A member, prospective member, or an applicant for admission of Investments to trading on an Authorised Market Institution; or

(d) A person with whom a Relevant Person is otherwise establishing or has established a business relationship.

Dealing in Investments as Agent

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Dealing in Investments as Principal

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 of GEN.


An instrument creating or acknowledging indebtedness, whether secured or not, but excludes:

(a)  an instrument creating or acknowledging indebtedness for, or for money borrowed to defray, the consideration payable under a contract for the supply of goods or services;

(b)  a cheque or other bill of exchange, a banker’s draft or a letter of credit (but not a bill of exchange accepted by a banker);

(c) a banknote, a statement showing a balance on a bank account, or a lease or other disposition of property; and

(d)  a Contract of Insurance.

Decentralised Digital Asset

Digital Asset that has no central administrating authority, and no central monitoring or oversight, gives rise to no claims on their issuer, and contains no contractual right to receive Fiat Currency or another financial asset.

Decision Notice

A notice issued by the AFSA pursuant to paragraph 5 of schedule 1 of the Framework Regulations.

Deemed Professional Client

Has the meaning given in COB 2.4.1.

Default Rules

(In AMI) rules prepared by an Authorised Market Institution in accordance with AMI 3.5 or AMI 4.6.

(In MOTF) rules prepared by a MTF Operator or OTF Operator in accordance with MOTF 17.1.

Definitive Valuation

A valuation referred to in RAR 4.1.5, which is carried out after a Provisional Valuation.

Delivery Versus Payment Transaction (DVP)

A transaction in which the transfer of Investments and the payment of Money between the buyer and the seller are intended to occur simultaneously.


1. A Deposit means a sum of money paid on terms:

(a)  under which it will be repaid, with or without interest or a premium, and either on demand or at a time or in circumstances agreed by or on behalf of the Person making the payment and the Person receiving it; and

(b)  which is not relevant to the provision of property (other than currency) or services or the giving of security.

2. In (1) money is paid on terms which are relevant to the provision of property or services or the giving of security if:

(a)  it is paid by way of advance or part payment under a contract for the sale, hire or other provision of property or services, and is repayable only in the event that the property or services are not in fact sold, hired or otherwise provided;

(b)  it is paid by way of security for the performance of a contract or by way of security in respect of loss which may result from the non-performance of a contract; or

without prejudice to (b), it is paid by way of security for the delivery up of property, whether in a particular state of repair or otherwise.


.3. A sum is not a Deposit if it is paid:

(a) by a Person in the course of carrying on a business consisting wholly or to a significant extent of lending money;

(b) by one company to another at a time when both are members of the same Group:

(c) by an Authorised Firm authiruseto carry on the Regulated Activity of Accepting Deposits;

(d) by a Person who is a close relative of the Person receiving it or who is a director, manager or Controller of that Person

.4. A sum is not a Deposit if it is received:

(a) by a lawyer acting in his professional capacity;

(b) by an accountant acting in his professional capacity;

(c) by an Authorised Firm or an Authorised Market Institution authorised to carry on any one or more of the Regulated Activities defined in Schedule 1 of the GEN, except Accepting Deposits, in the course of or for the purpose of any such Regulated Activity disregarding any applicable exclusions; or

by a Person as consideration for the isuue by him of a Debenture.


An Option, a Future or a Contract for Differences.

Derivative Token

A digital representation of a Derivative that is issued, transferred and stored using DLT or other similar technology approved by the AFSA.

Designated Functions

Any of the functions specified in GEN 2.3.

Designated Individual

An individual who is appointed by an Authorised Person to carry out a Designated Function

Developing FinTech Activities

The activity as defined in paragraph 2.3.1 of FINTECH

Digital Asset Business

Any one or more of the following Regulated Activities in relation to Digital Assets:

      (a)   Dealing in Investments as Principal;

      (b)   Dealing in Investments as Agent;

      (c)   Managing Investments;

      (d)   Managing a Collective Investment Scheme;

      (e)   Providing Custody;

      (f)    Arranging Custody;

      (g)   Advising on Investments;

      (h)   Arranging Deals in Investments;

      (i)     Providing Money Services; and

      (j)     Operating a Digital Asset Trading Facility.


A Person wishing to carry on or more of the above Regulated Activities in relation to Digital Assets, cannot carry on the Regulated Activities in relation to other types of Investments.

Digital Asset Derivative

A Derivative the value of which is determined by reference to:

a Digital Asset; or an index that includes a Digital Asset.


Digital Asset Service Provider

Digital Asset Service Provider

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on one or more of the following Regulated Activities in relation to Digital Assets:

     (a)   Operating a Digital Asset Trading Facility;

     (b)   Dealing in Investments as Principal;

     (c)   Dealing in Investments as Agent;

     (d)   Managing Investments;

     (e)   Providing Custody;

     (f)    Arranging Custody;

     (g)   Advising on Investments;

     (h)   Arranging Deals in Investments; and

     (i)     Providing Money Services.


A Person wishing to carry on one or more of the above Regulated Activities in relation to Digital Assets, cannot carry on the Regulated Activities in relation to other types of Investments.


Digital Asset Trading Facility

Digital Asset Trading Facility

A facility on which Digital Assets, rights or interests in Digital Assets are traded.

Digital Asset Trading Facility Operator

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on the Regulated Activity of Operating a Digital Asset Trading Facility.

Digital wallet

(or E-wallet)


A means (software application, electronic device or other mechanism/medium) for holding, storing and transferring Digital Asset, E-money and/or other assets, investments.

Digital wallet Service Provider

An Authorised Firm Providing Custody of Investment Tokens, Qualified Investment Tokens or Digital Assets by holding and controlling the public and private cryptographic keys relating to the Investment Tokens, Qualified Investment Tokens or Digital Assets.

Direct Access Member

In relation to an Authorised Market Institution, means a Person that the Authorised Market Institution admits as a Member in accordance with AMI 2.6.1 (1) (d).

Direct Electronic Access

Direct Electronic Access means:

(a)       an arrangement (called direct market access), through which a Member or a client of a member is able to electronically transmit, using the Member’s trading code, an order relating to a Digital Asset, Security, Unit in a Listed Fund or Qualified Investment directly to the facility operated by the Authorised Market Institution, Diital Asset Trading Facility Operator or MTF or OTF Operator. It includes arrangements for the use, by a Person, of the infrastructure (or connecting system) of the Member, client of the Member or another participant; or

(b)       an arrangement (called sponsored access) through which a Member or a client of a member is able to electronically transmit, using the Member’s trading code, an order to the facility operated by the Authorised Market Institution or MTF or OTF Operator without using the infrastructure (or connecting system) of the Member or another participant or client.

Direct Electronic Access Rules

(In AMI) the rules prepared by an Authorised Market Institution in accordance with AMI 2.7.


A Person, by whatever name called, who is:

(a) appointed to the position of a director; or

(b) appointed to the position of an alternate director, and is acting in that capacity; or

(c) not validly appointed as a director but is acting in the position of a director (i.e. a de-facto director).

Distribution Event

A distribution event is:

(a) the appointment of a liquidator, receiver or administrator, or trustee in bankruptcy, over the Authorised Firm or its Nominee Company;

(b) the appointment of a liquidator, receiver or administrator, or trustee in bankruptcy, over a Third-Party Account Provider of the Authorised Firm or its Nominee Company; or

(c) the coming into force of a direction by the AFSA in respect of all Client Assets held by the Authorised Firm.

DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology)

A class of technologies that support the recording of encrypted data where the data:

(a) is held on a distributed ledger;

(b) is electronically accessible, from multiple locations, by a network of participants; and

(c) can be updated by those participants, based on agreed consensus, protocol or procedures.

For the purposes of MAR, AMI, MOTF and COB, DLT also includes any other similar technology approved by the AFSA, which is used for the issuance, transfer and storage of an Investment Token and Qualified Investment Token. 


Designated Non-Financial Business and Profession.

The following class of persons whose business or profession is carried on in or from the AIFC constitute DNFBPs:

(a) A real estate developer or agency which carries out transactions with a customer involving the buying or selling of real property;

(b) A dealer in precious metals or precious stones;

(c) A dealer in any saleable item of a price equal to or greater than USD 15,000;

(d) A law firm, notary firm, or other independent legal business;

(e) An accounting firm, audit firm, or insolvency firm; or

(f) A Company service provider; or

(g) A Single Family Office.

A person who is an Authorised Person or a Registered Auditor is not a DNFBP.

Domestic Firm

An Authorised Person or Ancillary Service Provider which:

(a) has its registered and head office in the AIFC; or

(b) if it is a subsidiary of an Undertaking whose principal place of business and head office is in a jurisdiction other than the AIFC, has its registered office in the AIFC.

Domestic Fund

A Collective Investment Scheme that is established or domiciled in the AIFC.

Domestic Fund Manager

A Fund Manager located in the AIFC.


External Credit Rating Agency


(or E-money)

A digital representation of Fiat Currency used to electronically transfer value denominated in Fiat Currency.


Enhanced Due Diligence, as described in AML 7.1.1.

Eligible Capital

The capital instruments that may be recognised by an AIFC-Incorporated Insurer for the purpose of meeting its MCR and PCR in accordance with PINS ‎Schedule 3 (Calculation of Eligible capital)

The capital instrument that may be recognised by an AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator for the purpose of meeting its MCR and PCR in accordance with TRR Schedule 3 (Calculation of Eligible capital)

Eligible Custodian

A custodian of a Fund's property appointed in accordance with CIS.


A Person who, at the relevant time, is a creditor of a Bank (i) which is a Domestic Firm over which a provisional liquidator, liquidator, receiver or administrator, or trustee in bankruptcy has been appointed, or (ii) which is a Domestic Firm over which the AFSA imposed a prohibition to deal with any relevant property, by virtue of being owed an amount of Money held by the Bank as a Deposit.


Eligible Depositor excludes any creditor which is:

(i) a Market Counterparty; or

(ii) a Bank.

Eligible Liabilities

Liabilities and capital instruments that do not qualify as CET1 Capital instruments, AT1 Capital instruments or T2 Capital instruments of an Authorised Person and that are not excluded from the exercise of the Write Down or Conversion Power under RAR 4.4.1(3) or (4).


As defined in the Employment Regulations, an individual who works or will work in the service of another person under an express or implied contract of hire under which the other person has the right to control the details of work performance. The other person is the Employee’s Employer.

Employee Share Scheme

A scheme or arrangement for encouraging or facilitating the holding of Shares or Debentures in a Company by or for the benefit of:

(a) the bona fide Employees or former Employees of the Company, the Company’s subsidiary or Holding Company or a subsidiary of the Company’s Holding Company; or

(b) the wives, husbands, widows, widowers or minor children or minor step-children of the individuals referred to in (a).

Environmental Instrument

An Investment which:

a)     enables its holder to emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere in accordance with any emissions trading scheme, including such carbon units as emissions allowances or equivalent;

b)  evidences the reduction or removal of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, including such carbon units as carbon credits or equivalent; or 

с)   evidences the environmental attributes of an underlying unit (i.e., renewable energy or environmental attribute certificates).

Equity Risk Capital Requirement

A component of Market Risk Capital Requirement and calculated in accordance with BBR 6.5 and chapter 6 of BPG.

Equity Securities

(In MAR) Include, but are not limited to, Securities which are Shares, Warrants over Shares, Certificates over Shares and Depository Receipts (where the Depository Receipt is over Shares).

Equivalent Regulated Exchange

An exchange as defined in MAR 1.2.2(2)

Equivalent Regulated Exchange for Listed Funds

A Regulated Exchange in relation to which the AFSA has determined, either on the application of a Fund Manager or upon its own initiative, that is equivalent to an Authorised Investment Exchange in relation to the listing of Listed Funds. The AFSA may publish a list from time to time identifying Regulated Exchanges it has determined to be Equivalent Regulated Exchanges.

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Fund

A Fund which integrates ESG criteria into its investment strategy and decision-making process.

Execute or Execution

The exercise of a Client order that results in a binding transaction.

Exempt Fund

A Collective Investment Scheme identified in CIS 2.2(a).

Exempt Offeror

The Persons identified in MAR 1.2.1.

Exempt Securities

The Securities listed in MAR 1.2.2.


Has the meaning given in MAR 1.9.3.

Externally Regulated PRU Investment Firm

A Person who is specified as such in a direction made by the AFSA under PRU(INV) 1.3(9).

Family Business

In relation to a Single Family, a business controlled by a Single Family.

Family Captive Takaful Business

Captive Takaful Business in relation to Family Takaful Contracts.


Family Client

In relation to a Single Family:

(a) a member of the Single Family;

(b) a Family Fiduciary Structure;

(c) a Family Entity; or

(d) a Family Business.

Family Entity

In relation to a Single Family, an entity controlled by a Single Family.

Family Fiduciary Structure

In relation to a Single Family, a Trust, Foundation or similar entity:

(a)  of which a member of the Single Family or a Family Entity related to the Single Family is the settler or Founder; and

(b)  the beneficiaries of which, or Persons otherwise capable of benefiting from which, are all:

(i) members of the Single Family;

(ii) charities;

(iii) Family Entities; or

(iv) other Family Fiduciary Structures related to the Single Family.

Family Member

In relation to an individual:

(a) his spouse;

(b) his child, step-child, parent, step-parent, brother, sister, step-brother, or step-sister; or

(c) a spouse of any individual within (b).

Family Takaful Business

Takaful Business in relation to Family Takaful Contracts

Family Takaful Contract

A Shari’ah-Compliant Takaful Contracts that falls within one of the categories set out in Schedule 2 of TRR

Family Takaful Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎9.2 (Family Takaful Risk Component) of TRR ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).


Financial Action Task Force, as described in AML 1.4(a).

FATF Recommendations

The publication entitled the "International Standards on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation" as published and amended from time to time by FATF.

Feeder Fund

A Fund which is dedicated to investing in the Units or Debentures of a single other Fund (Master Fund).

Fiat Currency

Currency which is issued by or on behalf of the government in its country (or countries) of issuance, and which is designated as legal tender in that or those countries through government decree, regulation or law.

Fiat stablecoin

A Digital Asset whose value purports to be determined by reference to a Fiat Currency.

Finance Officer

The individual performing the Controlled Function specified in GEN 2.2.4.

Financial Condition Report

The report identified in PINS ‎9.1.2 (Financial Condition Reports)

The report identified in TRR ‎9.1.2 (Financial Condition Reports)

Financial Crime

Any kind of conduct relating to money or to financial services or markets that would amount to criminal conduct under Kazakh law (whether or not such conduct takes place in the Republic of Kazakhstan), including any offence involving:

(a) fraud or dishonesty; or

(b) misconduct in, or misuse of information relating to, a financial market; or

(c) handling the proceeds of crime; or

(d) the financing of terrorism; or

(e) money laundering

Financial Group

A group of entities which includes an Authorised Firm and:

(a) any parent incorporated in the AIFC;

(b) any Financial Institution subsidiaries (whether direct or indirect) of the parent or parents in (a) or of the Authorised Firm; and

 any entity which the AFSA directs the Authorised Firm to be included in the Financial Group.

Financial Institution

A regulated or unregulated entity, whose activities are primarily financial in nature.

Financial Product

A Contract of Insurance or Investment.

Financial Promotion

Any communication (made via any medium including brochures, telephone calls and presentations) the purpose or effect of which is:

(a) to promote or advertise (i) Investments or (ii) any Regulated Activity; or

(b) to invite or induce any Person (i) to enter into an agreement with any Person in relation to a Financial Product or (ii) to engage in any Regulated Activity.

Financial Service

A Regulated Activity or a Market Activity.

Financial Services Regulator

A regulator of Financial Services established in a jurisdiction other than the AIFC.


Means technology-enabled innovation in financial services that could result in new business models, applications, processes or products with an associated material effect on the provision of financial services.

FinTech Lab Activities

Activities specified in GEN 1.4. carried out for the purposes of Developing or Testing FinTech Activities.

FinTech Lab Participant

Means an Authorised Person who was issued a Licence to carry on one or more FinTech Activities within the FinTech Lab.


The Financial Intelligence Unit of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the state authority, or any other such state authority, responsible for financial monitoring and other measures to combat money laundering in accordance with the AML Law.

Foreign Exchange Risk Capital Requirements

A component of Market Risk Capital Requirement and calculated in accordance with BBR 6.5 and chapter 6 of BPG

Foreign Fund

A Collective Investment Scheme that is not established or domiciled in the AIFC.

