Entire Act

2.4. Deemed Professional Clients

2.4.1. Requirements to be a Deemed Professional Client

For the purposes of COB 2.3.1, each of the following entities is a Deemed Professional Client unless it is a Market Counterparty or is given a different classification under COB 2:

  1. (a) a national or regional government;
  2. (b) a public body that manages public debt;
  3. (c) a central bank;
  4. (d) an international or supranational institution (such as the World Bank, the International

Monetary Fund, or the European Investment Bank) or other similar international organisation;

  1. (e) an Authorised Firm, or any other authorised or regulated financial institution, including a bank, securities firm or insurance company;
  2. (f) an Authorised Market Institution, or any other authorised or regulated exchange, trading facility, central securities depository, or clearing house;
  3. (g) a Collective Investment Scheme or its management company, or any other authorised or regulated collective investment undertaking or the management company of such an undertaking;
  4. (h) a pension fund or the management company of a pension fund;
  5. (i) a commodity dealer or a commodity derivatives dealer;
  6. (j) a Large Undertaking as specified in COB 2.4.2;
  7. (k) a Body Corporate whose shares are listed or admitted to trading on any exchange of an IOSCO member country;
  8. (l) a trustee of a trust which has, or had during the previous 12 months, assets of at least USD 10 million; or
  9. (m) any other institutional investor whose main activity is to invest in financial instruments, including an entity dedicated to the securitisation of assets or other financial transactions.

2.4.2. Large Undertakings

A Person is a Large Undertaking for the purposes of COB 2.4.1(j) if it met, as at the date of its most recent financial statements, at least two of the following requirements:

  • (a) it has total assets of at least USD 20 million on its balance sheet;
  • (b) it has a net annual turnover of at least USD 40 million; or
  • (c) it has own funds of at least USD 2 million.