Entire Act

6.3. Managers’ transactions

6.3.1. Notification of transactions

Persons discharging managerial responsibilities within a Reporting Entity must notify the Reporting Entity and the AFSA, in accordance with the rules in MAR 6.3, of every transaction conducted on their own account relating to the Shares or debt instruments of that Issuer or to derivatives or other Securities linked thereto.

6.3.2. Transactions on behalf of Persons discharging managerial responsibilities

Transactions that must be notified under MAR 6.3.1 (Notification of transactions) must also include:

  • (a) the pledging or lending of Securities by or on behalf of a Person discharging managerial responsibilities, save that a pledge, or a similar Security interest, of Securities in connection with the depositing of the Securities in a custody account does not need to be notified, unless and until such time that such pledge or other Security interest is designated to secure a specific credit facility; and
  • (b) transactions undertaken by Persons professionally arranging or executing transactions or by another Person on behalf of a Person discharging managerial responsibilities, including where discretion is exercised.

6.3.3. Content of notification

The notification of transactions referred to in MAR 6.3.1 must contain the following information:

  • (a) the name of the Person;
  • (b) the reason for the notification;
  • (c) the name of the relevant Reporting Entity;
  • (d) a description and the identifier of the Security;
  • (e) the nature of the transaction(s) (e.g. acquisition or disposal), indicating whether it is linked to the exercise of Share option programmes or to the specific examples set out in MAR 6.3.2 (Transactions on behalf of Persons discharging managerial responsibilities);
  • (f) the date and place of the transaction(s); and
  • (g) the price and volume of the transaction(s). In the case of a pledge whose terms provide for its value to change, this should be disclosed together with its value at the date of the pledge.

6.3.4. Notification to be made promptly

The notification in MAR 6.3.1 must be made promptly and no later than three business days after the date of the transaction.

6.3.5. Disclosure to the public

The Reporting Entity must ensure that the information that is notified in accordance with MAR 6.3.1 is made public promptly and no later than three business days after the transaction in a manner which enables fast access to the information on a non-discriminatory basis.

6.3.6. Notifying Persons discharging managerial responsibilities of their obligations

Reporting Entities must notify the Person discharging managerial responsibilities of their obligations under MAR 6.3.1 (Notification of transactions).

6.3.7. List of Persons discharging managerial responsibilities of their obligations

A Reporting Entity must draw up a list of all Persons discharging managerial responsibilities.

6.3.8. Closed period

A Person discharging managerial responsibilities within a Reporting Entity must not conduct any transactions on their own account or for the account of a third party, directly or indirectly, relating to the Shares or debt instruments of the Reporting Entity or to derivatives or other Securities linked to them during a closed period as defined in MAR 2.4.3.

6.3.9. Discretion to permit trading with the closed period

A Reporting Entity may allow a Person discharging managerial responsibilities within it to trade on its own account or for the account of a third party during a closed period either:

  • (a) on a case-by-case basis due to the existence of exceptional circumstances, such as severe financial difficulty, which require the immediate sale of Shares; or
  • (b) due to the characteristics of the trading involved for transactions made under, or related to, an Employee Share Scheme or saving scheme, qualification or entitlement of Shares, or transactions where the beneficial interest in the relevant Security does not change.