Foreign Fund Manager

A Fund Manager not located in the AIFC.

Framework Regulations or FSFR

The Financial Services Framework Regulations.


A Collective Investment Scheme.

Fund Manager

A Person responsible for the management of the property held for or within a Fund and (or) who operates the Fund.

Fund of Funds

A Fund which restricts its investment activities to investing in Units or Debentures of only two or more other Funds.

Fund Property

The property held for or within a Fund.


An instrument comprising rights under a contract:

(a) for the sale of a commodity or property of any other description under which delivery is to be made at a future date and at a price agreed on when the contract is made, and that contract:

(i) is made or traded on a regulated exchange;

(ii) is made or traded on terms that are similar to those made or traded on a regulated exchange; or

(iii) would, on reasonable grounds, be regarded as made for investment and not for commercial purposes; or

(b) where the value of the contract is ultimately determined by reference, wholly or in part, to fluctuations in:

(i) the value or price of property of any description; or

(ii) an index, interest rate, any combination of these, exchange rate or other factor designated for that purpose in the contract; and

which is wholly settled by cash or set-off between the parties but excludes:

(iii) rights under a contract where one or more of the parties takes delivery of any property to which the contract relates;

(iv) a contract under which money is received by way of deposit or an acknowledgement of a debt on terms that any return to be paid on the sum deposited or received will be calculated by reference to an index, interest rate, exchange rate or any combination of these or other factors; or

(v) a Contract of Insurance.


The General Rules.

General Captive Insurance Business

Captive Insurance Business in relation to General Insurance Contracts.

General Captive Takaful Business

Captive Takaful Business in relation to General Takaful Contracts.


General Insurance Business

Insurance Business in relation to General Insurance Contracts

General Insurance Contract

A Contract of Insurance that falls within one of the categories set out in Schedule 1 of PINS.

General Prohibition

The prohibition in section 24 of the Framework Regulations.

General Takaful Business

Takaful Business in relation to General Takaful Contracts

General Takaful Contract

A Takaful Contract that falls within one of the categories set out in Schedule 1 of TRR.

Governing Body

The board of directors, partners, committee of management or other governing body of an Undertaking.


Means a group of entities which includes an entity (the ‘first entity’) and:

(a) any parent of the first entity; and

(b) any subsidiaries (direct or indirect) of the parent or parents in (a) or the first entity.


(a) guidance adopted under, or contained in, any AIFC Act; or

(b) a code of practice, standard, policy statement or anything else adopted as guidance under any AIFC Act.

Holding Company

(As defined in the Companies Regulations) a holding Body Corporate that is a Company.

Hot Digital wallet

A Digital wallet that is stored in a platform (software application) that is connected to the Internet.


Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process, as defined in Pillar II of the Basel framework for banking supervision


The International Federation of Accountants.


The Islamic Finance Rules.

Individual Capital Requirement

Has the meaning given in BBR 11.3

Inside Information

Information of a precise nature which:

(a) has not been made public; and

(b) relates directly or indirectly, to one or more Issuers or Listed Funds or to one or more Securities or Units in a Listed Fund; and

(c) would, if it were made public, be likely to have a significant effect on the prices of those Securities or Units in a Listed Fund or on the price of related derivative Securities or Units in a Listed Fund.

Insider Dealing

(a) The use, by a Person who possesses Inside information, of that information by acquiring or disposing of, for its own account or for the account of a third party, directly or indirectly, Securities or Units in a Listed Fund to which that information relates; or

(b) the use of Inside Information by cancelling or amending an order concerning a Security or Units in a Listed Fund to which the information relates where the order was placed before the Person concerned possessed the Inside Information; or

(c) the use of recommendations or inducements to engage in Insider Dealing, where the Person using the recommendation or inducement knows or ought to know that it is based on Inside Information.

Insurance Business

The business of conducting either or both of the following regulated activities: (a) effecting Contracts of Insurance; (b) carrying out Contracts of Insurance.

Insurance Intermediary

An Authorised Firm whose Licence authorises it to carry on the Regulated Activity of Insurance Intermediation.

Insurance Intermediary Audit Report

The report specified in COB 11.8.15.

Insurance Intermediation

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 15 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Insurance Liabilities

Liabilities of an Insurer arising out of its General Insurance Business and Long-Term Insurance Business.

Insurance Risk Requirement

The capital component identified in ‎2.3 (Insurance Risk Requirement) of PINS ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).


An Authorised Firm with an authorisation to conduct Insurance Business.

Interest Rate Risk Capital Requirement

A component of Market Risk Capital Requirement and calculated in accordance with BBR 6.5 and chapter 6 of BPG.

Internal Auditor

The Approved Individual performing the role identified at PINS ‎2.2.4 (Internal Auditor).

The Approved Individual performing the role identified at TRR ‎2.4.4 (Internal Auditor).

International Standards on Auditing

The international standards on auditing issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) of IFAC.

International Standards on Quality Control

The international standards on quality control issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) of IFAC.


A Security, Unit, Derivative, Digital Asset or Environmental Instrument and a
right or interest in the relevant Security, Unit, Derivative, Digital Asset, or
Environmental Instrument.

Investment Business

The business of:

(a) Dealing in Investments as Principal;

(b) Dealing in Investments as Agent;

(c) Managing Investments;

(d) Managing a Collective Investment Scheme;

(e) Providing Custody;

(f) Arranging Custody;

(g) Acting as the Trustee of a Fund;

(h) Advising on Investments;

(i) Arranging Deals in Investments;

(j) Managing a Restricted Profit Sharing Investment Account; or

(k) Operating an Exchange.

but not including Digital Asset Business.

Investment Crowdfunding Platform

An electronic platform or a facility referred to in paragraph 5(1) of Schedule 4 of the AIFC General Rules.

Investment Research

Research or other information recommending or suggesting an investment strategy, explicitly or implicitly, concerning one or several Investments or the issuers of Investments, including any opinion as to the present or future value or price of such Investments, intended for distribution channels or for the public, and in relation to which the following conditions are met:

(a) it is labelled or described as investment research or in similar terms, or is otherwise presented as an objective or independent explanation of the matters contained in the recommendation; and

(b) if the recommendation in question were to be made by an Authorised Firm to a Client, it would not constitute Advising on Investments.

Investment Risk Requirement

The sum of an AIFC-Incorporated Insurer’s Asset Risk Component, Off-Balance Sheet Asset Risk Component and Off-Balance Sheet Liability Risk Component.

The sum of an AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator’s Asset Risk Component, Off-Balance Sheet Asset Risk Component and Off-Balance Sheet Liability Risk Component

Investment Service

The service of:

(a) Dealing in Investments as Principal;

(b) Dealing in Investments as Agent;

(c) Managing Investments;

(d) Advising on Investments; or

(e) reception and transmission of orders in relation to Investments.

Investment Token

A digital representation of an Investment (other than a Digital Asset and a right or interest in the Digital Asset) that is issued, transferred and stored using DLT or other similar technology approved by the AFSA.


A Person who invests or seeks to invest in Investments issued by an Issuer.


Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book as defined in chapter 8 of BBR

Islamic Finance Business

Any part of the financial business of an Authorised Person which is carried out in accordance with Shari’a.


In relation to any Security, the Person by whom it is or is to be issued.

Key Business Document

(In REP) includes:

(a) letterhead communications issued by post, fax or electronic means including email;

(b) written promotional materials;

(c) business cards; and

(d) websites,

but does not include compliment slips, or text messages.


Loss-Absorbing Capacity as defined in section 141 of the FSFR.

LAC requirement

A requirement under section 141 of the FSFR for an Authorised Person to hold and maintain a minimum amount of Loss Absorbing Capacity.

Legal Adviser

In relation to the provision of legal services, an individual:


(a)  who is employed or appointed by an AIFC Body, its organisation, or an AIFC Participant in connection with the business of an AIFC Body, its organisation, or AIFC Participant in the AIFC, whether under a contract of service or for services or otherwise; or


(b)  whose services provided in the AIFC, under an arrangement between an AIFC Body, its organisation, or an AIFC Participant and a third party, are placed at the disposal and under the control of an AIFC Body, its organisation, or an AIFC Participant; or


(c)  who is otherwise specified to be eligible for the purposes of these Regulations by the AIFC Legal Services Board, including one particular class of such individuals being legal advisers or counsel based outside Kazakhstan who spend a limited amount of time in the AIFC for the purposes of, for example, a corporate transaction.


In the AIFC Legal Services Regulations, rules made thereunder and in any other document produced by any Person in connection with the AIFC Legal Services Regulations, the expression “Counsel” may be substituted for “Legal Adviser” if that appears preferable in the context.

Leverage Ratio

Has the meaning given in BBR 4.37


A licence granted by the AFSA under Part 3 of the Framework Regulations.

Life Policy

A Long-Term Insurance Contract (other than a Contract of Reinsurance or a Pure Protection Contract) and includes a Long-Term Care Insurance Contract

Liquid Assets

The amount determined as such in accordance with PRU(INV) 4.3.

Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)

Has the meaning given in BBR 9.16

Liquidity Risk

The risk of loss to an Authorised Firm as a result of inability to meet its obligations as they fall due.

List of Digital Assets admitted to trading

A list of Digital Assets which could be traded in the AIFC and do not require the AFSA’s approval.

Listed Fund

A Fund whose Units have been admitted to the Official List.

Listing Rules

(In AMI) the rules prepared by an Authorised Investment Exchange in accordance with AMI 3.6.

Loan Administrator

A Person appointed by an Authorised Crowdfunding Platform to administer the collection of amounts due and payable under a loan or Debenture pursuant to AMI 7.4.2.

Loan Crowdfunding Platform

An electronic platform or a facility referred to in paragraph 4(1) of Schedule 4 the AIFC General Rules.

Long-Term Captive Insurance Business

Captive Insurance Business in relation to Long-Term Insurance Contracts

Long-Term Care Insurance Contract

A Long-Term Insurance Contract:

(a) that satisfies the following conditions:

(i) it provides (or would at the Policyholder’s option provide) benefits for the Policyholder in the event that the Policyholder’s mental or physical health deteriorates to the extent that he or she is incapacitated, is unable to live independently without assistance, and is not expected to recover to the extent that he or she could live independently without assistance;

(ii) those benefits are payable or provided for services, accommodation or goods that are necessary or desirable for the continuing care of the Policyholder because of that incapacity;

(iii) those benefits can be paid periodically for all or part of the period during which the Policyholder is unable to live independently without assistance; or

(b) that is sold or held out as providing benefits for the Policyholder as set out in paragraph (a).

A Family Takaful Contract that:

(a) satisfies the following conditions:

(i)  it provides (or would at the Policyholder’s option provide) benefits for the Policyholder in the event that the Policyholder’s mental or physical health deteriorates to the extent that he or she is incapacitated, is unable to live independently without assistance, and is not expected to recover to the extent that he or she could live independently without assistance;

(ii) those benefits are payable or provided for services, accommodation or goods that are necessary or desirable for the continuing care of the Policyholder because of that incapacity;

(iii) those benefits can be paid periodically for all or part of the period during which the Policyholder is unable to live independently without assistance; or

(b) is sold or held out as providing benefits for the Policyholder as set out in paragraph (a).

Long-Term Insurance Business

Insurance Business in relation to Long-Term Insurance Contracts

Long-Term Insurance Contract

A Contract of Insurance that falls within one of the categories set out in Schedule 2 of PINS

Long-Term Insurance Fund

A fund established by an Insurer for the purposes of PINS ‎7 (Segregation of Long-Term Insurance assets and liabilities)

Long-Term Insurance Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎9.2 (Long-Term Insurance Risk Component) of PINS ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

Major Acquisition

As defined in Rule 6.2.4 of GEN

Management Information System

Has the meaning given in RAR 5.1.

Managing a Collective Investment Scheme

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 4 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Managing a Restricted Profit Sharing Investment Account

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Managing Investments

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 1 of GEN.


An arrangement under which a Client gives an Authorised Firm the ability to control the Client's assets or liabilities, including having over an account held with a third party‎ in the Client's own name.


The AIFC Market Rules.

Market Abuse

As defined in MAR 5.1 and, in relation to Listed Funds, as applied pursuant to MAR 7:

(a) unlawful disclosure of Inside Information; and

(b) engaging or attempting to engage in Insider Dealing; and

(c) recommending that another Person engage in Insider Dealing; and

(d) inducing another Person to engage in Insider Dealing; and

(e) engaging or attempting to engage in Market Manipulation;

but not:

(a) disclosure of Inside Information made in the course of a Market Sounding; and

(b) the behaviour described in MAR ‎ 5.3.4 to ‎5.3.6 (and in relation to Listed Funds, as applied pursuant to MAR 7); and

(c) accepted market practices established under MAR ‎5.4.4 (and in relation to Listed Funds, as applied pursuant to MAR 7).

Market Activity

An activity referred to in specified of Schedule 4 of AIFC General Rules, subject to any rules made by the AFSA adding to, removing, or otherwise modifying the specified activity.

Market Contract

(a) A contract entered into by an Authorised Investment Exchange or Authorised Clearing House with Members to settle their transactions; and

(b) a contract entered into by a Member of an Authorised Investment Exchange with a Person other than that Authorised Investment Exchange made on, or subject to the rules of, the Authorised Investment Exchange; and

(c) a contract entered into by a Recognised Non-AIFC Member of an Authorised Investment Exchange with a person other than that Authorised Investment Exchange made on, or subject to the rules of, the Authorised Investment Exchange; and

(d) a contract entered into by an Authorised Investment Exchange, in its capacity as such, with a Member, an Authorised Clearing House, or another Authorised Investment Exchange for the purpose of enabling the rights and liabilities of that Member, Authorised Clearing House, or Authorised Investment Exchange under a transaction to be settled; and

(e) a contract entered into by an Authorised Investment Exchange with a Member, an Authorised Clearing House, or another Authorised Investment Exchange for the purpose of providing Central Counterparty clearing services to that Member, Authorised Clearing House, or Authorised Investment Exchange.

Market Counterparty

A Client that meets the requirements for a Market Counterparty in COB 2.7.

Market Counterparty Business

The following activities carried on by an Authorised Firm with or for a Market Counterparty:

(a) Dealing in Investments as Principal;

(b) Dealing in Investments as Agent; or

(c) receiving and transmitting Client orders.

Market Making Agreement

(In AMI) a written agreement between an Authorised Investment Exchange and a Member pursuing a Market Making Strategy by using its facilities.

Market Making Strategy

In relation to an Investment, a strategy by which a Person holds himself out as able and willing to enter into transactions of sale and purchase in Investments of that description at prices determined by him generally and continuously rather than in respect of each particular transaction.

Market Manipulation

The activities set in MAR ‎5.4.2 and the conduct set out in MAR ‎5.4.3 and, in relation to Listed Funds, as applied pursuant to MAR 7.

Market Risk

The risk of loss that arises from fluctuations in the values of, or income from, assets or in interest or exchange rates.

Market Risk Capital Requirement

the meaning given in PRU(INV) 3.3(5).

For Banking Business Firms, has the meaning given in BBR 6.5

Market Sounding

The conduct set out in MAR 5.5.1 and, in relation to Listed Funds, as applied pursuant to MAR 7.

Marketing Material

(in REP) Includes any material communicated to a Person in the course of marketing financial services or financial products or making introductions or referrals.

Master Fund

A Fund which issues its Units or Debentures only to other Funds which are dedicated to investing in that Master Fund.

Matched Principal

An Authorised Firm which deals in Investments subject to the following conditions:

(i)it enters into transactions as a principal only for the purpose of fulfilling its Clients’ orders;

(ii)it holds positions for its own account (“positions”) only as a result of a failure to match Clients’ orders;

(iii)the total market value of the positions it holds is no more than 15% of its Tier 1 Capital; and

the positions are incidental in nature and are strictly limited to the time reasonably required to carry out a transaction of that nature.


Minimum Capital Requirement


A Person who is entitled, under an arrangement or agreement between him and an Authorised Market Institution, a Digital Asset Trading Facility Operator, a MTF Operator or an OTF Operator, to use that institution’s or operator’s facilities.

Membership Rules

(In AMI) the membership rules of an Authorised Market Institution prepared in accordance with AMI 2.6.3.

(In MOTF) the membership rules of a MTF Operator or OTF Operator prepared in accordance with MOTF 3.2.

