Entire Act


3.1. Keeping of registers

3.1.1 For each class of Uncertificated Investments issued by an Issuer, the Issuer must keep a register of all the Uncertificated Investments in that class.

3.1.2 The Issuer must ensure that the register is kept in accordance with these Rules, applicable AIFC Regulations and other applicable AIFC Rules. However, if the requirements of these Rules and applicable AIFC Regulations or other applicable AIFC Rules are inconsistent, the requirements of these Rules must be complied with.

3.1.3 To remove any doubt, but subject to subrule 3.1.5, these Rules do not prevent an Issuer from appointing an agent to keep any register under these Rules on behalf of the Issuer.

3.1.4 Subrule 3.1.5 applies to an Issuer if the Issuer is:

3.1.5 The Issuer must not appoint a Person other than an Authorised Market Institution or another Person authorised (however described) to conduct business in the AIFC to maintain a register of Uncertificated Investments on its behalf.

3.2. Availability of registers

3.2.1 An Issuer of Uncertificated Investments must ensure that a register of Uncertificated Investments, and the Terms of Issue of the Investments, are available for inspection in accordance with applicable AIFC Regulations and AIFC Rules and the Terms of Issue.

3.2.2 An Issuer that is a Company must ensure that a register of Uncertificated Investments issued by it is available for inspection during business hours without charge

  • (a) at its registered office; or
  • (b) at an office of an agent within the AIFC if the agent is responsible for keeping the register on the Issuer’s behalf.