Entire Act


9. Appointment of Registrar

(1) The office of the Registrar of Companies is established within the framework of the AFSA.

(2) The Chief Executive Officer of the AFSA must appoint an individual as Registrar of Companies and may dismiss the person from office for proper cause.

(3) In Exercising the Registrar’s Functions, the Registrar must act in an independent way, even though the Registrar is an agent of the AFSA.

10. Registrar’s Objectives and Functions

(1) In Exercising the Registrar’s Functions, the Registrar must pursue the following objectives (the Registrar’s Objectives):

(2) The Registrar has the Functions given to the Registrar by or under these Regulations, the Rules or any other AIFC Regulations or AIFC Rules.

(3) The Registrar must Exercise the Registrar’s Functions only in pursuit of the Registrar’s Objectives.

(4) Without limiting subsection (2), the Registrar’s Functions include the following:

(5) The Registrar may permit or require the use of an electronic or computer-based system for the filing, delivery or deposit of Documents or information required under or for these Regulations, the Rules or any other Legislation Administered by the Registrar and may specify the circumstances in which Persons are taken to have signed or certified Documents on an electronic or computer-based system for any purpose under these Regulations, the Rules or any other Legislation Administered by the Registrar.

(6) The Registrar must, through the Exercise of the Registrar’s Functions, assist Kazakhstan to comply with its obligations under any international treaty or other agreement to which it is a party.

(7) The Registrar may do anything the Registrar considers necessary or desirable to be done for or in connection with, or reasonably incidental to, the Exercise of the Registrar’s Functions subject to any applicable Decision-making Procedures.

(8) The Registrar may delegate all or any of the Registrar’s Functions to another Person in accordance with the Rules.