Minimum Capital Requirement

In PRU(INV), the meaning given in PRU(INV) 3.3(2).

In PRU(INT), the meaning given in PRU(INT) 3.2.


Money-Laundering Reporting Officer, as described in AML 13.1


Any form of money, including cheques and other payable orders.

Money Laundering Reporting Officer

The individual performing the Designated Function identified at GEN 2.3.4.

MTF Operator

A Centre Participant which is licensed by the AFSA to carry on the Regulated Activity of Operating a Multilateral Trading Facility.

Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)

Has the meaning given in BBR 9.19

Nominee Company

A company incorporated in the AIFC whose business consists solely of acting as a holder of Client Assets where such assets are held by the Nominee Company as agent of an Authorised Firm.

Non-AIFC Member Recognition Requirements

The requirements for recognition of Recognised Non-AIFC Members set out in section 91 of the Framework Regulations.

Non-Exempt Fund

(In CIS) A Collective Investment Scheme that is registered as a Non-Exempt Fund.

Non-Fungible Token

An Investment which:

(a) is unique and not fungible with any other Non-Fungible Token;

(b) related to an identified asset; and

(c) is used to prove the ownership or provenance of the asset.

Non-Investment Insurance Contract

A Contract of Insurance that is a General Insurance Contract or a Pure Protection Contract but is not a Long-Term Care Insurance Contract

Non-Investment Takaful Contract

a Takaful Contracts that is a General Takaful Contract or a Pure Protection Contract but is not a Long Term Care Takaful Contract

Non-PRU(INV) Investment Business

Activities defined as such in PRU(INV) 1.3(7).

Off-Balance Sheet Asset Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎5 (Off-Balance Sheet Asset Risk Component) of PINS ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎5 (Off-Balance Sheet Asset Risk Component) of TRR ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

Off-Balance Sheet Liability Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎6 (Off-Balance Sheet Liability Risk Component) of PINS ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎6 (Off-Balance Sheet Liability Risk Component) of TRR ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).


(1) In relation to Securities, an Offer of Securities.

(2) In relation to Units, an Offer of Units (and "Offered" and "Offering" and similar terms have corresponding meanings). 

Offer of Securities

A communication to any Person in any form or by any means, presenting information on the terms of the offer and the Securities offered, so as to enable an investor to decide whether or not to buy or subscribe to those Securities but excluding:

(a) any communication in connection with the trading of Securities admitted to trading on an Authorised Investment Exchange; or

(b) any communication made for the purposes of complying with the on-going reporting requirements of the AFSA or an Authorised Market Institution; or

(c) any other communication prescribed in the Rules by the AFSA.

Offer of Units

A communication to any Person in any form or by any means, presenting information on the terms of the offer and the Unit offered, so as to enable an investor to decide whether or not to buy or subscribe to those Units but excluding:

(a) (in relation to Listed Funds only) any communication in connection with the trading of Units admitted to trading on an Authorised Investment Exchange; or

(b) (in relation to Listed Funds only) any communication made for the purposes of complying with the on-going reporting requirements of the AFSA or an Authorised Market Institution; or

(c) any other communication prescribed in the Rules by the AFSA.

Offering Materials

The offering materials or particulars of a Fund.

Official List

The Official List of Securities and Units in Listed Funds maintained by the AFSA or the relevant Authorised Investment Exchange pursuant to section 64 of the Framework Regulations.

Operating a Clearing House

The Market Activity defined in paragraph 2 of Schedule 4 of the AIFC General Rules.

Operating an Investment Crowdfunding Platform

The Market Activity defined in paragraph 5 of Schedule 4 of the AIFC General Rules.

Operating a Loan Crowdfunding Platform

The Market Activity as defined in paragraph 4 of Schedule 3 of the Framework Regulations.

Operating a Digital Asset Business

Operating a Digital Asset Trading Facility or Providing Custody for safeguarding and administering Digital Assets belonging to another Person, or both.

Operating a Digital Asset Trading Facility

The Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 30 of Schedule 14 of the AIFC General Rules.

Operating a facility for Investment Tokens

In relation to an Authorised Market Institution, means carrying on one or more of the following activities:

(a) Operating an Investment Exchange on which Investment Tokens are traded; or

(b) Operating a Clearing House on which transactions in Investment Tokens are cleared.

Operating a facility for Qualified Investment Tokens

In relation to an Authorised Firm, means Operating a Multilateral Trading Facility or Operating an Organised Trading Facility on which Qualified Investment Token are Traded.

Operating a Representative Office

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 16 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Operating an Exchange

The Market Activity defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 4 of the AIFC General Rules.

Operation of a Payment System

The Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 27 of Schedule 1 of AIFC General Rules.

Opening and Operating Bank Accounts

The Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 26 of Schedule 1 of AIFC General Rules.

Operating a Multilateral Trading Facility

The Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 28 of Schedule 1 of AIFC General Rules.

Operating an Organised Trading Facility

The Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 29 of Schedule 1 of AIFC General Rules.

Operating a Private Financing Platform

The Market Activity defined in paragraph 6 of Schedule 4 of AIFC General Rules.

Operational Risk

Operational Risk is defined as the risk of incurring losses due to inadequate or failed internal systems, processes, and people, or from external events.

Operational Risk Capital Requirement

the meaning given in PRU(INV) 3.3(6).

For Banking Business Firms, has the meaning given in BBR 7.6

Operational Risk Requirement

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎2.4 (Operational Risk Requirement) of PINS ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR))

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎2.4 (Operational Risk Requirement) of TRR ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR))


An instrument that confers on the holder, upon exercise, rights of the kind referred to in any of the following:

(a) a right to acquire or dispose of:

(i) a Security (other than a Warrant) or contractually based investment;

(ii) currency of any country or territory;

(iii) a commodity of any kind;

(b) a right to receive a cash settlement, the value of which is determined by reference to:

(i) the value or price of an index, interest rate or exchange rate; or

(ii) any other rate or variable; or

(c) a right to acquire or dispose of another Option under (a) or (b).

Option Risk Capital Requirement

A component of Market Risk Capital Requirement and calculated in accordance with BBR 6.5 and chapter 6 of BPG.

OTF Operator

A Centre Participant which is licensed by the AFSA to carry on the Regulated Activity of Operating an Organised Trading Facility.

Outstanding Claims Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎8 (Outstanding Claims Risk Component) of PINS ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR))

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎8 (Outstanding Claims Risk Component) of TRR ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR))

Overseas Listed Fund

A Fund:

(a) that is not established or domiciled in the AIFC;

(b) that is not registered or required to be registered under CIS;

(c) that is not managed by a Domestic Fund Manager; and

(d) whose Units have been admitted to trading on another Authorised Investment Exchange, a Recognised Non-AIFC Market Institution or other Equivalent Regulated Exchange for Listed Funds.

Packaged Product

(a) a Life Policy; or

(b) a Family Takaful Contract; or

(с) a Unit in a Collective Investment Scheme


In relation to an Undertaking which is a Partnership, a Person occupying the position of a partner, by whatever name called.


Any partnership, including a partnership constituted under the law of a jurisdiction other than the AIFC, but not including a Limited Liability Partnership.


Prescribed Capital Requirement


Politically Exposed Person. A PEP is a natural person (including a family member or known associate) who is or has been entrusted with a prominent public function, including but not limited to: a head of state or of government, senior politician, member of a legislative or constitutional assembly, senior government official, senior judicial official, senior military officer, ambassador, senior person in an international organisation, senior executive of a state-owned entity, a senior political party official, or an individual who has been entrusted with similar functions such as a director or a deputy director; at an international, national, or regional level.

This definition does not include middle-ranking or more junior individuals in the above categories.


A Person includes any natural person, Body Corporate or body unincorporated, including a legal person, company, Partnership, unincorporated association, government or state.

Personal Transaction

A transaction in an Investment executed for or on behalf of a natural person, where at least one of the following criteria are met:

(1) that person is acting outside the scope of the activities he carried out in that capacity;

(2) the transaction is carried out for the account of any of the following persons:

(a) the natural person;

(b) the spouse or civil partner of the natural person or any partner of that natural person considered by national law as equivalent to a spouse;

(c) a dependent child or stepchild of that natural person;

(d) any other relative of that natural person who has shared the same household as that person for at least one year on the date of the personal transaction concerned;

(e) any person with whom he has close links;

(f) a person whose relationship with that natural person is such that the natural person has a direct or indirect material interest in the outcome of the trade, other than a fee or commission for the execution of the transaction.


Includes a potential policyholder.


The Person who for the time being is the legal holder of a Contract of Insurance, including any Person to whom, under the Contract of Insurance, a sum is due, a periodic payment is payable or any other benefit is to be provided or to whom such a sum, payment or benefit is contingently due, payable or to be provided

Policyholder or Participant

The Person who for the time being is the legal holder of a Takaful Contract, including any Person to whom, under the Takaful Contract, a sum is due, a periodic payment is payable, or any other benefit is to be provided or to whom such a sum, payment or benefit is contingently due, payable or to be provided

Preliminary Notice

A notice issued by the AFSA pursuant to paragraph 4 of schedule 1 of the Framework Regulations.

Premium Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎7 (Premium Risk Component) of PINS ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR))

The capital component identified in paragraph ‎7 (Premium Risk Component) of TRR ‎Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR))

Pre-Resolution Valuation

A valuation referred to in section 146(1) of the FSFR.

Price Information Provider

A price reporting agency or an index provider which constructs, compiles, assesses or reports, on a regular and systematic basis, prices of Investments, rates, indices, commodities or figures, which are made available to users.

Principal Representative

An individual designated by a Representative Office in accordance with REP.

Digital Asset (or Private Electronic Currency or Private E-money)

A digital representation of value that (1) can be digitally traded and functions as (a) a medium of exchange; or (b) a unit of account; or (c) a store of value; (2) can be exchanged back-and-forth for Fiat Currency, but is neither issued nor guaranteed by the government of any jurisdiction, and (3) fulfils the above functions only by agreement within the community of users of the Digital Asset; and accordingly (4) is to be distinguished from Fiat Currency and E-money.

An Excluded Digital Asset is excluded from the scope of the DAA.

Privacy Device

Any technology, Digital wallet or another mechanism or device (excluding a VPN), which has any feature or features used, or intended to be used, to hide, anonymise, obscure or prevent the tracing of any of the following information:

(a) a Digital Asset transaction; or

(b) the identity of the holder of a Digital Asset; or

(c) the cryptographic key associated with a Person; or

(d) the identity of parties to a Digital Asset transaction; or

(e) the value of a Digital Asset transaction; or

(f) the beneficial owner of a Digital Asset.

Privacy Token

A Digital Asset where the Digital Asset or the DLT or another similar technology used for the Digital Asset, has any feature or features that are used, or intended to be used, to hide, anonymise, obscure or prevent the tracing of any of the following information:

(a) a Digital Asset transaction; or

(b) the identity of the holder of a Digital Asset; or

(c) the cryptographic key associated with a Person; or

(d) the identity of parties to a Digital Asset transaction; or

(e) the value of a Digital Asset transaction; or

(f) the beneficial owner of a Digital Asset.

Private Equity Fund

A type of Specialist Fund defined in CIS 2.4(b)(ii).

Private Placement

An Offer made to a Person who is likely to be interested in the Offer having regard to:

(a) previous contact between the Person making the Offer and that Person;

(b) a professional or other connection between the Person making the Offer and that Person; or

(c) statements or actions by that Person that indicate that he is interested in Offers of that kind.

Privileged Communication

A communication attracting a privilege arising from the provision of professional legal advice and any other privilege applicable at law, but which does not include a general duty of confidentiality.

Product Disclosure Document

For a Packaged Product produced by an Authorised Firm: a statement in writing prepared by the firm for the product in accordance with COB 5.6 (Packaged products—additional disclosure)

Professional Client

A Client that is either a Deemed Professional Client or an Assessed Professional Client.

Profit Sharing Investment Account

An account or portfolio in relation to property of any kind, including the currency of any country or territory, held for or within the account or portfolio, which:

(a) is managed under the term of an agreement whereby:

(i) the investor agrees to share any profit with the manager of the account or portfolio in accordance with a predetermined specified percentage or ratio; and

(ii) the investor agrees that he alone will bear any losses in the absence of negligence or breach of contract on the part of the manager; and

(b) is held out as being managed in accordance with Shari'ah.

Property Manager

A Person appointed to provide Real Estate Management and Servicing Activities in respect of Real Properties.


A document referred to in MAR 1.3.

Prospectus Summary

The document referred to in MAR 1.4.

Providing Accountancy Services

The Ancillary Service as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 2 of GEN.

Providing Audit Services

The Ancillary Service as defined in paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 of GEN.

Providing Consultancy Services

The Ancillary Service as defined in paragraph 4 of Schedule 2 of GEN.

Providing Credit

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 18 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Providing Custody

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 5 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Providing Fund Administration

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 8 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Providing Legal Services

The Ancillary Service as defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 of GEN.

Providing Money Services

A Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 21 of Schedule 1 of the GEN.

Providing Transaction Services for Decentralised Digital Assets

Operating a facility that functions regularly to validate and add transaction records to the ledger of all transactions.

Providing Trust Services

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 7 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Provisional Valuation

A valuation referred to in section 146(2) of the FSFR.

PRU Dealing Investment Firm

A Person defined as such in PRU(INV) 1.3(3).

PRU Intermediary Investment Firm

A Person defined as such in PRU(INV) 1.3(4).

PRU Investment Business

Activities defined as such in PRU(INV) 1.3(5).

PRU Investment Firm

A Person defined as such in PRU(INV) 1.3(2).

Public Fund

A Domestic Fund shall be constituted as a Public Fund if:

(a) some or all of its Units are offered to investors by way of a public offer; or

(b) its Unitholders include, or may include, Retail Clients.

Pure Protection Contract

A Long-Term Insurance Contract that meets all of the following conditions:

(a) the benefits under the contract are payable only on death or for incapacity due to injury, sickness or infirmity;

(b) the contract has no surrender value, or the consideration consists of a single premium and the surrender value does not exceed that premium;

(c) the contract makes no provision for its conversion or extension in a way that would result in it ceasing to comply with paragraph (a) or (b);

(d) the contract is not a Contract of Reinsurance.


A Family Takaful Contract that meets all of the following conditions:

(a) the benefits under the contract are payable only on death or for incapacity due to injury, sickness or infirmity;

(b) the contract has no surrender value, or the consideration consists of a single premium and the surrender value does not exceed that premium;

(c) the contract makes no provision for its conversion or extension in a way that would result in it ceasing to comply with paragraph (a) or (b);

(d) the contract is not a Contract of Retakaful.

Qualified Investment

In accordance with MOTF 5.2, Qualified Investment means a financial or commodity instrument, agreement or transaction under which, at a specified time or within a specified period of time:

(a)  a payment or delivery obligation is to be performed, or title to commodity or asset is to be transferred; or

(b)  an obligation to make payment or delivery, or to transfer title to commodity or asset, is to be entered into or incurred.

Quilified Investment Token

A digital representation of a Quilified Investment that is issued, transferred and stored using DLT or other similar technology approved by the AFSA.

Qualifying ESG Debenture Standards

Means any one of the standards mentioned in MAR 1.10.3.


The AIFC Recovery and Resolution Rules.


Risk-Based Approach, as described in AML 4.1.1.

Real Estate Investment Trust or REIT

A type of Specialist Fund defined in CIS 2.4(b)(iv).

Real Estate Management and Servicing Activities

Activities relating to managing and supervising real estate on behalf of the owner, including (but not limited to) carrying out or contracting for the provision of maintenance, cleaning and administration and appointing of leasing agents, but excluding selling or renting such real estate.

Real Property

Any form of direct or indirect interest in real estate.


The Recognition Rules.

Recognised Jurisdiction

A jurisdiction which has been recognised by the AFSA in accordance with CIS Schedule 2.

Recognised Non-AIFC Clearing House

A Person declared by the AFSA to be a Recognised Non-AIFC Clearing House under section 89 of the Framework Regulations.

Recognised Non-AIFC Investment Exchange

A Person declared by the AFSA to be a Recognised Non-AIFC Investment Exchange under section 89 of the Framework Regulations.

Recognised Non-AIFC Market Institutions

Either a Recognised Non-AIFC Clearing House or a Recognised Non-AIFC Investment Exchange.

