Entire Act

4.3. Principles for Approved Individuals and Designated Individuals

4.3.1. Principle 1 ‐ Integrity

Each Approved Individual and Designated Individual must observe high standards of integrity and fair dealing in carrying out every Controlled Function or Designated Function.

4.3.2. Principle 2 ‐ Due skill, care and diligence

Each Approved Individual and Designated Individual must act with due skill, care and diligence in carrying out every Controlled Function or Designated Function.

4.3.3. Principle 3 ‐ Market conduct

Each Approved Individual and Designated Individual must observe proper standards of conduct in financial markets in carrying out every Controlled Function or Designated Function.

4.3.4. Principle 4 ‐ Relations with the AFSA

Each Approved Individual and Designated Individual must deal with the AFSA in an open and co‐operative manner and must disclose appropriately any information of which the AFSA would reasonably be expected to be notified.

4.3.5. Principle 5 ‐ Management, systems and control

Each Approved Individual and Designated Individual who has significant responsibility must take reasonable care to ensure that the business of the Authorised Person for which he is responsible is organised so that it can be managed and controlled effectively.

4.3.6. Principle 6 ‐ Compliance

Each Approved Individual and Designated Individual who has significant responsibility must take reasonable care to ensure that the business of the Authorised Person for which he is responsible complies with any Regulations or Rules.