Annex 1
In accordance with subparagraph 1-5 of paragraph 3 of article 6 of the Constitutional Statute of the Republic of Kazakhstan On the Astana International Financial Centre and paragraph 9 of article3 of The Structure of the Bodiesof the Astana International Financial Centre, adopted by the Resolution of the Management Council on May 26, 2016 No. 20- 27/1814, as amended by the Resolution of the Management Council, the Amendments and Supplementations to the Structure of the Bodiesof the Astana International Financial Centre, adopted on October 9, 2017 No.17-61-6.2, the Governor of the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFCCentre) ORDERS:
1.In the event aA Centre Participant carries on any service which conducts the relevant core income generating activities for services specified in Schedule 1, hereto in/from the territory of the CentreParticipant in full compliance with the AIFC Regulations and Rules, incurring an adequate amount of operating expenditure with an adequate number of suitably qualified full-time employees, shall not be liable for corporate income tax imposed by the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on income or capital resulting from that serviceprovided the serviceis carried on in full compliance with the AIFC Regulations and Rulessuch services1) The list of financial services that are exempt from corporate income tax is
specified in Shedule 1 hereof
A Centre Participant which conducts the relevant core income generating activities for services specified in Schedule 1 hereto by means of outsourcing of the core income generating activities outside of the Kazakhstan shall be liable for corporate income tax imposed by the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on income or capital resulting from such services.
2.The detailed procedure of application of corporate income tax exemption for income or capital from the provision of services specified in Schedule 1 hereto is to be regulated by the AIFC Acts, which are to be developed.
3. This order comes into effect from the date of its signing.