Entire Act

3.4. Transparency obligations

3.4.1. Pre-trade transparency obligation

An Authorised Investment Exchange must make available to the public on a continuous basis during normal trading hours the current bid and offer prices of Securities, Units in a Listed Fund, Derivative, or Environmental Instrument traded on its systems and the depth of trading interests at those prices.


The disclosure required by 3.4.1 would depend on the type of trading system employed, including continuous auction order-book, quote-driven, periodic auction and hybrid trading systems. An Authorised Investment Exchange should discuss its proposals for compliance with this requirement with the AFSA. The AFSA may waive or modify the requirement in respect of certain types of order, transaction, trading system or types of Investment (including large orders and illiquid instruments) pursuant to Section 8 of the Framework Regulations.

3.4.2. Post-trade transparency obligation

An Authorised Investment Exchange must make available to the public in as close to real-time as technically possible the price, volume and time of the transactions executed in respect of Securities, Units in a Listed Fund, Derivatives, or Environmental Instruments traded on its facilities.


The AFSA may waive or modify the requirement in AMI 3.4.2 in respect of certain types of trade or types of Investment pursuant to Section 8 of the Framework Regulations. In particular, subject to AMI 1.1.2 (outsourcing) and to obtaining the approval of the AFSA, an Authorised Investment Exchange may delegate its provision of post-trade information to a regulatory news service or similar third party entity.