Entire Act

CHAPTER 2 – Offer of Securities

60. Prohibition – Offer of Securities

A Person must not make an Offer of Securities except as provided in Rules made by the AFSA

61. Definition of an Offer of Securities

An Offer of Securities means a communication to any Person in any form or by any means, presenting information on the terms of the Offer and the Securities offered, so as to enable an investor to decide whether or not to buy or subscribe to those Securities but excluding:

  1. (a) any communication in connection with the trading of Securities admitted to trading on an Authorised Investment Exchange; or
  2. (b) any communication made for the purposes of complying with the on-going reporting requirements of the AFSA or an Authorised Market Institution; or
  3. (c) any other communication prescribed in the Rules by the AFSA.

Guidance: Offers of Units in a Listed Fund

For the avoidance of doubt, this Chapter 2 does not apply to the Offer of Units in a Listed Fund. While a Unit of a Listed Fund is, in general terms, a type of security, it is not a Security for the purposes of the Framework Regulations (as defined in the Glossary (GLO)) or any other AIFC Financial Services Regulations or Rules to which GLO applies. Rules in relation to the Offer of Units in a Listed Fund are set out, inter alia, in the AIFC Collective Investment Scheme Rules. Fund Managers should also refer to the applicable Business Rules.