Entire Act

14.1. Introduction

14.1.1. Definition of Captive Insurer

A Captive Insurer is an Authorised Firm with a Licence to carry on Insurance Business as a Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 Captive Insurer

14.1.1-1. Classification of Captive Insurer

(1)  A class 1 Captive Insurer is an AIFC Captive Insurer that is permitted under the conditions of its authorisation to effect or carry out Contracts of Insurance only for risks related to or arising out of the business or operations of the group to which the Insurer belongs.

(2)  A class 2 Captive Insurer is an AIFC Captive Insurer that is permitted under the conditions of its authorisation to obtain no more than 20% of its gross written premium from third-party risks arising from business or operations that are closely linked to the business or operations of the group to which the Insurer belongs.

(3)  A class 3 Captive Insurer is an AIFC Captive Insurer that:

(a)is permitted under the conditions of its authorisation to effect or carry out Contracts of Insurance only for risks related to or arising out of the business or operations of persons who engage in similar, related or common:

i.businesses; or

ii.activities; or

iii.trade; or

iv.services; or

v.operations; and

(b)is owned by the persons mentioned in paragraph (i) or by a body corporate of which all such persons are members such as group captives.

14.1.2. Definition of Captive Insurance Business

(1)  Captive Insurance Business is the business of Effecting or Carrying out Contracts of Insurance as a Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 Captive Insurer.

(2)  General Captive Insurance Business is Captive Insurance Business in relation to General Insurance Contracts.

(3)  Long-Term Captive Insurance Business is Captive Insurance Business in relation to Long-Term Insurance Contracts.

14.1.3. Captive Insurer to be incorporated in the AIFC

(1) Only an Authorised Firm which is incorporated under the laws of the AIFC may apply to the AFSA for a Licence to conduct Captive Insurance Business.

(2) A Captive Insurer may either be self-managed or managed by an Insurance Manager authorised by AFSA.