Entire Act


86. Application to limited liability partnerships

(1) Unless the contrary intention appears, these Regulations and the Rules apply to Limited Liability Partnerships and Recognised Limited Liability Partnerships with the following modifications:

  1. (a) a reference to a Company includes a reference to a limited liability partnership;
  2. (b) a reference to a director or officer of a Company includes a reference to a member (however described) of a limited liability partnership;
  3. (c) a reference to a provision of these Regulations, the AIFC Companies Regulations, or any other AIFC Regulations or any AIFC Rules, is a reference to that provision as it applies to a limited liability partnership in accordance with these Regulations;
  4. (d) a reference to the articles of association of a Company includes a reference to the partnership agreement of a limited liability partnership;
  5. (e) a reference to a resolution of a Company includes a reference to a decision of a limited liability partnership;
  6. (f) a reference to a meeting of a Company includes a reference to a meeting of the members (however described) of a limited liability partnership;
  7. (g) these Regulations are taken to have been made modified in accordance with the following provisions:
  8. (i) in section 8(1), for ‘The directors of a Company’ substitute ‘A limited liability partnership’, and delete ‘to the Company and’;

(ii) in section 8(2), for ‘The directors’ substitute ‘The limited liability partnership’;

(iii) in section 9(1), for ‘The directors of a Company’ substitute ‘A limited liability partnership’:

(iv) omit section 10(3);

  1. (v) for section 26, substitute the following: ‘A limited liability partnership may be wound up voluntarily if it decides that it should be wound up voluntarily.’;

(vi) in section 31, for ‘directors’ (wherever appearing) substitute ‘Designated Members (however described)’, and for ‘director’ (wherever appearing) substitute ‘Designated Member’;

(vii) in section 32(2), for ‘directors’ substitute ‘Designated Members (however described)’;

(viii) in section 40, for ‘directors’ (wherever appearing) substitute ‘Designated Members (however described)’;

(ix) in section 51, for ‘directors’ substitute ‘Designated Members (however described)’;

  1. (x) in section 53, for ‘any transfer of shares’ substitute ‘any transfer by a member (however described) of the limited liability partnership of the member’s interest in the partnership’s property’;
  2. (xi) in sections 72 to 76, for ‘officer of the Company’ substitute ‘member (however described) of the limited liability partnership’;
  3. (xii) in section 78, for ‘directors of the Company’ substitute ‘members (however described) of the limited liability partnership’, and for ‘that director or those directors’ substitute ‘that member or those members’;
  4. (h) all other necessary modifications and any modifications prescribed by the Rules.

(2) A reference in subsection (1) (or in any provision of these Regulations modified in accordance with that subsection) to a limited liability partnership is a reference to a Limited Liability Partnership or Recognised Limited Liability Partnership, as the case requires.