Entire Act

2.3. Conflicts of interest

2.3.1. Conflicts of interest – core obligation

An Authorised Market Institution must take reasonable steps, including the maintenance of adequate systems and controls, governance and internal policies and procedures, to ensure that the performance of its regulatory functions is not adversely affected by its commercial interests. Guidance: regulatory functions of Authorised Market Institution

The regulatory functions of an Authorised Market Institution include, as appropriate:

• its obligations under AMI to monitor and enforce compliance with its membership rules, Business Rules, Direct Electronic Access Rules;

• its obligation to prevent, detect and report market abuse or financial crime; and

• its obligations in respect of admission of Investments to an Official List, to Trading or to Clearing.

2.3.2. Conflicts of interest – identification and management

For the purposes of compliance with AMI 2.3.1, an Authorised Market Institution must:

  • (a) identify conflicts between the interests of the Authorised Market Institution, its shareholders, owners and operators and the interests of the Persons who make use of its facilities or the interests of the trading venues operated by it; and
  • (b) manage or disclose such conflicts so as to avoid adverse consequences for the sound functioning and operation of the trading venues operated by the Authorised Market Institution and for the Persons who make use of its facilities.

2.3.3. Conflicts of interest – personal account transactions

An Authorised Market Institution must establish and maintain adequate policies and procedures to ensure that its Employees do not undertake personal account transactions in Investments in a manner that creates or has the potential to create conflicts of interest.

2.3.4. Conflicts of interest – code of conduct

An Authorised Market Institution must establish a code of conduct that sets out the expected standards of behaviour for its Employees, including clear procedures for addressing conflicts of interest. Such a code must be binding on Employees.