Recognised Non-AIFC Member

A Person declared by the AFSA to be a Recognised Non-AIFC Member under section 91 of the Framework Regulations.

Recognition Requirements

The requirements specified in section 89(3) of the Framework Regulations in relation to the declaration by the AFSA of a Person to be either Recognised Non-AIFC Investment Exchange or Recognised Non-AIFC Clearing House.


The process of restoring the financial position of an Authorised Person (or one or more entities in its Group) in the event of a serious deterioration of an Authorised Person’s financial position.

Recovery Measures

The measures, set out in a Recovery Plan, to be taken to restore the financial position of an Authorised Person in the event of a serious deterioration of its financial position.

Recovery Plan

A plan referred to in section 137(2) of the FSFR.

Registered Auditor

An auditor or audit firm registered, licensed, or otherwise regulated by any competent authority worldwide.

Registrar of Companies

The registrar of companies appointed pursuant to the AIFC Companies Regulations.

Registration Document

In relation to a Prospectus structured as multiple documents, the document referred to in MAR 1.3.1(a)(ii).

Regulated Activity

An activity specified of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Regulated Exchange

An exchange regulated by a financial services regulator.

Regulated Financial Institution

A Person who does not hold a Licence but who is authorised in a jurisdiction other than the AIFC to carry on any financial service by another Financial Services Regulator.


A regulation enacted under Article 4(3) of the Constitutional Statute.

Regulatory Capital

Has the meaning given in BBR 4.13

Regulatory Objectives

The objectives of the AFSA identified in section 7(3) of the Framework Regulations.

Related Party

(1) In MAR has the meaning given in MAR 2.5.2(a).

(2) In CIS, in relation to a Fund:

(a) its Fund Manager;

(b) its Governing Body;

(c) an individual director of a Body Corporate acting as director of a Fund;

(d) its Custodian;

(e) its Trustee or other Persons providing oversight;

(f) any Advisor;

(g) a holder of 5% or more of the Units of the Fund; or

(h) an Associate of a Person in (a) to (g).

Related Party Transaction

(1) In MAR has the meaning given in MAR 2.5.2(b).

(2) In CIS, in relation to a Fund, means a transaction in respect of Fund Property entered into by a Fund Manager with a Related Party.

Related Person

A Person (the second Person) is a Related Person of that Firm if:

(a)       the Firm and the second Person are members of the same Group;

(b)       the second Person is an individual who is a director or officer of the Firm or of another member of the same Group;

(c)       the second Person is the spouse or minor child of an individual mentioned in paragraph (b); or

(d)       the second Person is a company that is subject to significant influence by or from an individual mentioned in paragraph (b) or (c).

Relevant Person

In AML has the meaning given in AML 1.2(a).


Regional Equity Markets Segment

REMS shares

Shares as defined in MAR 1.3.1


The Representative Office Rules.

Reporting Entity

A Person who:

(a) has Securities or Units admitted to an Official List;

(b) is the Fund Manager of a Listed Fund; or

(c) is declared by the AFSA to be a Reporting Entity.

Residual Institution

In circumstances where part of the business of an Authorised Person has been sold to a private sector purchaser applying the Sale of Business Tool, the unsold or non-transferred part of the Authorised Person


The process of resolving an Authorised Person, including the stabilisation and restructuring of that Authorised Person through the exercise or application of one or more Resolution Powers or Resolution Tools.

Resolution Action

The exercise of a Resolution Power or application of a Resolution Tool and any activity connected with that exercise or application.

Resolution Authority

Authority entrusted with the powers to exercise Resolution in a relevant jurisdiction.

Resolution Conditions

The conditions referred to in section 144(1) of the FSFR.

Resolution Objectives

The AFSA’s objectives set out in section 7(3A), 7(3B) and 7(3C) of the FSFR.

Resolution Plan

A plan referred to in section 138(1) of the FSFR.

Resolution Power

A power referred to in section 147 of the FSFR.

Resolution Recognition Order

An order made by the AFSA under section 153 of the FSFR that recognises, in whole or in part, Resolution Action taken by another Resolution Authority.

Resolution Safeguards

The safeguards referred to in section 151 of the FSFR and RAR 4.6.

Resolution Tool

The Sale of Business Tool or Bail-In Tool referred to in section 148 and 149 respectively of the FSFR.

Retail Client

A Client that is not classified as a Professional Client or Market Counterparty.

Retail Investor

(In MAR) means any natural person that is not an Accredited Investor, provided that the aggregate amount in current value of Securities which are the subject of the offer that were sold by the offeror to each Retail Investor, during the 12-month period preceding the date of any offer made under this rule, does not exceed the greater of USD2,000 or 10 percent of the annual income or 5 percent of net worth of such Retail Investor (excluding the value of the primary residence), whichever is lesser, but not to exceed a maximum aggregate amount sold of USD100,000.

Risk Management Policy

A written policy that complies with the requirements of PINS ‎3.1.3 (Contents of Risk Management Policy)

A written policy that complies with the requirements of TRR ‎3.1.3 (Contents of Risk Management Policy)

Risk Management Strategy

A written strategy document that complies with the requirements of PINS ‎3.1.2 (Contents of Risk Management Strategy)

A written strategy document that complies with the requirements of TRR ‎3.1.2 (Contents of Risk Management Strategy)

Risk Officer

The Approved Individual performing the role identified at PINS ‎2.2.3 (Risk Officer)

The Approved Individual performing the role identified at TRR ‎2.4.3.

Risk Weighted Assets (RWAs)

Has the meaning given in BBR 4.7


In relation to an asset or an off-balance sheet exposure of a PRU Dealing Investment Firm.

Risk-Weighted Assets Amount

The amount calculated in respect of a PRU Dealing Investment Firm as identified in guidance to PRU(INV) 3.3(4).


A rule made by the AFSA under Article 4(3) of the Constitutional Statute.

Sale of Business Tool

The Resolution Tool referred to in section 147(1)(h) and section 148 of the FSFR.

Savings Account

An account with a Bank held in the name of a Client through which the Client can place and withdraw Deposits.


Simplified Due Diligence, as described in AML 8.1.1.

Securities Note

In relation to a Prospectus structured as multiple documents, the document referred to in MAR 1.3.1(a)(iii).

Securities Settlement System

A system operated by a Person which enables Investments held in accounts to be transferred and settled by book entry according to a set of laws and predetermined multilateral rules to provide legal certainty.


1. A Security is:

(a) a Share;

(b) a Debenture;

(c) a Warrant;

(d) a Certificate; or

(e) a Structured Product.

2. Only for the purposes of article 6 of the Constitutional Statute, a Security includes a Unit or a Security Token.

Security Token

A digital representation of a Security or Unit, that is issued, transferred and stored using DLT or other similar technology approved by the AFSA.

Segregated Client

A Client whose assets or Money is required to be held in compliance with either COB 8.2, COB 8.3 or COB 11.8.

Self-hosted Digital Wallet

A software or hardware that enables a person to store and transfer Digital Assets on his own behalf, and in relation to which the public and private cryptographic keys are controlled or held by that Person.

Senior Executive Officer

The individual performing the Controlled Function specified in GEN 2.2.2.

Senior Manager

The individual performing the Designated Function specified in GEN 2.3.2.


A share or stock in the share capital of any Body Corporate or any unincorporated body (excluding a Unit)

Shell Bank

A bank that has no physical presence in the country in which it is incorporated or licensed and which is not affiliated with a regulated financial group that is subject to effective consolidated supervision. In this definition, physical presence in a jurisdiction is a presence involving meaningful decision-making and management and not merely the presence of a local agent or low level staff.

Single Family

in relation to a Single Family Office, means a group of individuals, who at th time of estanlishment of the Single Family Office in the AIFC, are the legitimate or illegitimate lineal descendants of a common ancestor who is no more than 3 generations removed from the youngest generation of descendants. 

The individuals who make up the Single Family may include stepchildren, foster children, children adopted under judicial proceedings or by legal guardianship and the spouses of the individuals that make up the Single Family (including widows or widowers, whether or not remarried).

An individual who, after the Single Family Office is established in the AIFC, becomes:

(a)   a descendant of the common ancestor; or

(b)   a spouse of the descendant (including a widow or widower, whether or not remarried);

is a member of the Single Family even if the individual is more than 3 generations removed from the common ancestor.

Single Family Office

a Body Corporate established in the AIFC that:

(a) is indirectly or wholly owned by members of a Single Family; and

(b) does not hold itself out to the public as carrying on Regulated Activities; and

(c) carries on Regulated Activities on behalf of Family Clients only.

Skilled Person

A Person appointed to make a report required by the AFSA under section 97 of the Framework Regulations.



A computer code that represents a contract, and that executes and enforces the terms of such contract on an automated basis, without the need for intermediation by any person.

Solo Prudential Return

A prudential return is referred to as a Solo Prudential Return if it reflects the individual Bank’s accounts, statements and reports.

Solvency Reference Date

The date at which an Insurer’s compliance with the requirements of PINS ‎5 (Capital adequacy requirements) is assessed.

The date at which a Takaful Operator’s compliance with the requirements of TRR ‎5 is assessed.

Source(s) of Funds

The origin of the customer's funds which relate to a transaction or service and includes how such funds are connected to a customer's source of wealth.

Source(s) of Wealth

How the customer's global wealth or net worth is or was acquired or accumulated.


Suspicious Transaction Report. A report in a prescribed format regarding suspicious activity or suspicious transactions made to the FIU.

Structured Product

An instrument comprising rights under a contract where:

(a) the gain or loss of each party to the contract is ultimately determined by reference to the fluctuations in the value or price of property of any description, an index, interest rate, exchange rate or a combination of any of these as specified for that purpose in the contract (“the underlying factor”) and is not leveraged upon such fluctuations;

(b) the gain or loss of each party is wholly settled by cash or setoff between the parties;

(c) each party is not exposed to any contingent liabilities to any other counterparty; and

(d) there is readily available public information in relation to the underlying factor;

but excludes any rights under an instrument:

(e) where one or more of the parties takes delivery of any property to which the contract relates;

(f) which is a Debenture; or

(g) which is a Contract of Insurance.


In accordance with paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 of the Companies Regulations, a Body Corporate (the first Body Corporate) is a Subsidiary of another Body Corporate (the second Body Corporate) if:

(a) the second Body Corporate:

(i) holds a majority of the voting rights in the first Body Corporate; or

(ii) is a shareholder of the first Body Corporate and has the right to appoint or remove a majority of the board of Directors or managers of the first Body Corporate; or

(iii) is a shareholder of the first Body Corporate and controls alone, under an agreement with other shareholders, a majority of the voting rights in the first Body Corporate; or

(b) the first Body Corporate is a subsidiary of another Body Corporate that is itself a subsidiary of the second Body Corporate, which is its Holding Company.


A separate pool of Fund Property within an Umbrella Fund.

Supplementary Prospectus

An updated or replacement Prospectus produced in accordance with in section 73 of the Framework Regulations.

Takaful Business

A Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 24 of Schedule 1 of the GEN.

Takaful Contract

Any Contract of Insurance which is Shari’ah-compliant and is either a Family Takaful Contract or a General Takaful Contract

Takaful Fund

Has the meaning given in TRR 1.1.5 (2)

Takaful Liabilities

Liabilities of a Takaful Operator arising out of its General Takaful Business and Family Takaful Business.

Takaful Operator

Has the meaning given in TRR 1.1.5 (1)

Takaful Risk Requirement

The capital component identified in ‎2.3 (Takaful Risk Requirement) of TRR ‎ Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).


A takeover or merger transaction however effected, including schemes of arrangements which have similar commercial effect to takeovers and mergers, partial bids, bid by a parent company for shares in its subsidiary and (where appropriate) share repurchases by general bid.

Takeover Offer

A public offer (other than by the offeree company itself) made to the holders of the Securities of a company to acquire all or some of those Securities, whether mandatory or voluntary, which follows or has as its objective the acquisition of control of the offeree company.

Takeover Principles

Principles prescribed by the AFSA pursuant to section 88(1)(b) of the Framework Regulations.

Takeover Rules

Rules prescribed by the AFSA pursuant to section 88(1)(a) of the Framework Regulations.

Temporary Administrator

A person appointed by the AFSA under section 150 of the FSFR to be a Temporary Administrator of an Authorised Person.

Testing FinTech Activities

The activity as defined in paragraph 2.2.1 of FINTECH

Third Party Account Provider

In relation to a Client Money Account or a Client Investment Account, means an Authorised Firm or Regulated Financial Institution (including a bank, custodian, intermediate broker, settlement agent, clearing house, exchange and/or "over the counter" counterparty) that is a separate legal entity from the Authorised Firm that is required under COB to establish the Client Money Account or Client Investment Account.

Third Party Agent

In relation to a Client Account, means an Authorised Firm or Regulated Financial Institution (including a bank, custodian, an intermediate broker, a settlement agent, a clearing house, an exchange and ‘over the counter’ counterparty) that is a separate legal entity from the Authorised Firm that is required under COB to establish the Client Account.

Third Party Digital wallet Service Provider

(1) A Digital wallet Service Provider other than a Digital Asset Trading Facility Operator Providing Custody of Digital Assets traded on its facility; or

(2) A Person in another jurisdiction Providing Custody of Investment Tokens, Qualified Investment Tokens or Digital Assets by holding and controlling the public and private cryptographic keys relating to the Investemnt Tokens, Qualified Investment Tokens or Digital Assets, which is authorised and appropriately supervised for that activity by a Financial Services Regulator.

Tier 1 Capital

Has the meaning given in BBR 4.13

Tier 1 Capital

The components of capital identified at paragraph ‎3 (Components of Tier 1 Capital) of PINS ‎Schedule 3 (Calculation of Eligible capital)

The components of capital identified at paragraph ‎3 of TRR ‎Schedule 3 (Calculation of Eligible capital).

Tier 2 Capital

Has the meaning given in BBR 4.18

Tier 2 Capital

The components of capital identified at paragraph ‎4 (Components of Tier 2 Capital) of PINS ‎Schedule 3 (Calculation of Eligible capital)

The components of capital identified at paragraph ‎4 of TRR ‎Schedule 3 (Calculation of Eligible capital)

Trade Repository

A centralised registry that maintains an electronic database containing records of transactions in Derivatives, including over-the-counter Derivatives.


A digital representation of value, rights or obligations, which may be issued, transferred and stored electronically, using DLT or other similar technology.

Trading Book

Has the meaning given in BBR 6.2

Trading Facility Operator

Has the meaning given in MOTF 1.2 (5).


Any transaction undertaken by an Authorised Firm in the course of carrying on a Financial Service in or from the AIFC.

Transaction Services for Decentralised Digital Assets

(also known as Mining)

Validation and adding transactions made with a Decentralised Digital Assets to the ledger of all transactions.

Travel Rule

Has the meaning given to it in FATF’s Updated Guidance for a Risk-Based Approach for Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers [October 2021], as may be amended from time to time

Umbrella Fund

A Fund in which the contributions of the Unitholders in the Fund and the profits or income out of which payments made to them are pooled separately in a number of Sub-Funds constituting separate parts of the Fund Property.



(a) a Body Corporate; or

(b) Partnership; or

(c) an unincorporated association carrying on a trade or business, with or without a view to profit.


A unit in or a share representing the rights or interests of a

Unitholder in a Fund.


A Person who participates in a Fund.


United Nations Security Council Resolutions, as referenced in AML 12.1.

Unsolicited Real Time Financial Promotion

Has the meaning given in COB 3.4.2.

Utility Token

A Digital Asset:

(a) which can be used by the holder only to pay for, receive a discount on, or access a product or service (whether current or proposed); and

(b) the product or service referred to in (a) is provided by the issuer of the Digital Asset or of another entity in the issuer’s Group.


A valuer of a Fund's property appointed in accordance with CIS.

Venture Capital Fund

A type of Specialist Fund defined in CIS 2.4(b)(iii).


an instrument that confers on the holder a right entitling the holder to acquire an unissued Share or Debenture

Write Down or Conversion Power

The power referred to in section 147(1)(e) of the FSFR.


Accepting Deposits

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 17 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Acting as the Trustee of a Fund

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 9 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Admission to Clearing Rules

(In AMI) rules prepared by an Authorised Clearing House in accordance with AMI 4.1.

Admission to Trading Rules

(In AMI) rules prepared by an Authorised Investment Exchange in accordance with AMI 3.2.

Advising on a Credit Facility

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 19 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Advising on Investments

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 10 of Schedule 1 of GEN.


