Entire Act

1.1. Authorised Firms

1.1.1. Definition of Regulated Activities

An activity shall be a Regulated Activity that may be carried on by an Authorised Firm, subject to the terms of its Licence, if that activity:

  1. (a) is specified in the list of activities in Schedule 1; and
  2. (b) is carried on by way of business as described in GEN 1.1.9; and
  3. (c) is not otherwise excluded in accordance with any other provision in GEN 1.1.

The Regulated Activities that may be carried on by an Authorised Firm, subject to the terms of its Licence, are specified in Schedule 1 and 1.4.1(b).

1.1.2. Form and content of application for a Licence

A Person may apply to the AFSA for a Licence authorising a Centre Participant to carry on one or more Regulated Activities by:

  1. (a) completing the form prescribed in Schedule 3 and filing the form with the AFSA accompanied by such documents as are specified in the form;
  2. (b) providing such further information as the AFSA may require; and
  3. (c) paying the fee prescribed in the Fees Rules.

Guidance: AFSA discretion to waive requirements A Person may apply to the AFSA to waive the requirements as to the contents of the Form prescribed in Schedule 3 pursuant to section 32(4) of the Framework Regulations.

1.1.3. Adequate and appropriate financial resources

This section was added on 2 December 2018.

1.1.4. Adequate and appropriate non-financial resources

In assessing whether an applicant has adequate and appropriate non‐financial resources for the purposes of section 34(1)(a) of the Framework Regulations, the AFSA will consider:

  1. (a) the skills and experience of those who will manage the applicant's affairs;
  2. (b) the applicant's resources to identify, monitor, measure and take action to remove or reduce risks as to its safety and soundness;
  3. (c) the effectiveness of the applicant's business management; and
  4. (d) whether the applicant's non‐financial resources are sufficient to enable the applicant to comply with the Regulations and Rules that are likely to be relevant to the applicant.

1.1.5. Fitness and propriety

In assessing whether an applicant is fit and proper for the purposes of section 34(1)(b) of the Framework Regulations, the AFSA will consider:

  1. (a) the fitness and propriety of the members of its Governing Body;
  2. (b) the applicant's connection with any Person or membership of any Group;
  3. (c) the fitness and propriety of the applicant's Controllers or any other Person associated with the applicant;
  4. (d) the impact a Controller might have on the applicant's ability to comply with the applicable requirements;
  5. (e) the Regulated Activities undertaken or to be undertaken by the applicant and the risks to their continuity;
  6. (f) the nature (including the scale and complexity) of the activities of the applicant and any associated risks that those activities pose to the AFSA’s Regulatory Objectives;
  7. (g) the complexity of any products or services that the applicant may offer or provide in carrying on those activities;
  8. (h) whether the applicant's business model will allow for its affairs and business to be conducted and managed in a sound and prudent manner, having regard to, amongst other things, the interests of its Clients and the integrity of the AIFC;
  9. (i) any matter which may harm or may have harmed the integrity or the reputation of the AFSA or AIFC, including through the carrying on of a business by the applicant for a purpose connected with a Financial Crime; and
  10. (j) any other relevant matters.

1.1.6. Effective supervision

In assessing whether an applicant is capable of being effectively supervised by the AFSA for the purposes of section 34(1)(c) of the Framework Regulations, the AFSA will consider:

  1. (a) the nature, including the complexity, of the Regulated Activities that the applicant will carry on; and
  2. (b) the way in which the applicant's business is organised; and
  3. (c) (if the applicant is a member of a Group) whether membership of the Group is likely to prevent the AFSA’s effective supervision of the applicant; and
  4. (d) whether the applicant is subject to consolidated supervision.

1.1.7. Compliance arrangements

In assessing whether an applicant has adequate compliance arrangements for the purposes of section 34(1)(d) of the Framework Regulations, the AFSA will consider whether it has:

  1. (a) clear and comprehensive policies and procedures relating to compliance with all applicable legal requirements; and
  2. (b) adequate means to implement those policies and procedures and monitor that they are operating effectively and as intended.

1.1.8. Modification or withdrawal of an Authorised Firm’s Licence

An Authorised Firm may apply to the AFSA to change the scope of its Licence, to have a condition or restriction varied or withdrawn, or to have its Licence withdrawn by:

  1. (a) completing the form prescribed in Schedule 3 and filing the form with the AFSA accompanied by such documents as are specified in the form;
  2. (b) providing such further information as the AFSA may require; and
  3. (c) paying the fee prescribed in the Fees Rules.

1.1.9. Activities carried on by way of business

A Person carries on an activity by way of business for the purposes of GEN 1.1.1 if that Person:

  1. (a) engages in the activity in a manner which in itself constitutes the carrying on of a business;
  2. (b) holds himself out as willing and able to engage in that activity; or
  3. (c) regularly solicits other Persons to engage with him in transactions constituting that activity.

