Entire Act

5.4. Compliance

5.4.1. Requirement to maintain compliance arrangements

An Authorised Person must establish and maintain compliance arrangements, including processes and procedures that ensure and evidence, as far as reasonably practicable, that the Authorised Person complies with all relevant Regulations and Rules.

5.4.2. Documentation of compliance arrangements

An Authorised Person must document the organisation, responsibilities and procedures of the compliance function.

5.4.3. Compliance Officer – sufficient resources

An Authorised Person must ensure that the Compliance Officer has access to sufficient resources, including an adequate number of competent staff, to perform his duties objectively and independently of operational and business functions.

5.4.4. Compliance Officer – access to records and management

An Authorised Person must ensure that the Compliance Officer has unrestricted access to relevant records and to the Authorised Person’s Governing Body and senior management.

5.4.5. Monitoring and reporting arrangements

An Authorised Person must establish and maintain monitoring and reporting processes and procedures to ensure that any compliance breaches are readily identified, reported and promptly acted upon.

5.4.6. Documentation of monitoring and reporting arrangements and breaches

An Authorised Person must document the monitoring and reporting processes and procedures as well as keep records of breaches of any relevant Regulations or Rules.