In relation to a Firm, any entity of which the Firm holds directly or indirectly or controls 10% or more but less than a majority of the voting power.


Astana Financial Services Authority.


Astana International Financial Centre

AIFC Court

The court specified under Article 13 of the Constitutional Law.

AIFC Operation

The PRU Investment Business of an Externally Regulated PRU Investment Firm that is (a) carried on through an establishment in the AIFC or (b) carried on through an establishment outside the AIFC but with customers who are resident in the AIFC.

AIFC-Incorporated Insurer

An Insurer that is incorporated as a legal entity under the laws of the AIFC

AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator

A Takaful Operator that is incorporated as a legal entity under the laws of the AIFC


The Anti-Money Laundering, Counter-Terrorist Financing and Sanctions Rules.

AML Return

A report in a prescribed format to be filed on an annual basis as described in AML 13.7.

Ancillary Service

An activity specified in Schedule 2 of GEN.

Ancillary Service Provider

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on one or more Ancillary Services.

Annual Operating Expenditure

The amount determined as such in accordance with PRU(INV) 4.4.

Approved Actuary

The Approved Individual performing the role identified at PINS 2.2.5 (Approved Actuary).

The Approved Individual performing the role identified at TRR 2.4.5 (Approved Actuary).

Approved ECAI

An External Credit Assessment Institution in respect of which the AFSA has given approval for its ratings to be relied on by PRU Investment Firms in relation to PRU(INV) 4.

Approved Individual

An individual who is approved by the AFSA to carry out a Controlled Function.

Arranging a Credit Facility

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 20 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Arranging Custody

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 6 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Arranging Deals in Investments

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 11 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Assessed Professional Client

Has the meaning given in COB 2.5.1 and 2.5.6.

Asset Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph 4.1 of PINS Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement).

The capital component identified in paragraph 4.1 of TRR Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement).


In respect of a Person ‘A’, any Person, including an affiliated company which is:

  • (a) an Undertaking in the same Group as A; or
  • (b) any other person whose business or domestic relationship with A or his Associate might reasonably be expected to give rise to a community of interest between them which may involve a conflict of interest in dealings with third parties.

Associated Party

PINS: (a) a holding company, subsidiary or related company of an AIFCIncorporated Insurer, (b) a subsidiary or related company of a holding company of an AIFC-Incorporated Insurer, (c) a holding company of a subsidiary of an AIFC-Incorporated Insurer, or (d) a company that, alone or with associates, is entitled to exercise, or control the exercise of, more than 50% of the voting power in the general meeting of an AIFC-Incorporated Insurer.

TRR: (a) a holding company, subsidiary or related company of an AIFCIncorporated Takaful Operator, (b) a subsidiary or related company of a holding company of an AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator, (c) a holding company of a subsidiary of an AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator, or (d) a company that, alone or with associates, is entitled to exercise, or control the exercise of, more than 50% of the voting power in the general meeting of an AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator.

AT1 Capital

Additional Tier 1 Capital, as defined in BBR 4.16.

Audit Personnel

An individual:

  • (a) who is employed or appointed by an Auditor in connection with the Auditor's business in the AIFC, whether under a contract of service or for services or otherwise; or
  • (b) whose services provided in the AIFC, under an arrangement between the Auditor and a third party, are placed at the disposal and under the control of the Auditor.

Audit Principal

A natural person who is appointed by an Auditor under AUD 2.1.3(g).


Authorised Clearing House

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on the Market Activity of Operating a Clearing House.

Authorised Crowdfunding Platform

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on the Market Activity of Operating a Loan Crowdfunding Platform and/or the Market Activity of Operating an Investment Crowdfunding Platform.

Authorised Firm

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on one or more Regulated Activities.

Authorised Investment Exchange

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on the Market Activity of Operating an Investment Exchange.

Authorised Market Institution

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on one or more Market Activities.

Authorised Person

Either an Authorised Firm or an Authorised Market Institution

Authorised Private E-currency Trading Facility

A Centre Participant which has been licensed by the AFSA to carry on the Market Activity of Operating a Private E-currency Trading Facility.

Authorised Promoter

Has the meaning given in COB 3.3.1.

AIFC Legal Services Board

A designated body for the registration and regulation of Legal Advisers to maintain the safety and soundness of the legal services market in the AIFC.



A Regulated Financial Institution that is authorised to accept deposits or Open and Operate Bank Accounts or both, as defined in BBR 1.5.

Banking Book

Includes all on and off-balance sheet positions, exposures, items, which are not included in the Trading Book.

Banking Business Firm

Has the meaning given in AIFC BBR rule 1.4.

Base Capital Requirement

The meaning given in PRU(INV) 3.3(3). For Banking Business Firms has the meaning given in BBR 4.10.

Basel Requirements

The rules and guidance from time to time published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.


AIFC Banking Business Prudential Rules

Beneficial owner

The beneficial owner, in relation to a customer, is a natural person:

  • (a) who ultimately controls, directly or indirectly, a customer;
  • (b) who, in relation to a customer which is a legal person or arrangement, exercises (whether directly or indirectly) ultimate effective control over the person or arrangement, or the management of such person or arrangement;
  • (c) who ultimately owns or has an ownership interest in the customer, whether legally or beneficially, directly or indirectly;
  • (d) on whose behalf or for whose benefit a transaction is being conducted; or
  • (e) on whose instructions the signatories of an account, or any intermediaries instructing such signatories, are for the time being accustomed to act.

A person not falling into (a) or (b) is not a beneficial owner by reason of (c) or (d) if, having regard to a risk-based assessment of the customer, the ownership interest is small and in the circumstances poses an insignificant (or no) risk of money laundering.

In (a) to (e), a reference to a "customer" includes a customer account, customer assets, and the underlying legal person or arrangements which constitute or make up the customer, customer account, or customer assets.


In reference to a corporation, the board of directors of the corporation.

Body Corporate

Any body corporate, including a limited liability partnership and a body corporate constituted under the law of a country or territory outside the AIFC.


A Person who seeks and/or receives funding in the form of one or more loans under an agreement with a lender via the sale of a Debenture which may be facilitated via a Loan Crowdfunding Platform as set out in paragraph 4 of Schedule 4 of AIFC General Rules.


AIFC Banking Business Prudential Guideline


A Centre Participant which is incorporated pursuant to the law of a jurisdiction other than the AIFC.

Broker Dealer

Has the meaning given in BBR 1.6

Business Rules

(In AMI) rules established and maintained by an Authorised Market Institution in accordance with AMI 2.5.1.

(In MOTF) rules established and maintained by a MTF Operator or an OTF Operator in accordance with MOTF 6.1.


Capital Conservation Buffer

Has the meaning given in BBR 4.31

Capital Floor

The minimum paid up share capital, or equivalent in any currency acceptable to the AFSA, which must be maintained by an AIFC-Incorporated Insurer pursuant to paragraph 1.1 (The Capital Floor) of PINS Schedule 4 (Calculation of Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)).

The minimum paid up share capital, or equivalent in any currency acceptable to the AFSA, which must be maintained by an AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator pursuant to paragraph 1.1 (The Capital Floor) of TRR Schedule 4 (Calculation of Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)).

Capital Resources

In PRU(INV) has the meaning given in PRU(INV) 3.2.

In PRU(INT) has the meaning given in PRU(INT) 3.1(1).

Captive Insurance Business

The business of Effecting or Carrying out Contracts of Insurance only for the business or operations of the Group to which the Captive Insurer belongs.

Captive Insurer

An Authorised Firm with a Licence to carry on Insurance Business only for the business or operations of the Group to which it belongs.

Captive Takaful Business

The business of Effecting or Carrying out Takaful Contracts only for the business or operations of the Group to which the Captive Takaful Operator belongs.

Captive Takaful Operator

An Authorised Firm with a Licence to carry on Takaful Business only for the business or operations of the Group to which it belongs.


Customer Due Diligence, as described generally in AML 6

Central Counterparty

A legal person that interposes itself between the counterparties to the contracts traded on one or more financial markets, becoming the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer.

Central Securities Depository

A Person who holds Securities or Units in a Listed Fund in uncertificated (dematerialised) form so as to act as a repository of ownership entitlements to such Investments to enable book entry transfer of such Investments for the purposes of settlement of transactions.

Centralised Private E-currency

Private E-currency issued by a single or several administrating authorities that establish the rules for its use, maintain a central payment ledger, and have authority to redeem the Currency (withdraw it from circulation).

Centre Bodies

The bodies identified in Article 9 of the Constitutional Law.

Centre Participant

As defined in Article 1(5) of the Constitutional Law: “legal entities incorporated pursuant to the acting law of the Centre, and other legal entities accredited by the Centre”


An instrument:

  • (a) which confers on the holder contractual or property rights to or in respect of a Share, Debenture or Warrant held by a Person; and
  • (b) the transfer of which may be effected by the holder without the consent of that other Person;

but excludes rights under an Option


The Collective Investment Scheme Rules


A Person to whom a Centre Participant provides, intends to provide or has provided a service in the course of carrying on a Regulated Activity, Market Activity or Ancillary Service.

Client Investment

An investment as defined in COB 8.3.1

Client Investment Account

An account as defined in COB 8.3.4.

Client Investments Auditor's Report

The report specified in COB 8.3.14.

Client Investments Rule

The Rules contained in COB 8.3.

Client Money

In COB 8, has the meaning given in Rule 8.2.1;

In COB 11, Money of any currency that an Insurance Intermediary receives or holds for, or on behalf of, a Client in the course of, or in connection with,

Insurance Intermediation, except Money which is:

(a) due and payable by the Client to the Insurance Intermediary:

(b) otherwise received by the Insurance Intermediary under an arrangement made between an insurer and another Person that has authority to underwrite risks, settle claims, or handle refunds of premiums on behalf of that insurer outside the AIFC and where the Money relates to that business.

Client Money Account

Has the meaning given in COB 8.2.4

Client Money Auditor's Report

The report specified in COB 8.2.19.

Client Money Distribution Rules

In COB 8, the Rules contained in COB 8.2.16;

In COB 11, the Rules contained in COB 11.8.14

Client Money Rules

The Rules contained in COB 8.2


The Conduct of Business Rules.

Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

The code of ethics for accountants issued by the International Ethics Standard Board for Accountants (IESBA) of IFAC.

Cold Digital wallet

A Digital wallet that is stored in a platform (device) that is not connected to the Internet.


An Investment which belongs to a Client has been paid for in full by the Client and which is held or controlled by the Authorised Firm under the terms of a deposit, pledge, charge or other security arrangement.

Collective Investment Scheme

As defined in section 92 of the Framework Regulations, which is, in summary, any arrangements with respect to property of any description, including money, the purpose or effect of which is to enable Persons taking part in the arrangements (whether by becoming owners of the property or any part of it or otherwise) to participate in or receive profits or income arising from the acquisition, holding, management or disposal of the property or sums paid out of such profits or income.

Commitment Period

The period specified by an Authorised Crowdfunding Platform in which lenders or Investors may commit to lending to a particular Borrower or investing with a particular Issuer.

Commodities Risk Capital Requirement

A component of Market Risk Capital Requirement and calculated in accordance with BBR 6.5 and chapter 6 of BPG.

Company service provider

A Company service provider is a Person, not captured by (a) to (e) of the definition of DNFBP that, by way of business, provides any of the following services to a customer:

  • (a) acting as an agent of legal persons to form a company;
  • (b) acting as, or arranging for another Person to act as, a director or secretary of a company, a partner of a partnership, or a similar position in relation to other legal persons;
  • (c) providing a registered office, business address, or accommodation, correspondence or administrative address for a company, a partnership, or any other legal person or arrangement; or
  • (d) acting as, or arranging for another Person to act as, a nominee shareholder for another Person, including through acting on trust for discretionary purposes.

Compliance Officer

The individual performing the Controlled Function identified in GEN 2.2.5.

Connected Person

In relation to a Person (A), a Person which has or at any relevant time had the following relationship to A:

  • (a) a member of A’s Group;
  • (b) a Controller of A;
  • (c) a member of a partnership of which A is a member;
  • (d) an Employee or former Employee of A;
  • (e) if A is a Body Corporate:
  • (i) an officer or manager of A or of a parent of A;
  • (ii) an agent of A or of a parent of A;
  • (f) if A is a Partnership is or has been a member, manager or agent of A; or
  • (g) if A is an unincorporated association of persons which is not a Partnership, is or has been an officer, manager or agent of A.

Consolidated Return

A Consolidated prudential return means a prudential return which reflects the accounts, statements and reports of a Bank consolidated with those of the other members of its Financial Group.


In relation to a Fund:

  • (a) which is in the form of a Body Corporate, the instrument of incorporation;
  • (b) which is in the form of a Trust, the trust deed;
  • (c) which is in the form of a Partnership, the partnership deed; or
  • (d) adopting a form other than one specified in (a) to (c), any instrument creating the legal form of the Fund to which the Fund Manager is a party setting out provisions relating to any aspect of the operation or management of the Fund.

Contingency Funding Plan

Has the meaning given in BBR 9.10.

Contingent Liability Transaction

A Derivative under the terms of which the Client will or may be liable to make further payments (other than charges, and whether or not secured by margin) when the transaction falls to be completed or upon the earlier closing out of his position.

Contract for Differences

(1) Subject to sub‐paragraph (2), rights under—

  • (a) a contract for differences; or
  • (b) any other contract the purpose or pretended purpose of which is to secure a profit or avoid a loss by reference to fluctuations in—
  • (i) the value or price of property of any description; or
  • (ii) an index or other factor designated for that purpose in the contract.

(2) There are excluded from sub‐paragraph (1) —

  • (a) rights under a contract if the parties intend that the profit is to be secured or the loss is to be avoided by one or more of the parties taking delivery of any property to which the contract relates;
  • (b) rights under a contract under which money is received by way of deposit on terms that any interest or other return to be paid on the sum deposited will be calculated by reference to fluctuations in an index or other factor;
  • (c) rights under a Contract of Insurance.

Contract of Insurance

Any contract of insurance or contract of reinsurance.

Contract of Insurance

Any enforceable contract under which a 'provider' undertakes: (1) in consideration of one or more payments; (2) to pay money or provide a corresponding benefit (including in some cases services to be paid for by the provider) to a 'recipient'; (3) in response to a defined event the occurrence of which is uncertain (either as to when it will occur or as to whether it will occur at all) and adverse to the interests of the recipient.

Contract of Reinsurance

A Contract of Insurance covering all or part of a risk to which a Person is exposed under a Contract of Insurance.


The conduct identified in section 119 of FSFR.


In relation to a Family Business or Family Entity, the exercise of at least 75 percent of voting control or other direct or indirect control over the affairs of that Family Business or Family Entity by:

  • (a) one or more members of a Single Family;
  • (b) one or more Family Fiduciary Structures;
  • (c) one or more Family Entities; or
  • (d) a combinations of any of the above.

Controlled Function

A function of an Authorised Person that may only be carried out by an Approved Individual.


A Person who, either alone or with any Associate:

Corporate Governance Principles

The principles prescribed in MAR 2.2.

Correspondent Account

An arrangement under which a Bank (correspondent) holds funds on behalf of other bank (respondent) to make payments and other related services for or on behalf of the respondent bank.

Counterparty Grade

The grade of an asset according to the rating of its counterparty, in accordance with the table at paragraph 3.1 (Table A Grade of assets according to counterparty ratings) of PINS Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

The grade of an asset according to the rating of its counterparty, in accordance with the table at paragraph 3.1 (Table A Grade of assets according to counterparty ratings) of TRR Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

Credit Conversion Factor

In relation to an off-balance sheet exposure of a PRU Dealing Investment Firm.

Credit Equivalent Amount

Has the meaning given in BBR 5.11

Credit Facility

Any facility which includes any arrangement or agreement which extends monetary credit whether funded or unfunded to a Person including but not limited to any loan or syndicated loan, mortgage, overdraft, financial lease, letter of credit, financial guarantee, trade finance, transaction finance, project finance or asset finance.

Credit Provider

Has the meaning given in BBR 1.7

Credit Rating

An opinion regarding the creditworthiness of an entity, Security, debt or other financial obligation which is disseminated to the public or distributed to a Person by subscription and expressed using an established and defined ranking system regarding the creditworthiness of the rating subject.

