Entire Act

14.4. Capital adequacy requirements for Captive Insurers

14.4.1. Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR) for a Captive Insurer

(1)  For the purposes of Schedule 4 of PINS, the Capital Floor for a Captive Insurer is the highest of the following:

(a) the Base Capital Requirement;

(b) the Premium Risk Component;

(c) the Technical Provision Risk Component.

(2)  Base Capital Requirement (BCR) for a Captive Insurer is

(a) US$100,000 for a Class 1 Captive Insurer;

(b) US$200,000 for a Class 2 Captive Insurer;

(c)  US$300,000 for a Class 3 Captive Insurer.

(3)  Premium Risk Component for a Captive Insurer

(a) The Premium Risk Component for Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 Captive Insurers conducting general insurance business or life insurance business is the amount calculated in accordance with the following formula:

[18% ´ firm’s net written premium up to US$ 5 million]


[16% ´ firm’s net written premium in excess of US$ 5 million]

(4)  Technical Provision Risk Component for a Captive Insurer

(a) The Technical Provision Risk Component for Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 Captive Insurers conducting general insurance business is the amount calculated in accordance with the following formula:

[5% ´ firm’s net claims reserve under general Contracts of Insurance]


[15% ´ the amount of firm’s reinsurance and other recoveries expected

to be received in respect of those claims]

(b) The technical provision risk component for Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 Captive Insurers conducting long-term insurance business is the amount calculated in accordance with the following formula:

[2.5% ´ Policyholder liabilities calculated using actuarial methods for long-term insurance]

14.4.2. Minimum Capital Requirement for a Protected Cell Company

(1) Subject to (2), each Cell of a Protected Cell Company must calculate its Minimum Capital Requirement in accordance with PINS 5.2.2 (Obligation to calculate MCR) as if it were a stand-alone Insurer.

(2) For a Captive Insurer that is a Protected Cell Company, the Capital Floor only applies to the overall Protected Cell Company and there is no Capital Floor for each Cell or the Core.

14.4.3. Prescribed Capital Requirement for a Protected Cell Company

(1) Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 Captive Insurers are not required to calculate Prescribed Capital Requirement;

(2) For a Protected Cell Company each Cell of a Protected Cell Company must calculate its Prescribed Capital Requirement in accordance with PINS 5.2.3 (Obligation to calculate PCR) as if it were a stand-alone Insurer.

14.4.4. Eligible Capital of a Protected Cell Company

(1) Each Cell of a Protected Cell Company must calculate its Eligible Capital in accordance with PINS 5.2.1 (Obligation to calculate Eligible Capital).

(2) The Core of a Protected Cell Company must calculate its Eligible Capital in accordance with PINS 5.2.1 (Obligation to calculate Eligible Capital).

(3) In calculating its Eligible Capital, a Cell may only rely upon Non-Cellular Assets where it has entered into a recourse agreement with the Core pursuant to which it is entitled to rely upon such Non-Cellular Assets.

(4) The Core of a Protected Cell Company must not enter into a recourse agreement with a Cell where the total capital thereby made available to Cells of the Protected Cell Company would exceed the Eligible Capital of the Core.