Entire Act

6.1. Power to require the production of a report

6.1.1. Notification of requirement to produce a report

Where the AFSA requires an Authorised Person to provide it with a report under section 97 of the Framework Regulations (Power to require the production of a report) it will give written notification to the Authorised Person of:

  1. (a) the purpose of its report, and
  2. (b) its scope, and
  3. (c) the timetable for completion and
  4. (d) any other relevant matters.

6.1.2. Nomination or approval of Skilled Person

6.1.3. Obligations of Skilled Person

When an Authorised Person appoints a Skilled Person, it must enter into a written contract with the Skilled Person whose terms:

(A) there is or has been, or may be or may have been, a contravention of any requirement that applies to the Authorised Person concerned; and

(B) that the contravention may be of material significance to the AFSA in determining whether to exercise, in relation to the Authorised Person concerned, any powers conferred on the AFSA under any provision of the Framework Regulations;

(ii) the Skilled Person reasonably believes that the information on, or his opinion on, those matters may be of material significance to the AFSA in determining whether the Authorised Person concerned satisfies and will continue to satisfy the fit and proper requirements; or

(iii) the Skilled Person reasonably believes that the Authorised Person is not, may not be, or may cease to be, a going concern;

6.1.4. Contract with Skilled Person

An Authorised Person must ensure that the contract required under GEN 6.1.2:

  • (a) is governed by the law of the AIFC; and
  • (b) expressly provides that the AFSA has a right to enforce the provisions included in the contract under GEN 6.1.2; and
  • (c) expressly provides that, in proceedings brought by the AFSA for the enforcement of those provisions, the skilled Person is not to have available by way of defence, set‐off or counter claim any matter that is not relevant to those provisions; and
  • (d) if the contract includes an arbitration agreement, expressly provides that the AFSA is not, in exercising the right in (b) to be treated as a party to, or bound by, the arbitration agreement; and
  • (e) provides that the provisions included in the contract under GEN 6.1.2 are irrevocable and may not be varied or rescinded without the AFSA's consent.