Credit Risk

In relation to an Authorised Firm, the risk of loss if a counterparty fails to perform or on (or) meet its financial obligation to the Authorised Firm.

Credit Risk Capital Requirement

The meaning given in PRU(INV) 3.3(4).

For Banking Business Firms has the meaning given in BBR 4.11 and in Chapter 5 of BBR

Credit Risk Mitigation

Has the meaning given in BBR 5.14.


Counter-Terrorist Financing.

Current Account

An account with a Bank held in the name of a Client through which the Client can place funds, withdraw cash and execute and receive payment transactions.


Unless otherwise indicated, a customer is:

(a) A person where, in relation to a business relationship between the person and a Relevant Person, there is a firm intention or commitment by each party to enter into a contractual relationship or where there is a firm commitment by each party to enter into a transaction, in connection with a product or service provided by the Relevant Person;

(b) A client of an Authorised Firm;

(c) A member, prospective member, or an applicant for admission of Investments to trading on an Authorised Market Institution; or

(d) A person with whom a Relevant Person is otherwise establishing or has established a business relationship.


Dealing in Investments as Agent

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Dealing in Investments as Principal

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 of GEN.


An instrument creating or acknowledging indebtedness, whether secured or not, but excludes:

  • (a) an instrument creating or acknowledging indebtedness for, or for money borrowed to defray, the consideration payable under a contract for the supply of goods or services;
  • (b) a cheque or other bill of exchange, a banker’s draft or a letter of credit (but not a bill of exchange accepted by a banker);
  • (c) a banknote, a statement showing a balance on a bank account, or a lease or other disposition of property; and
  • (d) a Contract of Insurance.

Decentralised Private E-currency

Private E-currency that have no central administrating authority, and no central monitoring or oversight, give rise to no claims on their issuer, and contain no contractual right to receive Fiat Currency or another financial asset.

Decision Notice

A notice issued by the AFSA pursuant to paragraph 5 of schedule 1 of the Framework Regulations

Deemed Professional Client

Has the meaning given in COB 2.4.1.

Default Rules

(In AMI) rules prepared by an Authorised Market Institution in accordance with AMI 3.5 or AMI 4.6.

(In MOTF) rules prepared by a MTF Operator or OTF Operator in accordance with MOTF 17.1.

Delivery Versus Payment Transaction (DVP)

A transaction in which the transfer of Investments and the payment of Money between the buyer and the seller are intended to occur simultaneously.


1. A Deposit means a sum of money paid on terms:

  • (a) under which it will be repaid, with or without interest or a premium, and either on demand or at a time or in circumstances agreed by or on behalf of the Person making the payment and the Person receiving it; and
  • (b) which is not relevant to the provision of property (other than currency) or services or the giving of security.

2. In (1) money is paid on terms which are relevant to the provision of property or services or the giving of security if:

  • (a) it is paid by way of advance or part payment under a contract for the sale, hire or other provision of property or services, and is repayable only in the event that the property or services are not in fact sold, hired or otherwise provided;
  • (b) it is paid by way of security for the performance of a contract or by way of security in respect of loss which may result from the non-performance of a contract; or
  • (c) without prejudice to (b), it is paid by way of security for the delivery up of property, whether in a particular state of repair or otherwise. Exclusions

3. A sum is not a Deposit if it is paid:

4. A sum is not a Deposit if it is received:

  • (a) by a lawyer acting in his professional capacity;
  • (b) by an accountant acting in his professional capacity;
  • (c) by an Authorised Firm or an Authorised Market Institution authorised to carry on any one or more of the Regulated Activities defined in

Schedule 1 of the GEN, except Accepting Deposits, in the course of or for the purpose of any such Regulated Activity disregarding any applicable exclusions; or by a Person as consideration for the issue by him of a Debenture.


An Option, a Future or a Contract for Differences

Designated Functions

Any of the functions specified in GEN 2.3.

Designated Individual

An individual who is appointed by an Authorised Person to carry out a Designated Function.

Developing FinTech Activities

The activity as defined in paragraph 2.3.1 of FINTECH.

Digital wallet (or E-wallet)

A means (software application, electronic device or other mechanism/medium) for holding, storing and transferring Private E-currency, E-money and/or other assets, investments.

Direct Electronic Access

Direct Electronic Access means:

(a) an arrangement (called direct market access), through which a Member or a client of a member is able to electronically transmit, using the Member’s trading code, an order relating to a Security, Unit in a Listed Fund or Qualified Investment directly to the facility operated by the Authorised Market Institution or MTF or OTF Operator. It includes arrangements for the use, by a Person, of the infrastructure (or connecting system) of the Member, client of the Member or another participant; or

(b) an arrangement (called sponsored access) through which a Member or a client of a member is able to electronically transmit, using the Member’s trading code, an order to the facility operated by the Authorised Market Institution or MTF or OTF Operator without using the infrastructure (or connecting system) of the Member or another participant or client.

Direct Electronic Access Rules

(In AMI) the rules prepared by an Authorised Market Institution in accordance with AMI 2.7.


A Person, by whatever name called, who is:

  • (a) appointed to the position of a director; or
  • (b) appointed to the position of an alternate director, and is acting in that capacity; or
  • (c) not validly appointed as a director but is acting in the position of a director (i.e. a de-facto director).

Distribution Event

A distribution event is:

  • (a) the appointment of a liquidator, receiver or administrator, or trustee in bankruptcy, over the Authorised Firm or its Nominee Company;
  • (b) the appointment of a liquidator, receiver or administrator, or trustee in bankruptcy, over a Third-Party Account Provider of the Authorised Firm or its Nominee Company; or
  • (c) the coming into force of a direction by the AFSA in respect of all Client Assets held by the Authorised Firm.


Designated Non-Financial Business and Profession.

The following class of persons whose business or profession is carried on in or from the AIFC constitute DNFBPs:

(a) A real estate developer or agency which carries out transactions with a customer involving the buying or selling of real property;

(b) A dealer in precious metals or precious stones;

(c) A dealer in any saleable item of a price equal to or greater than USD 15,000;

(d) A law firm, notary firm, or other independent legal business;

(e) An accounting firm, audit firm, or insolvency firm; or

(f) A Company service provider; or

(g) A Single Family Office.

A person who is an Authorised Person or a Registered Auditor is not a DNFBP.

Domestic Fund

A Collective Investment Scheme that is established or domiciled in the AIFC.

Domestic Fund Manager

A Fund Manager located in the AIFC.



External Credit Rating Agency

E-currency (or E-money)

A digital representation of Fiat Currency used to electronically transfer value denominated in Fiat Currency.


Enhanced Due Diligence, as described in AML 7.1.1.

Eligible Capital

The capital instruments that may be recognised by an AIFC-Incorporated Insurer for the purpose of meeting its MCR and PCR in accordance with PINS Schedule 3 (Calculation of Eligible capital).

The capital instrument that may be recognised by an AIFC-Incorporated Takaful Operator for the purpose of meeting its MCR and PCR in accordance with TRR Schedule 3 (Calculation of Eligible capital).

Eligible Custodian

A custodian of a Fund's property appointed in accordance with CIS.


As defined in the Employment Regulations, an individual who works or will work in the service of another person under an express or implied contract of hire under which the other person has the right to control the details of work performance. The other person is the Employee’s Employer.

Employee Share Scheme

A scheme or arrangement for encouraging or facilitating the holding of Shares or Debentures in a Company by or for the benefit of:

  • (a) the bona fide Employees or former Employees of the Company, the Company’s subsidiary or Holding Company or a subsidiary of the Company’s Holding Company; or
  • (b) the wives, husbands, widows, widowers or minor children or minor stepchildren of the individuals referred to in (a).

Equity Risk Capital Requirement

A component of Market Risk Capital Requirement and calculated in accordance with BBR 6.5 and chapter 6 of BPG.

Equivalent Regulated Exchange for Listed Funds

A Regulated Exchange in relation to which the AFSA has determined, either on the application of a Fund Manager or upon its own initiative, that is equivalent to an Authorised Investment Exchange in relation to the listing of Listed Funds. The AFSA may publish a list from time to time identifying Regulated Exchanges it has determined to be Equivalent Regulated Exchanges.

Exempt Fund

A Collective Investment Scheme identified in CIS 2.2(a).

Exempt Offeror

The Persons identified in MAR 1.2.1.

Exempt Securities

The Securities listed in MAR 1.2.2.

Externally Regulated PRU Investment Firm

A Person who is specified as such in a direction made by the AFSA under PRU(INV) 1.3(9).


Has the meaning given in MAR 1.9.3.


Family Business

In relation to a Single Family, a business controlled by a Single Family.

Family Captive Takaful Business

Captive Takaful Business in relation to Family Takaful Contracts.

Family Client

In relation to a Single Family:

Family Entity

In relation to a Single Family, an entity controlled by a Single Family.

Family Fiduciary Structure

In relation to a Single Family, a Trust, Foundation or similar entity:

  • (a) of which a member of the Single Family or a Family Entity related to the Single Family is the settler or Founder; and
  • (b) the beneficiaries of which, or Persons otherwise capable of benefiting from which, are all:
  • (i) members of the Single Family;
  • (ii) charities;
  • (iii) Family Entities; or
  • (iv) other Family Fiduciary Structures related to the Single Family

Family Member

In relation to an individual:

  • (a) his spouse;
  • (b) his child, step-child, parent, step-parent, brother, sister, step-brother, or stepsister; or
  • (c) a spouse of any individual within (b).

Family Takaful Business

Takaful Business in relation to Family Takaful Contracts.

Family Takaful Contract

A Shari’ah-Compliant Takaful Contracts that falls within one of the categories set out in Schedule 2 of TRR.

Family Takaful Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph 9.2 (Family Takaful Risk Component) of TRR Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).


Financial Action Task Force, as described in AML 1.4(a).

FATF Recommendations

The publication entitled the "International Standards on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation" as published and amended from time to time by FATF.

Fiat Currency

Currency which is issued by or on behalf of the government in its country (or countries) of issuance, and which is designated as legal tender in that or those countries through government decree, regulation or law.

Finance Officer

The individual performing the Controlled Function specified in GEN 2.2.4.

Financial Condition Report

The report identified in PINS 9.1.2 (Financial Condition Reports).

The report identified in TRR 9.1.2 (Financial Condition Reports).

Financial Crime

Any kind of conduct relating to money or to financial services or markets that would amount to criminal conduct under Kazakh law (whether or not such conduct takes place in the Republic of Kazakhstan), including any offence involving:

  • (a) fraud or dishonesty; or
  • (b) misconduct in, or misuse of information relating to, a financial market; or
  • (c) handling the proceeds of crime; or
  • (d) the financing of terrorism.

Financial Group

A group of entities which includes an Authorised Firm and:

Financial Institution

A regulated or unregulated entity, whose activities are primarily financial in nature.

Financial Product

A Contract of Insurance or Investment.

Financial Promotion

Any communication (made via any medium including brochures, telephone calls and presentations) the purpose or effect of which is:

Financial Service

A Regulated Activity or a Market Activity.

Financial Services Regulator

A regulator of Financial Services established in a jurisdiction other than the AIFC.


Means technology-enabled innovation in financial services that could result in new business models, applications, processes or products with an associated material effect on the provision of financial services.

FinTech Lab Activities

Activities specified in GEN 1.4. carried out for the purposes of Developing or Testing FinTech Activities.

FinTech Lab Participant

Means an Authorised Person who was issued a Licence to carry on one or more FinTech Activities within the FinTech Lab.

Foreign Exchange Risk Capital Requirements

A component of Market Risk Capital Requirement and calculated in accordance with BBR 6.5 and chapter 6 of BPG.

Foreign Fund

A Collective Investment Scheme that is not established or domiciled in the AIFC.

Foreign Fund Manager

A Fund Manager not located in the AIFC.

Framework Regulations

The Financial Services Framework Regulations.


A Collective Investment Scheme.

Fund Manager

A Person responsible for the management of the property held for or within a Fund and (or) who operates the Fund.

Fund Property

The property held for or within a Fund.


An instrument comprising rights under a contract:

  • (a) for the sale of a commodity or property of any other description under which delivery is to be made at a future date and at a price agreed on when the contract is made, and that contract:
  • (i) is made or traded on a regulated exchange;
  • (ii) is made or traded on terms that are similar to those made or traded on a regulated exchange; or
  • (iii) would, on reasonable grounds, be regarded as made for investment and not for commercial purposes; or
  • (b) where the value of the contract is ultimately determined by reference, wholly or in part, to fluctuations in:
  • (i) the value or price of property of any description; or
  • (ii) an index, interest rate, any combination of these, exchange rate or other factor designated for that purpose in the contract; and which is wholly settled by cash or set-off between the parties but excludes:
  • (iii) rights under a contract where one or more of the parties takes delivery of any property to which the contract relates;
  • (iv) a contract under which money is received by way of deposit or an acknowledgement of a debt on terms that any return to be paid on the sum deposited or received will be calculated by reference to an index, interest rate, exchange rate or any combination of these or other factors; or
  • (v) a Contract of Insurance.



The General Rules.

General Captive Insurance Business

Captive Insurance Business in relation to General Insurance Contracts.

General Captive Takaful Business

Captive Takaful Business in relation to General Takaful Contracts.

General Insurance Business

Insurance Business in relation to General Insurance Contracts

General Insurance Contract

A Contract of Insurance that falls within one of the categories set out in Schedule 1 of PINS.

General Prohibition

The prohibition in section 24 of the Framework Regulations.

General Takaful Business

Takaful Business in relation to General Takaful Contracts.

General Takaful Contract

A Takaful Contract that falls within one of the categories set out in Schedule 1 of TRR.

Governing Body

The board of directors, partners, committee of management or other governing body of an Undertaking.


Means a group of entities which includes an entity (the ‘first entity’) and:

  • (a) any parent of the first entity; and
  • (b) any subsidiaries (direct or indirect) of the parent or parents in (a) or the first entity.


Holding Company

(As defined in the Companies Regulations) a holding Body Corporate that is a Company.

Hot Digital wallet

A Digital wallet that is stored in a platform (software application) that is connected to the Internet.



Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process, as defined in Pillar II of the Basel framework for banking supervision


The International Federation of Accountants.


The Islamic Finance Rules.

Individual Capital Requirement

Has the meaning given in BBR 11.3.

Inside Information

Information of a precise nature which:

  • (a) has not been made public; and
  • (b) relates directly or indirectly, to one or more Issuers or Listed Funds or to one or more Securities or Units in a Listed Fund; and
  • (c) would, if it were made public, be likely to have a significant effect on the prices of those Securities or Units in a Listed Fund or on the price of related derivative Securities or Units in a Listed Fund.

Insider Dealing

  • (a) The use, by a Person who possesses Inside information, of that information by acquiring or disposing of, for its own account or for the account of a third party, directly or indirectly, Securities or Units in a Listed Fund to which that information relates; or
  • (b) the use of Inside Information by cancelling or amending an order concerning a Security or Units in a Listed Fund to which the information relates where the order was placed before the Person concerned possessed the Inside Information; or
  • (c) the use of recommendations or inducements to engage in Insider Dealing, where the Person using the recommendation or inducement knows or ought to know that it is based on Inside Information.

Insurance Business

The business of conducting either or both of the following regulated activities: (a) effecting Contracts of Insurance; (b) carrying out Contracts of Insurance.

Insurance Intermediary

An Authorised Firm whose Licence authorises it to carry on the Regulated Activity of Insurance Intermediation

Insurance Intermediary Audit Report

The report specified in COB 11.8.15.

Insurance Intermediation

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 15 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Insurance Liabilities

Liabilities of an Insurer arising out of its General Insurance Business and LongTerm Insurance Business.

Insurance Risk Requirement

The capital component identified in 2.3 (Insurance Risk Requirement) of PINS Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).


An Authorised Firm with an authorisation to conduct Insurance Business.

Interest Rate Risk Capital Requirement

A component of Market Risk Capital Requirement and calculated in accordance with BBR 6.5 and chapter 6 of BPG.

Internal Auditor

The Approved Individual performing the role identified at PINS 2.2.4 (Internal Auditor).

The Approved Individual performing the role identified at TRR 2.4.4 (Internal Auditor).

International Standards on Auditing

The international standards on auditing issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) of IFAC.

International Standards on Quality Control

The international standards on quality control issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) of IFAC.


A Security, Unit, Derivative or a Private E-currency and a right or interest in the relevant Security, Unit, Derivative or a Private E-currency.

