Entire Act


Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)

Has the meaning given in BBR 9.19.

Nominee Company

A company incorporated in the AIFC whose business consists solely of acting as a holder of Client Assets where such assets are held by the Nominee Company as agent of an Authorised Firm.

Non-AIFC Member Recognition Requirements

The requirements for recognition of Recognised Non-AIFC Members set out in section 91 of the Framework Regulations.

Non-Exempt Fund

(In CIS) A Collective Investment Scheme that is registered as a Non-Exempt Fund.

Non-Investment Takaful Contract

a Takaful Contracts that is a General Takaful Contract or a Pure Protection Contract but is not a Long Term Care Takaful Contract.

Non-PRU(INV) Investment Business

Activities defined as such in PRU(INV) 1.3(7).