Entire Act


9.1. Application

This chapter applies to:

9.2. Pricing of Units of open-ended Funds

  • (a) A Fund Manager of an open-ended Fund must take all reasonable steps and exercise due diligence to ensure that the Units in the Fund are correctly priced in accordance with the applicable accounting procedures and the valuation policies of the Fund to ascertain an accurate single price for a Unit.
  • (b) The price of a Unit must be calculated in a manner that is fair and reasonable as between Unitholders.
  • (c) A Fund Manager must take immediate action to rectify any incorrect pricing of Units. Unless the incorrect pricing is of minimal significance, the Fund Manager must promptly inform the AFSA, and if appointed, the Eligible Custodian of the Fund, of such a rectification.

9.3. Suspension of dealings in Units

  • (a) A Fund Manager may, in the case of an open‐ended Fund, temporarily suspend the issue, cancellation, sale and redemption of Units ("dealings in Units") in the Fund in accordance with the Constitution of the Fund where due to exceptional circumstances it is in the interest of the Unitholders in the Fund to do so.
  • (b) The Fund Manager may continue the suspension of dealings in Units only for so long as it reasonably believes that the suspension is in the interests of the Unitholders of the Fund.
  • (c) Upon any suspension of dealings in Units, the Fund Manager must notify the Unitholders of the Fund and the AFSA as soon as practicable in writing of the suspension and its reasons for doing so.