Investment Crowdfunding Platform

An electronic platform or a facility referred to in paragraph 5(1) of Schedule 4 of the AIFC General Rules.

Research or other information recommending or suggesting an investment strategy, explicitly or implicitly, concerning one or several Investments or the issuers of Investments, including any opinion as to the present or future value or price of such Investments, intended for distribution channels or for the public, and in relation to which the following conditions are met:

  • (a) it is labelled or described as investment research or in similar terms, or is otherwise presented as an objective or independent explanation of the matters contained in the recommendation; and
  • (b) if the recommendation in question were to be made by an Authorised Firm to a Client, it would not constitute Advising on Investments.

Investment Service

The service of:


A Person who invests or seeks to invest in Investments issued by an Issuer.


Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book as defined in chapter 8 of BBR.

Islamic Finance Business

Any part of the financial business of an Authorised Person which is carried out in accordance with Shari’a.


In relation to any Security, the Person by whom it is or is to be issued.


Key Business Document

(In REP) includes:

  • (a) letterhead communications issued by post, fax or electronic means including email;
  • (b) written promotional materials;
  • (c) business cards; and
  • (d) websites,

but does not include compliment slips, or text messages


Leverage Ratio

Has the meaning given in BBR 4.37


A licence granted by the AFSA under Part 3 of the Framework Regulations.

Liquid Assets

The amount determined as such in accordance with PRU(INV) 4.3.

Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)

Has the meaning given in BBR 9.16

Liquidity Risk

The risk of loss to an Authorised Firm as a result of inability to meet its obligations as they fall due.

Listed Fund

A Fund whose Units have been admitted to the Official List.

Listing Rules

(In AMI) the rules prepared by an Authorised Investment Exchange in accordance with AMI 3.6.

Loan Administrator

A Person appointed by an Authorised Crowdfunding Platform to administer the collection of amounts due and payable under a loan or Debenture pursuant to AMI 7.4.2.

Loan Crowdfunding Platform

An electronic platform or a facility referred to in paragraph 4(1) of Schedule 4 the AIFC General Rules.

Long-Term Captive Insurance Business

Captive Insurance Business in relation to Long-Term Insurance Contracts.

Long-Term Care Insurance Contract

A Long-Term Insurance Contract:

  • (a) that satisfies the following conditions:
  • (i) it provides (or would at the Policyholder’s option provide) benefits for the Policyholder in the event that the Policyholder’s mental or physical health deteriorates to the extent that he or she is incapacitated, is unable to live independently without assistance, and is not expected to recover to the extent that he or she could live independently without assistance;
  • (ii) those benefits are payable or provided for services, accommodation or goods that are necessary or desirable for the continuing care of the Policyholder because of that incapacity;
  • (iii) those benefits can be paid periodically for all or part of the period during which the Policyholder is unable to live independently without assistance; or
  • (b) that is sold or held out as providing benefits for the Policyholder as set out in paragraph (a).

A Family Takaful Contract that:

  • (a) satisfies the following conditions:
  • (i) it provides (or would at the Policyholder’s option provide) benefits for the Policyholder in the event that the Policyholder’s mental or physical health deteriorates to the extent that he or she is incapacitated, is unable to live independently without assistance, and is not expected to recover to the extent that he or she could live independently without assistance;
  • (ii) those benefits are payable or provided for services, accommodation or goods that are necessary or desirable for the continuing care of the Policyholder because of that incapacity;
  • (iii) those benefits can be paid periodically for all or part of the period during which the Policyholder is unable to live independently without assistance; or
  • (b) is sold or held out as providing benefits for the Policyholder as set out in paragraph (a).

Long-Term Insurance Business

Insurance Business in relation to Long-Term Insurance Contracts.

Long-Term Insurance Contract

A Contract of Insurance that falls within one of the categories set out in Schedule 2 of PINS.

Long-Term Insurance Fund

A fund established by an Insurer for the purposes of PINS 7 (Segregation of Long-Term Insurance assets and liabilities).

Long-Term Insurance Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph 9.2 (Long-Term Insurance Risk Component) of PINS Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

Legal Adviser

In relation to the provision of legal services, an individual:

(a)who is employed or appointed by an AIFC Body, its organisation, or an AIFC Participant in connection with the business of an AIFC Body, its organisation, or AIFC Participant in the AIFC, whether under a contract of service or for services or otherwise; or

(b)whose services provided in the AIFC, under an arrangement between an AIFC Body, its organisation, or an AIFC Participant and a third party, are placed at the disposal and under the control of an AIFC Body, its organisation, or an AIFC Participant; or

(c)  who is otherwise specified to be eligible for the purposes of these Regulations by the AIFC Legal Services Board, including one particular class of such individuals being legal advisers or counsel based outside Kazakhstan who spend a limited amount of time in the AIFC for the purposes of, for example, a corporate transaction.

In the AIFC Legal Services Regulations, rules made thereunder and in any other document produced by any Person in connection with the AIFC Legal Services Regulations, the expression “Counsel” may be substituted for “Legal Adviser” if that appears preferable in the context.


Major Acquisition

As defined in Rule 6.2.4 of GEN.

Managing a Collective Investment Scheme

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 4 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Managing a Restricted Profit Sharing Investment Account

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Managing Investments

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 1 of GEN


An arrangement under which a Client gives an Authorised Firm the ability to control the Client's assets or liabilities, including having over an account held with a third party in the Client's own name.


The AIFC Market Rules.

Market Abuse

As defined in MAR 5.1 and, in relation to Listed Funds, as applied pursuant to MAR 7:

Market Activity

An activity referred to in specified of Schedule 4 of AIFC General Rules, subject to any rules made by the AFSA adding to, removing, or otherwise modifying the specified activity.

Market Contract

(a) A contract entered into by an Authorised Investment Exchange or Authorised Clearing House with Members to settle their transactions; and

(b) a contract entered into by a Member of an Authorised Investment Exchange with a Person other than that Authorised Investment Exchange made on, or subject to the rules of, the Authorised Investment Exchange; and

(c) a contract entered into by a Recognised Non-AIFC Member of an Authorised Investment Exchange with a person other than that Authorised Investment Exchange made on, or subject to the rules of, the Authorised Investment Exchange; and

(d) a contract entered into by an Authorised Investment Exchange, in its capacity as such, with a Member, an Authorised Clearing House, or another Authorised Investment Exchange for the purpose of enabling the rights and liabilities of that Member, Authorised Clearing House, or Authorised Investment Exchange under a transaction to be settled; and

(e) a contract entered into by an Authorised Investment Exchange with a Member, an Authorised Clearing House, or another Authorised Investment Exchange for the purpose of providing Central Counterparty clearing services to that Member, Authorised Clearing House, or Authorised Investment Exchange.

Market Counterparty

A Client that meets the requirements for a Market Counterparty in COB 2.7.

Market Counterparty Business

The following activities carried on by an Authorised Firm with or for a Market Counterparty:

Market Making Agreement

(In AMI) a written agreement between an Authorised Investment Exchange and a Member pursuing a Market Making Strategy by using its facilities.

Market Making Strategy

In relation to an Investment, a strategy by which a Person holds himself out as able and willing to enter into transactions of sale and purchase in Investments of that description at prices determined by him generally and continuously rather than in respect of each particular transaction.

Market Manipulation

The activities set in MAR 5.4.2 and the conduct set out in MAR 5.4.3 and, in relation to Listed Funds, as applied pursuant to MAR 7.

Market Risk

The risk of loss that arises from fluctuations in the values of, or income from, assets or in interest or exchange rates.

Market Risk Capital Requirement

the meaning given in PRU(INV) 3.3(5).

For Banking Business Firms, has the meaning given in BBR 6.5

Market Sounding

The conduct set out in MAR 5.5.1 and, in relation to Listed Funds, as applied pursuant to MAR 7.

Marketing Material

(in REP) Includes any material communicated to a Person in the course of marketing financial services or financial products or making introductions or referrals.

Matched Principal

An Authorised Firm which deals in Investments subject to the following conditions:

(i) it enters into transactions as a principal only for the purpose of fulfilling its Clients’ orders;

(ii) it holds positions for its own account (“positions”) only as a result of a failure to match Clients’ orders;

(iii) the total market value of the positions it holds is no more than 15% of its Tier 1 Capital; and the positions are incidental in nature and are strictly limited to the time reasonably required to carry out a transaction of that nature.


Minimum Capital Requirement


A Person who is entitled, under an arrangement or agreement between him and an Authorised Market Institution, a MTF Operator or an OTF Operator, to use that institution’s or operator's facilities

Membership Rules

(In AMI) the membership rules of an Authorised Market Institution prepared in accordance with AMI 2.6.3.

(In MOTF) the membership rules of a MTF Operator or OTF Operator prepared in accordance with MOTF 3.2.

Minimum Capital Requirement

In PRU(INV), the meaning given in PRU(INV) 3.3(2).

In PRU(INT), the meaning given in PRU(INT) 3.2.


Money-Laundering Reporting Officer, as described in AML 13.1


Any form of money, including cheques and other payable orders.

Money Laundering Reporting Officer

The individual performing the Designated Function identified at GEN 2.3.4.

MTF Operator

A Centre Participant which is licensed by the AFSA to carry on the Regulated Activity of Operating a Multilateral Trading Facility.


Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)

Has the meaning given in BBR 9.19.

Nominee Company

A company incorporated in the AIFC whose business consists solely of acting as a holder of Client Assets where such assets are held by the Nominee Company as agent of an Authorised Firm.

Non-AIFC Member Recognition Requirements

The requirements for recognition of Recognised Non-AIFC Members set out in section 91 of the Framework Regulations.

Non-Exempt Fund

(In CIS) A Collective Investment Scheme that is registered as a Non-Exempt Fund.

Non-Investment Takaful Contract

a Takaful Contracts that is a General Takaful Contract or a Pure Protection Contract but is not a Long Term Care Takaful Contract.

Non-PRU(INV) Investment Business

Activities defined as such in PRU(INV) 1.3(7).


Off-Balance Sheet Asset Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph 5 (Off-Balance Sheet Asset Risk Component) of PINS Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

The capital component identified in paragraph 5 (Off-Balance Sheet Asset Risk Component) of TRR Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

Off-Balance Sheet Liability Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph 6 (Off-Balance Sheet Liability Risk Component) of PINS Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

The capital component identified in paragraph 6 (Off-Balance Sheet Liability Risk Component) of TRR Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).


(1) In relation to Securities, an Offer of Securities.

(2) In relation to Units, an Offer of Units (and "Offered" and "Offering" and similar terms shall be construed accordingly).

Offer of Securities

A communication to any Person in any form or by any means, presenting information on the terms of the offer and the Securities offered, so as to enable an investor to decide whether or not to buy or subscribe to those Securities but excluding:

  • (a) any communication in connection with the trading of Securities admitted to trading on an Authorised Investment Exchange; or
  • (b) any communication made for the purposes of complying with the on-going reporting requirements of the AFSA or an Authorised Market Institution; or
  • (c) any other communication prescribed in the Rules by the AFSA.

Offer of Units

A communication to any Person in any form or by any means, presenting information on the terms of the offer and the Unit offered, so as to enable an investor to decide whether or not to buy or subscribe to those Units but excluding:

  • (a) (in relation to Listed Funds only) any communication in connection with the trading of Units admitted to trading on an Authorised Investment Exchange; or
  • (b) (in relation to Listed Funds only) any communication made for the purposes of complying with the on-going reporting requirements of the AFSA or an Authorised Market Institution; or
  • (c) any other communication prescribed in the Rules by the AFSA.

Offering Materials

The offering materials or particulars of a Fund.

Official List

The Official List of Securities and Units in Listed Funds maintained by the AFSA or the relevant Authorised Investment Exchange pursuant to section 64 of the Framework Regulations.

Operating a Clearing House

The Market Activity defined in paragraph 2 of Schedule 4 of the AIFC General Rules.

Operating an Investment Crowdfunding Platform

The Market Activity defined in paragraph 5 of Schedule 4 of the AIFC General Rules.

Operating a Loan Crowdfunding Platform

The Market Activity as defined in paragraph 4 of Schedule 3 of the Framework Regulations.

Operating a Private E-currency Business

Operating a Private E-currency Trading Facility or Providing Custody for safeguarding and administering Private E-currencies belonging to another Person, or both.

Operating a Private E-currency Trading Facility

The Market Activity defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 4 of the AIFC General Rules.

Operating a Representative Office

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 16 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Operating an Exchange

The Market Activity defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 4 of the AIFC General Rules.

Operation of a Payment System

The Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 27 of Schedule 1 of AIFC General Rules.

Opening and Operating Bank Accounts

The Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 26 of Schedule 1 of AIFC General Rules.

Operating a Multilateral Trading Facility

The Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 28 of Schedule 1 of the AIFC General Rules.

Operating an Organised Trading Facility

The Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 29 of Schedule 1 of the AIFC General Rules.

Operating a Private Financing Platform

The Market Activity defined in paragraph 6 of Schedule 4 of AIFC General Rules.

Operational Risk

Operational Risk is defined as the risk of incurring losses due to inadequate or failed internal systems, processes, and people, or from external events.

Operational Risk Capital Requirement

the meaning given in PRU(INV) 3.3(6).

For Banking Business Firms, has the meaning given in BBR 7.6

Operational Risk Requirement

The capital component identified in paragraph 2.4 (Operational Risk Requirement) of PINS Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

The capital component identified in paragraph 2.4 (Operational Risk Requirement) of TRR Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).


An instrument that confers on the holder, upon exercise, rights of the kind referred to in any of the following:

  • (a) a right to acquire or dispose of:
  • (i) a Security (other than a Warrant) or contractually based investment;
  • (ii) currency of any country or territory;
  • (iii) a commodity of any kind;
  • (b) a right to receive a cash settlement, the value of which is determined by reference to:
  • (i) the value or price of an index, interest rate or exchange rate; or
  • (ii) any other rate or variable; or
  • (c) a right to acquire or dispose of another Option under (a) or (b).

Option Risk Capital Requirement

A component of Market Risk Capital Requirement and calculated in accordance with BBR 6.5 and chapter 6 of BPG.

Outstanding Claims Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph 8 (Outstanding Claims Risk Component) of PINS Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

The capital component identified in paragraph 8 (Outstanding Claims Risk Component) of TRR Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

Overseas Listed Fund

A Fund:

OTF Operator

A Centre Participant which is licensed by the AFSA to carry on the Regulated Activity of Operating an Organised Trading Facility.


Packaged Product

(a) a Life Policy; or

(b) a Family Takaful Contract; or

(с) a Unit in a Collective Investment Scheme


In relation to an Undertaking which is a Partnership, a Person occupying the position of a partner, by whatever name called.


Any partnership, including a partnership constituted under the law of a jurisdiction other than the AIFC, but not including a Limited Liability Partnership.


Prescribed Capital Requirement


Politically Exposed Person. A PEP is a natural person (including a family member or known associate) who is or has been entrusted with a prominent public function, including but not limited to: a head of state or of government, senior politician, member of a legislative or constitutional assembly, senior government official, senior judicial official, senior military officer, ambassador, senior person in an international organisation, senior executive of a state-owned entity, a senior political party official, or an individual who has been entrusted with similar functions such as a director or a deputy director; at an international, national, or regional level.

This definition does not include middle-ranking or more junior individuals in the above categories.


A Person includes any natural person, Body Corporate or body unincorporated, including a legal person, company, Partnership, unincorporated association, government or state.

Personal Transaction

A transaction in an Investment executed for or on behalf of a natural person, where at least one of the following criteria are met:

(1) that person is acting outside the scope of the activities he carried out in that capacity;

(2) the transaction is carried out for the account of any of the following persons:

  • (a) the natural person;
  • (b) the spouse or civil partner of the natural person or any partner of that natural person considered by national law as equivalent to a spouse;
  • (c) a dependent child or stepchild of that natural person;
  • (d) any other relative of that natural person who has shared the same household as that person for at least one year on the date of the personal transaction concerned;
  • (e) any person with whom he has close links;
  • (f) a person whose relationship with that natural person is such that the natural person has a direct or indirect material interest in the outcome of the trade, other than a fee or commission for the execution of the transaction.


Includes a potential policyholder.


The Person who for the time being is the legal holder of a Contract of Insurance, including any Person to whom, under the Contract of Insurance, a sum is due, a periodic payment is payable or any other benefit is to be provided or to whom such a sum, payment or benefit is contingently due, payable or to be provided.

