Entire Act

8.1. Application and other fees payable to the AFSA by the FinTech Lab firms

8.1.1. Pre-application fee to the FinTech Lab

A Person seeking to Test and/or Develop the FinTech Activities within the FinTech Lab must pay to the AFSA the pre-application fee specified in Schedule 8 prior to commencing any eligibility assessment in accordance with FINTECH 2.4.2.

8.1.2. Application fees to the FinTech Lab

In accordance with FINTECH 2.4.3, once the AFSA is satisfied that the Person meets the eligibility criteria, a Person seeking to Test and/or Develop the FinTech Activities within the FinTech Lab must pay to the AFSA the application fees specified in Schedule 8.

8.1.2-1. Application fees for modification of a Licence

In accordance with FINTECH 2.5.2, a FinTech Lab Participant, which intends to change the scope of its Licence, must pay to the AFSA the application fees specified in Schedule 8.

8.1.3. Migration fees to full authorisation

In accordance with FINTECH 2.8.3, a FinTech Lab Participant, which intends to migrate to the full authorisation and supervisory regime under the AIFC regulatory framework and deploy its FinTech Activities on a broader scale, must pay to the AFSA the migration fees specified in Schedule 8.