Entire Act

14.3. Application of TRR to Captive Takaful Operator

14.3.1. Application of TRR 2 (Governance Framework)

A Captive Takaful Operator must comply with the requirements of TRR 2 (Governance Framework) in full.

14.3.2. Application of TRR 3 (Risk Management Strategy)

A Captive Takaful Operator must comply with TRR 3 (Risk Management Strategy) in full.

14.3.3. Application of TRR 4 (Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA)).

A Captive Takaful Operator must comply with TRR 3 (Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA)) in full.

14.3.4. Application of TRR 5 (Capital adequacy requirements)

A Captive Takaful Operator must comply with the requirements of TRR 5 (Capital adequacy requirements) in full, subject to the rules in TRR 14.4 (Capital adequacy requirements for Captive Takaful Operators).

14.3.5 Application of TRR 6 (Investment)

A Captive Takaful Operator must comply with TRR 6 (Investment) in full.

14.3.6 Application of TRR 7 (Segregation of Family Takaful assets and liabilities)

A Captive Takaful Operator carrying on Family Captive Takaful Business must comply with TRR 7 (Segregation of Family Takaful assets and liabilities) in full.

14.3.7 Application of TRR 8 (Valuation)

A Captive Takaful Operator must comply with TRR 8 (Valuation) in full.

14.3.8 Application of TRR 9 (Actuarial Reporting)

A Captive Takaful Operator must comply with TRR 9 (Actuarial reporting) in full.

14.3.9 Application of TRR 10 (Takaful Operators that are members of Groups)

A Captive Takaful Operator must comply with TRR 10 (Takaful Operators that are members of Groups) in full.

14.3.10 Application of TRR 11 (Transfers of Takaful Business)

A Captive Takaful Operator must comply with TRR 11 (Transfer of Takaful business) in full.

14.3.11 Application of TRR 12 (Takaful Operators in run-off)

A Captive Takaful Operator must comply with TRR 12 (Takaful Operators in run-off) in full.

14.3.12. Application of TRR 13 (Prudential Returns)

A Captive Takaful Operator must comply with TRR 13 (Prudential returns) in full.