Entire Act

8.3. Treatment of particular assets and liabilities - General Insurance Business

8.3.1. Treatment of premium liability

An Insurer carrying on General Insurance Business must recognise as a liability the value of future claims payments and associated direct and indirect settlement costs, arising from future events insured under policies that are in force as at the Solvency Reference (premium liability).

8.3.2. Treatment of value of future claims payments

An Insurer carrying on General Insurance Business must recognise as a liability the value of future claims payments and associated direct and indirect settlement costs, arising from insured events that have occurred as at the Solvency Reference Date.

8.3.3. Treatment of expected recoveries

An Insurer carrying on General Insurance Business must recognise as an asset the value of reinsurance and other recoveries expected to be received in respect of claims referred to in PINS 8.3.1 (Treatment of premium liability) and PINS 8.3.2 (Treatment of value of future claims payments).