Entire Act



The General Rules.

General Captive Insurance Business

Captive Insurance Business in relation to General Insurance Contracts.

General Captive Takaful Business

Captive Takaful Business in relation to General Takaful Contracts.

General Insurance Business

Insurance Business in relation to General Insurance Contracts

General Insurance Contract

A Contract of Insurance that falls within one of the categories set out in Schedule 1 of PINS.

General Prohibition

The prohibition in section 24 of the Framework Regulations.

General Takaful Business

Takaful Business in relation to General Takaful Contracts.

General Takaful Contract

A Takaful Contract that falls within one of the categories set out in Schedule 1 of TRR.

Governing Body

The board of directors, partners, committee of management or other governing body of an Undertaking.


Means a group of entities which includes an entity (the ‘first entity’) and:

  • (a) any parent of the first entity; and
  • (b) any subsidiaries (direct or indirect) of the parent or parents in (a) or the first entity.