1.1.10. Exclusion in respect of Dealing in Investments as Principal

A Person does not carry on the Regulated Activity specified in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 by entering into a transaction, unless that Person:

  1. (a) holds himself out as willing, as principal, to buy, sell or subscribe for Investments at prices determined by him generally and continuously rather than in respect of each particular transaction;
  2. (b) holds himself out as engaging in the business of buying Investments with a view to selling them;
  3. (c) holds himself out as engaging in the business of underwriting Investments; or
  4. (d) regularly solicits members of the public with the purpose of inducing them to enter into transactions.

1.1.11. Exclusion in respect of acting as nominee

A Person does not carry on any of the Regulated Activities specified in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 or 15 of Schedule 1 where that Person enters into a transaction solely as a nominee for another Person and is bound to and does act on that other Person’s instructions.

1.1.12. Exclusion in respect of acting with or for Group companies

A Person does not carry on any of the Regulated Activities specified in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 15 or 18 of Schedule 1 where that Person is a Body Corporate and carries on that activity solely as principal with or for other Bodies Corporates:

  1. (a) which are within the same Group as that Person; or
  2. (b) which are or propose to become participators in a joint enterprise and the transaction is entered into for the purposes of or in connection with that enterprise;

and for the purposes of the activities specified in paragraphs 3, 5, 6 and 12 of Schedule 1 the assets in question belong to a Body Corporate falling within (a) or (b).

This Exclusion does not apply to a Credit Provider that only provides Commercial Captive Finance.

1.1.13. . Exclusion in respect of non-financial business

Person does not carry on any of the Regulated Activities specified in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 or 15 of Schedule 1 where that the Person carries on the activity solely for the purposes of or in connection with the sale of goods or the supply of services to a customer of the Person or a member of the same Group, provided that:

  1. (a) the supplier’s main business is to sell goods or supply services and not to carry on any Financial Service; and
  2. (b) the customer is not an individual; and for the purposes of the activities specified in paragraphs 3, 5, 6 and 2 of Schedule 1 the assets in question belong to that customer or member.

This Exclusion does not apply to a Credit Provider that only provides Commercial Captive Finance.

1.1.14. Exclusion in respect of dealing in Commodity Derivatives or Environmental Instruments

A Person who is a Body Corporate does not carry on the Regulated Activity specified in paragraphs 1 or 2 of Schedule 1, where:

1.1.15. Exclusion in respect of acquisition or disposal of a Body Corporate

A Person does not carry on a Regulated Activity specified in paragraphs 1, 2, 10 or 11 of Schedule 1 if the activity is carried on solely for the purposes of or in connection with the acquisition or disposal of Shares in a Body Corporate, other than an Investment Company, provided that:

  1. (a) such Shares carry at least 50 per cent of the voting rights or the acquisition will take an existing holding to at least 50 per cent; or
  2. (b) the object of the transaction may reasonably be regarded as being the acquisition of day to day control of the Body Corporate.

1.1.16. Exclusion in respect of acting as a trustee

  1. (a) A Person who is a trustee does not carry on a Regulated Activity specified in paragraphs 1, 3, or 5 of Schedule 1 in circumstances where he is acting as a trustee.
  2. (b) A Person does not carry on a Regulated Activity specified in paragraph 7 of Schedule 1 by way of business where he is:
  3. (i) acting as trustee, enforcer or protector; or
  4. (ii) where he is arranging for a Person to act as trustee, in respect of less than three (3) trusts.
  5. (c) A Person falling within paragraph (d) or (e) of the definition of a DNFBP does not provide Trust Services where it only:
  6. (i) arranges for a Person to act as trustee in respect of an express trust; or
  7. (ii) provides services with respect to the creation of an express trust; provided that:
  8. (1) the provision of such services is solely incidental to the practice of law or accounting as the case may be; and
  9. (2) the DNFBP is not holding itself out as Providing Trust Services.
  10. (d) A Person is not Providing Trust Services if that Person is the Trustee of a Fund and the activities are in connection with, or arise from, acting as the Trustee of the Fund. Guidance Acting as trustee, protector or enforcer are not activities incidental to the practice of law or accounting and require a License.

1.1.17. Exclusion in respect of Single Family Offices

A Person does not carry on a Regulated Activity specified in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 15 of Schedule 1 if:

1.1.18. Exclusion in respect of Credit Rating Agencies

A Person does not carry on the Regulated Activity of Providing Credit Rating Services if the Person prepares credit scores, credit scoring systems or similar assessments relating to obligations arising from consumer, commercial or industrial relationships.