Entire Act

12.1. Application and purpose

12.1.1. Application

PINS 12 applies to:

12.1.2. Meanings of terms relating to run-off

In this Chapter:

12.1.3. Compliance with PINS 15 by Insurer directed to go into run-off

An Insurer in Run-off by virtue of a decision or notice of the AFSA to the effect that the Insurer is to cease to effect Contracts of Insurance shall comply with PINS 12 except to the extent the AFSA acting under its powers in the FSFR directs otherwise.

12.1.4. Certain contracts to be disregarded

For the purposes of this Chapter, in determining whether an Insurer is effecting Contracts of Insurance or has ceased to effect Contracts of Insurance, including Contracts of Insurance effected through a Long-Term Insurance Fund, Contracts of Insurance effected under a term of an existing Contract of Insurance will be ignored unless the AFSA decides otherwise in respect of any particular contract.