Entire Act

7.4. Inducements

7.4.1. General requirement

An Authorised Firm must have policies and procedures in place to ensure that it, or its Employee or Associate, does not offer, give, solicit or accept any inducement from a third party, such as a fee, commissions or other direct or indirect benefit, where the inducement is reasonably likely to conflict with any duty that the Authorised Firm owes to its Clients.

7.4.2. Introductions

In circumstances where an Authorised Firm introduces a Client to a third party and receives a fee, commission or other benefit in respect of that introduction, such fee, commission or other benefit received in respect of such a referral would not be a prohibited inducement under this Rule, provided that the Authorised Firm has acted in the best interests of the Client.

7.4.3. Requirement to disclose inducements

An Authorised Firm must, before providing a Financial Product or Financial Service to a Client, disclose to that Client any inducement which it, or any Associate or Employee of it, has received or may or will receive as a result of providing the Financial Product or Financial Service.

7.4.4. Disclosure in summary form

An Authorised Firm may provide the information required by COB 7.4.3 in summary form, provided it informs the client that more detailed information will be provided to the client upon request and complies with such a request.

7.4.5. Record keeping

An Authorised Firm shall maintain record of inducements disclosed under COB 7.4.3 for a period of six years after such inducement was disclosed.