Policyholder or Participant

The Person who for the time being is the legal holder of a Takaful Contract, including any Person to whom, under the Takaful Contract, a sum is due, a periodic payment is payable, or any other benefit is to be provided or to whom such a sum, payment or benefit is contingently due, payable or to be provided.

Preliminary Notice

A notice issued by the AFSA pursuant to paragraph 4 of schedule 1 of the Framework Regulations.

Premium Risk Component

The capital component identified in paragraph 7 (Premium Risk Component) of PINS Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

The capital component identified in paragraph 7 (Premium Risk Component) of TRR Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).

Principal Representative

An individual designated by a Representative Office in accordance with REP.

Private E-currency (or Private Electronic Currency or Private E-money)

A digital representation of value that (1) can be digitally traded and functions as

  • (a) a medium of exchange; or (b) a unit of account; or (c) a store of value; (2) can be exchanged back-and-forth for Fiat Currency, but is neither issued nor guaranteed by the government of any jurisdiction, and (3) fulfils the above functions only by agreement within the community of users of the Private E-currency; and accordingly (4) is to be distinguished from Fiat Currency and E-money.

Private Equity Fund

A type of Specialist Fund defined in CIS 2.4(b)(ii).

Private Placement

An Offer made to a Person who is likely to be interested in the Offer having regard to:

  • (a) previous contact between the Person making the Offer and that Person;
  • (b) a professional or other connection between the Person making the Offer and that Person; or
  • (c) statements or actions by that Person that indicate that he is interested in Offers of that kind.

Privileged Communication

A communication attracting a privilege arising from the provision of professional legal advice and any other privilege applicable at law, but which does not include a general duty of confidentiality.

Product Disclosure Document

For a Packaged Product produced by an Authorised Firm: a statement in writing prepared by the firm for the product in accordance with COB 5.6 (Packaged products—additional disclosure).

Professional Client

A Client that is either a Deemed Professional Client or an Assessed Professional Client.

Profit Sharing Investment Account

An account or portfolio in relation to property of any kind, including the currency of any country or territory, held for or within the account or portfolio, which:

  • (a) is managed under the term of an agreement whereby:
  • (i) the investor agrees to share any profit with the manager of the account or portfolio in accordance with a predetermined specified percentage or ratio; and
  • (ii) the investor agrees that he alone will bear any losses in the absence of negligence or breach of contract on the part of the manager; and
  • (b) is held out as being managed in accordance with Shari'ah

Property Manager

A Person appointed to provide Real Estate Management and Servicing Activities in respect of Real Properties.


A document referred to in MAR 1.3.

Prospectus Summary

The document referred to in MAR 1.4.

Providing Accountancy Services

The Ancillary Service as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 2 of GEN.

Providing Audit Services

The Ancillary Service as defined in paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 of GEN.

Providing Consultancy Services

The Ancillary Service as defined in paragraph 4 of Schedule 2 of GEN.

Providing Credit

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 18 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Providing Custody

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 5 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Providing Fund Administration

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 8 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Providing Legal Services

The Ancillary Service as defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 of GEN.

Providing Money Services

A Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 21 of Schedule 1 of the GEN.

Providing Transaction Services for Decentralised Private Ecurrencies

Operating a facility that functions regularly to validate and add transaction records to the ledger of all transactions.

Providing Trust Services

The Regulated Activity as defined in paragraph 7 of Schedule 1 of GEN.

PRU Dealing Investment Firm

A Person defined as such in PRU(INV) 1.3(3).

PRU Intermediary Investment Firm

A Person defined as such in PRU(INV) 1.3(4).

PRU Investment Business

Activities defined as such in PRU(INV) 1.3(5).

PRU Investment Firm

A Person defined as such in PRU(INV) 1.3(2).

Pure Protection Contract

A Long-Term Insurance Contract that meets all of the following conditions:

  • (a) the benefits under the contract are payable only on death or for incapacity due to injury, sickness or infirmity;
  • (b) the contract has no surrender value, or the consideration consists of a single premium and the surrender value does not exceed that premium;
  • (c) the contract makes no provision for its conversion or extension in a way that would result in it ceasing to comply with paragraph (a) or (b);
  • (d) the contract is not a Contract of Reinsurance. A Family Takaful Contract that meets all of the following conditions:
  • (a) the benefits under the contract are payable only on death or for incapacity due to injury, sickness or infirmity;
  • (b) the contract has no surrender value, or the consideration consists of a single premium and the surrender value does not exceed that premium;
  • (c) the contract makes no provision for its conversion or extension in a way that would result in it ceasing to comply with paragraph (a) or (b);
  • (d) the contract is not a Contract of Retakaful.



Risk-Based Approach, as described in AML 4.1.1.

Real Estate Investment Trust or REIT

A type of Specialist Fund defined in CIS 2.4(b)(iv).

Real Estate Management and Servicing Activities

Activities relating to managing and supervising real estate on behalf of the owner, including (but not limited to) carrying out or contracting for the provision of maintenance, cleaning and administration and appointing of leasing agents, but excluding selling or renting such real estate

Real Property

Any form of direct or indirect interest in real estate.


The Recognition Rules.

Recognised Jurisdiction

A jurisdiction which has been recognised by the AFSA in accordance with CIS Schedule 2.

Recognised NonAIFC Clearing House

A Person declared by the AFSA to be a Recognised Non-AIFC Clearing House under section 89 of the Framework Regulations.

Recognised NonAIFC Investment Exchange

A Person declared by the AFSA to be a Recognised Non-AIFC Investment Exchange under section 89 of the Framework Regulations.

Recognised NonAIFC Market Institutions

Either a Recognised Non-AIFC Clearing House or a Recognised Non-AIFC Investment Exchange.

Recognised NonAIFC Member

A Person declared by the AFSA to be a Recognised Non-AIFC Member under section 91 of the Framework Regulations.

Recognition Requirements

The requirements specified in section 89(3) of the Framework Regulations in relation to the declaration by the AFSA of a Person to be either Recognised NonAIFC Investment Exchange or Recognised Non-AIFC Clearing House.

Registered Auditor

An auditor or audit firm registered, licensed, or otherwise regulated by any competent authority worldwide.

Registrar of Companies

The registrar of companies appointed pursuant to the AIFC Companies Regulations.

Registration Document

In relation to a Prospectus structured as multiple documents, the document referred to in MAR 1.3.1(a)(ii).

Regulated Activity

An activity specified of Schedule 1 of GEN.

Regulated Exchange

An exchange regulated by a financial services regulator.

Regulated Financial Institution

A Person who does not hold a Licence but who is authorised in a jurisdiction other than the AIFC to carry on any financial service by another Financial Services Regulator.


A regulation enacted under Article 4(3) of the Constitutional Law.

Regulatory Capital

Has the meaning given in BBR 4.13.

Regulatory Objectives

The objectives of the AFSA identified in section 7(3) of the Framework Regulations.

Related Party

In MAR has the meaning given in MAR 2.5.2(a).

Related Party Transaction

In MAR has the meaning given in MAR 2.5.2(b).

Related Person

A Person (the second Person) is a Related Person of that Firm if:

  • (a) the Firm and the second Person are members of the same Group;
  • (b) the second Person is an individual who is a director or officer of the Firm or of another member of the same Group;
  • (c) the second Person is the spouse or minor child of an individual mentioned in paragraph (b); or
  • (d) the second Person is a company that is subject to significant influence by or from an individual mentioned in paragraph (b) or (c).

Relevant Person

In AML has the meaning given in AML 1.2(a).


The Representative Office Rules.

Reporting Entity

A Person who:

Retail Client

A Client that is not classified as a Professional Client or Market Counterparty.

Risk Management Policy

A written policy that complies with the requirements of PINS 3.1.3 (Contents of Risk Management Policy).

A written policy that complies with the requirements of TRR 3.1.3 (Contents of Risk Management Policy).

Risk Management Strategy

A written strategy document that complies with the requirements of PINS 3.1.2 (Contents of Risk Management Strategy).

A written strategy document that complies with the requirements of TRR 3.1.2 (Contents of Risk Management Strategy).

Risk Officer

The Approved Individual performing the role identified at PINS 2.2.3 (Risk Officer).

The Approved Individual performing the role identified at TRR 2.4.3.

Risk Weighted Assets (RWAs)

Has the meaning given in BBR 4.7.


In relation to an asset or an off-balance sheet exposure of a PRU Dealing Investment Firm.

Risk-Weighted Assets Amount

The amount calculated in respect of a PRU Dealing Investment Firm as identified in guidance to PRU(INV) 3.3(4).


A rule made by the AFSA under Article 4(3) of the Constitutional Law.



Suspicious Activity Report. A report in a prescribed format regarding suspicious activity or suspicious transactions made to the AFSA.

Savings Account

An account with a Bank held in the name of a Client through which the Client can place and withdraw Deposits.


Simplified Due Diligence, as described in AML 8.1.1.

Securities Note

In relation to a Prospectus structured as multiple documents, the document referred to in MAR 1.3.1(a)(iii).

Securities Settlement System

A system operated by a Person which enables Investments held in accounts to be transferred and settled by book entry according to a set of laws and predetermined multilateral rules to provide legal certainty.


  1. 1. A Security is:
  2. (a) a Share;
  3. (b) a Debenture;
  4. (c) a Warrant;
  5. (d) a Certificate; or
  6. (e) a Structured Product.
  7. 2. For the purposes of article 6 of the Constitutional Law, a Security shall be treated as if it includes a Unit.

Segregated Client

A Client whose assets or Money is required to be held in compliance with either COB 8.2, COB 8.3 or COB 11.8.

Senior Executive Officer

The individual performing the Controlled Function specified in GEN 2.2.2.

Senior Manager

The individual performing the Designated Function specified in GEN 2.3.2.


A share or stock in the share capital of any Body Corporate or any unincorporated body (excluding a Unit).

Shell Bank

A bank that has no physical presence in the country in which it is incorporated or licensed and which is not affiliated with a regulated financial group that is subject to effective consolidated supervision. In this definition, physical presence in a jurisdiction is a presence involving meaningful decision-making and management and not merely the presence of a local agent or low level staff.

Single Family

An individual or group of individuals that are the lineal descendants (including minors, descendants by adoption (that is, stepchildren, adopted children, foster children, children adopted by legal guardianship), and illegitimate children) of a common ancestor (who is no more than 10 generations removed from the youngest generation of family members) or their spouses (including widows or widowers, whether or not remarried).

Single Family Office

a Body Corporate established in the AIFC that:

  • (a) is indirectly or wholly owned by members of a Single Family; and
  • (b) does not hold itself out to the public as carrying on Regulated Activities; and
  • (c) carries on Regulated Activities on behalf of Family Clients only.

Skilled Person

A Person appointed to make a report required by the AFSA under section 97 of the Framework Regulations.


A computer code that represents a contract, and that executes and enforces the terms of such contract on an automated basis, without the need for intermediation by any person.

Solo Prudential Return

A prudential return is referred to as a Solo Prudential Return if it reflects the individual Bank’s accounts, statements and reports.

Solvency Reference Date

The date at which an Insurer’s compliance with the requirements of PINS 5 (Capital adequacy requirements) is assessed. The date at which a Takaful Operator’s compliance with the requirements of TRR 5 is assessed.

Source(s) of Funds

The origin of the customer's funds which relate to a transaction or service and includes how such funds are connected to a customer's source of wealth.

Source(s) of Wealth

How the customer's global wealth or net worth is or was acquired or accumulated.

Structured Product

An instrument comprising rights under a contract where:

  • (a) the gain or loss of each party to the contract is ultimately determined by reference to the fluctuations in the value or price of property of any description, an index, interest rate, exchange rate or a combination of any of these as specified for that purpose in the contract (“the underlying factor”) and is not leveraged upon such fluctuations;
  • (b) the gain or loss of each party is wholly settled by cash or setoff between the parties;
  • (c) each party is not exposed to any contingent liabilities to any other counterparty; and
  • (d) there is readily available public information in relation to the underlying factor; but excludes any rights under an instrument:
  • (e) where one or more of the parties takes delivery of any property to which the contract relates;
  • (f) which is a Debenture; or
  • (g) which is a Contract of Insurance.


In accordance with paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 of the Companies Regulations, a Body Corporate (the first Body Corporate) is a Subsidiary of another Body Corporate (the second Body Corporate) if:


A separate pool of Fund Property within an Umbrella Fund.

Supplementary Prospectus

An updated or replacement Prospectus produced in accordance with in section 73 of the Framework Regulations.


Takaful Business

A Regulated Activity defined in paragraph 24 of Schedule 1 of the GEN.

Takaful Contract

Any Contract of Insurance which is Shari’ah-compliant and is either a Family Takaful Contract or a General Takaful Contract.

Takaful Fund

Has the meaning given in TRR 1.1.5 (2).

Takaful Liabilities

Liabilities of a Takaful Operator arising out of its General Takaful Business and Family Takaful Business.

Takaful Operator

Has the meaning given in TRR 1.1.5 (1).

Takaful Risk Requirement

The capital component identified in 2.3 (Takaful Risk Requirement) of TRR Schedule 5 (Calculation of Prescribed Capital Requirement (PCR)).


A takeover or merger transaction however effected, including schemes of arrangements which have similar commercial effect to takeovers and mergers, partial bids, bid by a parent company for shares in its subsidiary and (where appropriate) share repurchases by general bid.

Takeover Offer

A public offer (other than by the offeree company itself) made to the holders of the Securities of a company to acquire all or some of those Securities, whether mandatory or voluntary, which follows or has as its objective the acquisition of control of the offeree company.

Takeover Principles

Principles prescribed by the AFSA pursuant to section 88(1)(b) of the Framework Regulations.

Takeover Rules

Rules prescribed by the AFSA pursuant to section 88(1)(a) of the Framework Regulations.

Testing FinTech Activities

The activity as defined in paragraph 2.2.1 of FINTECH

Third Party Account Provider

In relation to a Client Money Account or a Client Investment Account, means an Authorised Firm or Regulated Financial Institution (including a bank, custodian, intermediate broker, settlement agent, clearing house, exchange and/or "over the counter" counterparty) that is a separate legal entity from the Authorised Firm that is required under COB to establish the Client Money Account or Clienet Investment Account.

Tier 1 Capital

Has the meaning given in BBR 4.13.

Tier 1 Capital

The components of capital identified at paragraph 3 (Components of Tier 1 Capital) of PINS Schedule 3 (Calculation of Eligible capital)

The components of capital identified at paragraph 3 of TRR Schedule 3 (Calculation of Eligible capital).

Tier 2 Capital

Has the meaning given in BBR 4.18

Tier 2 Capital

The components of capital identified at paragraph 4 (Components of Tier 2 Capital) of PINS Schedule 3 (Calculation of Eligible capital).

The components of capital identified at paragraph 4 of TRR Schedule 3 (Calculation of Eligible capital).

Trading Book

Has the meaning given in BBR 6.2.


Any transaction undertaken by an Authorised Firm in the course of carrying on a Financial Service in or from the AIFC.

Transaction Services for Decentralised Private Ecurrencies (also known as Mining)

Validation and adding transactions made with a Decentralised Private Ecurrencies to the ledger of all transactions.


Umbrella Fund

A Fund in which the contributions of the Unitholders in the Fund and the profits or income out of which payments made to them are pooled separately in a number of Sub-Funds constituting separate parts of the Fund Property.


  • (a) a Body Corporate; or
  • (b) Partnership; or
  • (c) an unincorporated association carrying on a trade or business, with or without a view to profit


A unit in or a share representing the rights or interests of a Unitholder in a Fund.


A Person who participates in a Fund.


United Nations Security Council Resolutions, as referenced in AML 12.1.

Unsolicited Real Time Financial Promotion

Has the meaning given in COB 3.4.2



A valuer of a Fund's property appointed in accordance with CIS.

Venture Capital Fund

A type of Specialist Fund defined in CIS 2.4(b)(iii).


an instrument that confers on the holder a right entitling the holder to acquire an unissued Share or Debenture.


Qualified Investment

In accordance with MOTF 5.2, Qualified Investment means a financial or commodity instrument, agreement or transaction under which, at a specified time or within a specified period of time:

(a)  a payment or delivery obligation is to be performed, or title to commodity or asset is to be transferred; or

(b)  an obligation to make payment or delivery, or to transfer title to commodity or asset, is to be entered into or incurred.