Entire Act


3.1. Definitions

3.1.1. Definition of a Controller

A Controller is a Person who, either alone or with any Associate:

3.1.2. Definition of “share” and “holding”

A reference in this chapter to the term:

  • (a) “share” means:

(i) in the case of an Authorised Person, or a Holding Company of an Authorised Person, which has a share capital, its allotted shares;

(ii) in the case of an Authorised Person, or a Holding Company of an Authorised Person, with capital but no share capital, rights to a share in its capital; and

(iii) in the case of an Authorised Person, or a Holding Company of an Authorised Person, without capital, any interest conferring a right to share in its profits or losses or any obligation to contribute to a share of its debt or expenses in the event of its winding up; and

(iv)      in the case of an Authorised Person, or a Holding Company of an Authorised Person going through a Resolution, a capital instrument or share issued as a result of the Resolution Authority exercising its Conversion Power; and 

3.1.3. Disregarded holdings

For the purposes of determining whether a Person is a Controller, any shares, voting rights or rights to acquire shares or voting rights that a Person holds, either alone or with any Associate, in an Authorised Person or a Holding Company of that Authorised Person are disregarded if:

  • (a) they are shares held for the sole purpose of clearing and settling within a short settlement cycle; or
  • (b) they are shares held in a custodial or nominee capacity and the voting rights attached to the shares are exercised only in accordance with written instructions given to that Person by another Person; or
  • (c) the Person is an Authorised Person or a Regulated Financial Institution and it:
  • (i) acquires the shares as a result of an underwriting of a share issue or a placement of shares on a firm commitment basis;

(ii) does not exercise the voting rights attaching to the shares or otherwise intervene in the management of the issuer; and

(iii) retains the shares for a period less than one year.

3.2. Approval process

3.2.1. Threshold for approval requirement

For the purposes of section 48(b) of the Framework Regulations, the thresholds at which the prior written approval of the AFSA is required are when the relevant holding is increased:

  • (a) from below 30% to 30% or more; or
  • (b) from below 50% to 50% or more.

3.2.2. Approval process

(1) A Person who is required to obtain the prior written approval of the AFSA pursuant to section 48(1) of the Framework Regulations must make an application to the AFSA using the form prescribed in Schedule 3.

(2) Where the AFSA proposes to approve a proposed change of control, it will:

  • (a) do so as soon as practicable and in any event within 30 days of the receipt of a duly completed application, unless a different period is considered appropriate by the AFSA and notified to the applicant in writing; and
  • (b) issue to the applicant, and where appropriate to the Authorised Person, an approval notice as soon as practicable after making that decision.

(3) Where the AFSA proposes to object to or grant a conditional approval to a proposed change of control, it will follow the procedures in Schedule 1 to the Framework Regulations

3.2.3. Effect of AFSA approval or conditional approval

(1) An approval, including a conditional approval granted by the AFSA pursuant to GEN 3.2.1, is valid for a period of one year from the date of the approval, unless an extension is granted by the AFSA in writing.

(2) A Person who has been approved by the AFSA as a Controller of an Authorised Person subject to any conditions must comply with the relevant conditions of approval.

3.3. Notification requirements

3.3.1. Notification for decrease in the level of control of Authorised Person incorporated in the AIFC

A Controller of an Authorised Person which is incorporated in the AIFC must submit, using the form prescribed in Schedule 3, a written notification to the AFSA where that Person:

  • (a) proposes to cease being a Controller; or
  • (b) proposes to decrease that Person’s holding from more than 50% to 50% or less.

3.3.2. Notification of changes relating to control of Branches

(1) In the case of an Authorised Person which is a Branch or a Credit rating Agency, a written notification to the AFSA must be submitted by a Controller or a Person proposing to become a Controller of that Authorised Person in accordance with (3) in respect of any one of the events specified in (2).

(2) For the purposes of (1), a notification to the AFSA is required when:

(i) increased from below 30% to 30% or more;

(ii) increased from below 50% to 50% or more; or

(iii) decreased from more than 50% to 50% or less.

(3) The notification required under (1) must be made by a Controller or Person proposing to become a Controller of a Branch or a Credit Rating Agency using the Form prescribed in Schedule 3 as soon as possible, and in any event, before making the relevant acquisition or disposal.

3.4. Obligations of Authorised Persons

3.4.1. Obligations of Authorised Person relating to its Controllers

(1) An Authorised Person must have adequate systems and controls to monitor:

  • (a) any change or proposed change of its Controllers; and
  • (b) any significant changes in the conduct or circumstances of existing Controllers which might reasonably be considered to impact on the fitness and propriety of the Authorised Person or its ability to conduct business soundly and prudently.

(2) An Authorised Person must, subject to (3), notify the AFSA in writing of any event specified in (1) as soon as possible after becoming aware of that event.

(3) An Authorised Person need not comply with the requirement in (2) if it is satisfied on reasonable grounds that a proposed or existing Controller has either already obtained the prior approval of the AFSA or notified the event to the AFSA as applicable.

3.4.2. Annual report

(1) An Authorised Person must submit to the AFSA an annual report on its Controllers within four months of its financial year end.

(2) The Authorised Person’s annual report on its Controllers must include:

  • (a) the name of each Controller; and
  • (b) the current holding of each Controller, expressed as a percentage.