Entire Act

8.3. Client Investments Rules

The rules in COB 8.3 are the Client Investments Rules.

8.3.1. Meaning of Client Investments

A Client Investment is an Investment held by an Authorised Firm on behalf of a Client in the course of, or in connection with, the carrying on of Investment Business by the Authorised Firm.

8.3.2. Exceptions to the Client Investments Rules

The Client Investments Rules do not apply to Client Investments held as Collateral in accordance with the provisions of this COB 8.3.2. Before an Authorised Firm holds Collateral from a Client it must disclose to that Client:

8.3.3. Safeguarding Client Investments

An Authorised Firm which holds Client Investments must have systems and controls in place to ensure the proper safeguarding of Client Investments.

An Authorised Firm which Provides Custody or holds Client Investments must ensure that Client Investments are recorded, registered and held in an appropriate manner to safeguard and control such property.

8.3.4. Client Investment Accounts

A Client Investment Account is an account which:

8.3.5. Registration and recording of Client Investments

An Authorised Firm which Provides Custody or holds Client Investments must register or record all Client Investments in the name of:

Save as provided in (c) above, an Authorised Firm which Provides Custody or holds or controls Client Investments must record, register and hold Client Investments separately from its own Investments.

8.3.6. Registration and recording of Client Investments

An Authorised Firm may record, register or hold a Client Investment in:

8.3.7. Holding Client Investments with Third Party Account Providers

An Authorised Firm may only hold a Client Investment with a Third Party Account Provider where it has:

(ii) the jurisdiction in which the relevant Bank or Regulated Financial Institution is legally established (if different), recognise that Client Investments belong beneficially to the Client and will not be available to satisfy any debts of the Bank or Regulated Financial Institution.

8.3.8. Due diligence on Third Party Account Providers

When undertaking due diligence on a Third Party Account Provider, an Authorised Firm should have regard to the following:

(ii) its credit rating;

(iii) its capital and financial resources;

(iv) the value of the Client Investments held, as a proportion of its overall capital and deposits;

    (v) the extent to which the Client Investments would be protected under a deposit guarantee protection scheme;

(vi) where such information is available, the level of risk in the investment and loan activities undertaken by it or members of its Group;

(vii) its use of agents and service providers; and

(viii) the financial position of its Group; and

8.3.9. Entering into written agreements with Third Party Account Providers

Before an Authorised Firm passes, or permits to be passed, Client Investments to a Third Party Account Provider, it must enter into a written agreement with the Third Party Account Provider under which the Third Party Account Provider agrees that:

  • (a) it shall keep the Client Investments separately from assets belonging to the Third Party Account Provider;
  • (b) all Investments standing to the credit of the account are held by the Authorised Firm as agent and that the Third Party Account Provider is not entitled to combine the account with any other account or to exercise any charge, mortgage, lien, right of set-off or counterclaim against Investments in that account in respect of any sum owed to it on any other account of the Authorised Firm;
  • (c) the title of the account is, or will be, sufficient to distinguish that account from any account containing Investments that belong to the Authorised Firm or the Third Party Account Provider; and
  • (d) it shall provide a written statement on at least a monthly basis identifying all of the Client Investments that it holds for the Authorised Firm.

8.3.10. Contents of agreements with Third Party Account Providers

The written agreement between the Authorised Firm and the Third Party Provider must also address the following:

8.3.11. Use of Client Investments for the purposes of the Authorised Firm or another Person

An Authorised Firm must not use a Client Investment for its own purpose or that of another Person without the prior written permission of the relevant Client. An Authorised Firm which intends to use a Client Investment for its own purpose or that of another Person, must have systems and controls in place to ensure that:

  • (a) it obtains the prior written permission of the relevant Client to the use of the Client Investment;
  • (b) adequate records are maintained to protect Client Investments which are applied as collateral or used for stock lending activities;
  • (c) the equivalent Investments are returned to the Client Investment Account of the Client; and
  • (d) the Client is not disadvantaged by the use of its Client Investments.

8.3.12. Procedures relating to Client Investment Accounts

An Authorised Firm must have procedures for ensuring that Client Investments are promptly identified and held in accordance with the provisions of this COB 8.3.

8.3.13. Client disclosure

An Authorised Firm that holds Client Investments belonging to a Segregated Client must disclose the following information to the Client:

  • (a) that the Client is subject to the protections conferred by the Client Investments Rules;
  • (b) the arrangements for recording and registering Client Investments, claiming and receiving dividends and other entitlements and interest and the giving and receiving instructions relating to those Client Investments (including, if applicable, a statement that the Authorised Firm intends to mix the Client Investments of the Client with those of other Clients);
  • (c) whether the Client Investments of that Client may be held by a third party on behalf of the Authorised Firm, and if so, what degree of responsibility the Authorised Firm has for any acts or omissions of the third party; and what the likely consequences are for the Client of the insolvency of the third party;
  • (d) if applicable, that the Client Investments may be held in a jurisdiction outside the AIFC and the market practices, insolvency and legal regime applicable in that jurisdiction may differ from the regime applicable in the AIFC;
  • (e) details of any rights which the Authorised Firm may have to realise Client Investments held on behalf of the Client in satisfaction of a default by the Client or otherwise; and
  • (f) the method and frequency upon which the Authorised Firm will report to the Client in relation to its Client Investments.

8.3.14. Client reporting

(1)In relation to each Client for whom it receives or holds Client Investments, an Authorised Firm must provide at least once a year a statement of the Client Investments unless such a statement has been provided in a periodic statement in accordance with (2) or COB 9.

(2)An Authorised Person which Provides Custody for safeguarding and administering Digital Assets belonging to a Retail Client must send a statement to its Retail Clients at least monthly. The statement must include the list, description and amount of each Digital Asset held by the Authorised Person as at the date of reporting.

8.3.15. Record keeping

An Authorised Firm must maintain records:

8.3.16. Reconciliations

An Authorised Firm must:

(a)     at least once every calendar month, reconcile its records of Client Accounts held with Third Party Account Providers with monthly statements received from those Third Party Account Providers;

(b)     at least every six months, count all Client Investments physically held by the Authorised Firm, or its Nominee Company, and reconcile the result of that count to the records of the Authorised Firm; and

(c)      at least every six months, reconcile individual Client ledger balances with      the Authorised Firm’s records of Client Investment balances held in Client Accounts.

An Authorised Firm must ensure that the process of reconciliation does not give rise to a conflict of interest.

Where Authorised Persons Provide Custody for safeguarding and administering Digital Assets belonging to another Person, all reconciliations required under COB 8.3.16 shall be conducted at least every week.

8.3.17. Review of reconciliation

When performing reconciliations in accordance with COB 8.3.16, an Authorised Firm should:

  1. (a) maintain a clear separation of duties to ensure that an employee with responsibility for operating Client Accounts, or an employee that has the authority to make payments, does not perform the reconciliations; and
  2. (b) ensure that the reconciliations are reviewed by a member of the Authorised Firm who has adequate seniority. The member in question must provide a written statement confirming the reconciliation has been undertaken in accordance with the requirements of COB 8.3.16.

Guidance: Material discrepancies The Authorised Firm should notify the AFSA where there has been a material discrepancy with the reconciliation which has not been rectified. A material discrepancy includes discrepancies which have the cumulative effect of being material, such as longstanding discrepancies.