Entire Act


1. Name

These Regulations are the AIFC Companies Regulations 2017.

2. Date of enactment

These Regulations are enacted on the day they are adopted by the Governor.

3. Commencement

These Regulations commence on 1 January 2018.

4. Legislative authority

These Regulations are adopted by the Governor under paragraph 1 of article 3 and article 4 of the Constitutional Statute and subparagraph 3-1) of paragraph 9 of the Management Council Resolution on AIFC Bodies.

5. Application of these Regulations

(1) These Regulations apply within the jurisdiction of the AIFC.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), these Regulations apply to any Person who conducts business in or from the AIFC as an AIFC Participant.

(3) Any other Legislation Administered by the Registrar is additional to, and its operation is not affected by, these Regulations.

(4) The Rules on Registration and Recognition of the Astana International Financial Centre Participants 2017 as in force immediately before the commencement of these Regulations are repealed.

(5) Except where otherwise provided in these Regulations, anything done or omitted to be done under or for the Rules on Registration and Recognition 2017 are taken to have been done or omitted under or done under or for these Regulations.

6. Interpretation

Schedule 1 contains definitions and other interpretative provisions used in these Regulations.