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Legal Framework
Consultation Paper on Enhancing AIFC Islamic Banking Business Rules
Addressing Certain Limitations Related to Founding Members of Non-Profit Incorporated Organisations
Annex 1 (Comparative table of proposed amendments to the AML Rules) (AIFC Rules No.FR0008 of 2017)
*Annex 1_AIFC BBR Rules
Annex 1_AIFC FinTech Rules
Consultation Paper on Regulation of digital banking services
Amendments to the AIFC AML Rules (Annex 2)
Amendments to the AIFC GEN Rules (Annex 2)
*Annex 2_CAG
*Amendments to the AIFC Glossary (Annex 3)
*Amendments to the AIFC Conduct of Business Rules (Annex 3)
*Amendments to the AIFC General Rules (Annex 3)
Amendments to the AIFC FSFR (Annex 1)
Amendments to the AIFC GEN (Annex 2)
Amendments to the AIFC AMI (Annex 3)
Amendments to the AIFC COB (Annex 4)
Amendments to the AIFC MAR (Annex 5)
Amendments to the AIFC GLO (Annex 6)
*Consultation Paper on Enhancing AIFC Markets and Market Infrastructure Framework
Consultation Paper on new approach to waivers, modifications and other reliefs
Consultation Paper on the development of AIFC Digital Assets ecosystem
Consultation Paper on Substantial Presence Rules in the AIFC
Consultation paper on Enhancing AIFC Market and Recognition Frameworks in the AIFC
Consultation paper on Proposed AIFC Recovery and Resolution Framework
Consultation paper on proposed Guidance on Establishment of Collective Investment Scheme for Fund Managers
Consultation Paper on Proposed Amendments to the AIFC Asset management Framework
Closed 2019-2022
Consultation paper on umbrella sandbox
Consultation paper on Regulation of payment services and electronic money in the AIFC
Consultation Paper on Proposed amendments to the AIFC Insurance and Reinsurance Prudential Rules
Consultation Paper on Proposed Approach on the Application of the AIFC regulatory fees
Consultation Paper on Proposed Enhancement of AIFC Regulatory Framework for Captive Business
Consultation Paper on Proposed Enhancement of the AIFC Regulatory Framework for Representative Offices
Consultation paper on the proposed amendments to the AIFC Pre-IPO Listings Rules
Consultation Paper on Proposed Enhancement of AIFC Market Institutions Framework
Consultation Paper on Special Rules Declaring Provisions of AIFC Regulations and Rules to be Subject to Section 9 of the AIFC Financial Services Framework Regulations
Consultation Paper on Amendments to the AIFC Banking Business Framework
Consultation Paper on AIFC AML/CFT Framework: Consequential amendments to the AIFC Acts
Consultation Paper on Proposed Amendments to the AIFC Banking Business Framework
Consultation paper on Proposed Regulatory Guidance on Fitness and Propriety
Consultation Paper on Proposed changes to the AML Rules
*Framework on harmonization of titles used for the cryptocurrencies regulated in the AIFC and national legislation of Kazakhstan
Annex 1
Annex 2
Consultation Paper on Proposed Enhancement of the AIFC Legal Entities Framework
Consultation Paper No.1 on proposed amendments to the AIFC FEES Rules
Consultation paper No.2 Amendments to the AFSA Glossary
*Consultation Paper No.0003 on proposed AIFC Trust Legislative Framework
Consultation Paper No. 4 on proposed amendments to AIFC Regulations and Rules on Virtual Currencies and Extended Private Placement Regimes
Consultation Paper No.5 on proposed Banking Business Rules
Consultation Paper No.6 on Private Placement Regimes
Consultation Paper No.7 on Financial Services Exempt from Corporate Income Tax
Consultation Paper No.0008 on proposed amendments to AIFC Legal entities framework
Consultation Paper No.8 on proposed AIFC Rules on Safekeeping and Settlement of the Sovereign Bonds in the systems of Non-AIFC Securities Depositaries
Consultation Paper No.9 on proposed AIFC Rules for Pre-IPO Listings
Consultation Paper No.10 on proposed amendments to Islamic Finance Rules
*Consultation Paper No.11 on proposed Insurance and Reinsurance Legislative Framework in the AIFC
Consultation Paper No.12 on proposed amendments to the AIFC Legal Entities framework
*Consultation Paper No.13 on proposed Takaful and Retakaful Legislative Framework in the AIFC
Consultation Paper No.14 on proposed additional amendments to the AIFC Legal Entities Framework
*Consultation Paper No.15 on proposed Insurance and Reinsurance Legislative Framework in the AIFC
*Consultation Paper No.16 on proposed Takaful and Retakaful Legislative Framework in the AIFC
Consultation Paper No.17 on proposed AIFC Preferential Creditor Rules
Consultation Paper No. 0011 on the proposed amendments to AIFC FSFR, GLO, COB and CO-OP
*Consultation paper No.12. Amendments to the AIFC Companies Regulations
Consultation paper No.0009. Introduction of an option for Private Companies and Partnership to keep information in the Register kept by the Registrar.
Consultation Paper No. 0010. Inclusion of Company service providers as Ancillary Service Providers
*Consultation paper No. 0002 on proposed amendments to AIFC Rules and Regulations on repealing Commercial Licence
Consultation Paper No.18 on proposed AIFC Financial Technology Legislative Framework
Consultation Paper No.19 on proposed amendments to the AIFC Market Rules
Consultation Paper No.20 on proposed AIFC Crowdfunding Legislative Framework
*Consultation Paper No.21 on Implementation of the Common Reporting Standard Framework
Consultation Paper No.0005 on proposed amendments to AIFC Market Rules
Consultation Paper No. 3 on proposed amendments to AIFC Anti-Money Laundering, Counter-Terrorist Financing and Sanctions Rules
*Consultation Paper No.23 on proposed revisions to AIFC investment funds framework
Consultation Paper No.22 on amendments to the AIFC Cooperation and Exchange of Information Rules
Consultation paper No. 0004 on Enhancing Financial Services Tax Exemption Framework
*Consultation paper No. 0012 on proposed Extension of the list of Regulated and Market Activities
*Consultation paper No. 0013 on proposed Guidance on miscellaneous matters relative to the FinTech Lab
Consultation Paper No.28 on proposed amendments to the AIFC Market Rules
*Consultation Paper No.26 on proposed revisions to AIFC investment funds framework
Entire section
*Framework on harmonization of titles used for the cryptocurrencies regulated in the AIFC and national legislation of Kazakhstan