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Manual for Preparation of Returns for Banking Business Firms, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies

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Chapter 1. Introduction

1.The purpose of this Manual for Preparation of returns for the Banking Business Firms, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies (hereinafter – Manual) is to outline templates for data collection on financial, prudential and financial conduct performance and provide guidance on their completion. It is applicable to all Authorised Firms in the Astana International Financial Centre (hereinafter – AIFC) carrying out Banking Business as well as Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing.

2.The Manual complies with the AIFC General Rules (AIFC Rules No. FR0001 of 2017, hereinafter – GEN), AIFC Conduct of Business Rules (AIFC Rules No. FR0005 of 2017), AIFC Banking Business Prudential Rules (AIFC Rules No. FR0023 of 2018, hereinafter - BBR), AIFC Islamic Banking Business Prudential Rules (AIFC Rules No. FR0014 of 2017), AIFC Banking Prudential Guideline (No. AFSA-L-GB-2019-0001 of 2019, hereinafter - BPG), and AIFC Recognition Rules (No.FR00004 of 2017).

Chapter 2. Reporting templates

3.The purpose of this Chapter is to set out reporting templates and provide the Authorised Firms carrying out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing with instructions on the preparation of financial, prudential and financial conduct reporting.

4.Reporting templates include 3 main areas of supervision:

  1. Financial statement;
  2. Prudential supervision;
  3. Financial conduct supervision.

5.Financial statement reporting templates include:


Annex No.


Form 10. Financial Position/ Balance Sheet

Annex 1.1.

Not applicable for the AIFC Participants doing business in the AIFC as a Branch of a Bank, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies

Form 11. Financial Position/ Balance Sheet of a Branch

Annex 1.2.

Applicable for the AIFC Participants doing business in the AIFC as a Branch of a Bank, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies

Form 10A.Off-Balance sheet Exposures

Annex 1.3.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

From 10B.Off-Balance sheet Exposures

Annex 1.4.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Information on Credit Portfolio

Annex 1.5.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Information on Securities

Annex 1.6.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Information on Various Accounts

Annex 1.7.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 30B. Profits and Losses

Annex 1.8.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

6.Prudential supervision reporting templates include:


Annex No.


Form 30. Capital Adequacy

Annex 2.1.

Not applicable for the AIFC Participants doing business in the AIFC as a Branch of a Bank, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies

Credit Risk Weighted Assets

Annex 2.2.

Not applicable for the AIFC Participants doing business in the AIFC as a Branch of a Bank, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies

Credit Risk Weighted Assets – Balance Sheet Exposures

Annex 2.3.

Not applicable for the AIFC Participants doing business in the AIFC as a Branch of a Bank, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies

Breakdown of Total Exposures by Risk Weights

Annex 2.4.

Not applicable for the AIFC Participants doing business in the AIFC as a Branch of a Bank, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies

Market risk Risk Weighted Assets – Standardised approach

Annex 2.5.

Not applicable for the AIFC Participants doing business in the AIFC as a Branch of a Bank, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies

Operational risk Risk Weighted Assets – Basic Indicator Approach

Annex 2.6.

Not applicable for the AIFC Participants doing business in the AIFC as a Branch of a Bank, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies

Form 70. Concentration Risk Summary

Annex 2.7.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 71. Large Exposures

Annex 2.8.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 72. Large Exposures

Annex 2.9.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 80. Liquidity Schedule – Maturity Mismatch

Annex 2.10.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 81. Liquidity Schedule – Maturity Mismatch Calculation

Annex 2.11.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 90. Liquidity Coverage Ratio

Annex 2.12.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 100. Category of Credit Risk Exposures

Annex 2.13.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 101. Movement in provisions for impairment – Part I

Annex 2.14.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 102. Movement in provisions for impairment – Part II

Annex 2.15.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 103. Restructured Credits

Annex 2.16.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 110. Funding mix

Annex 2.17.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 101. Funding concentration – Counterparty

Annex 2.18.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 102. Funding concentration – Product

Annex 2.19.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 103. Funding concentration – Currency

Annex 2.20.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Form 120. Leverage Ratio

Annex 2.21.

Not applicable for the AIFC Participants doing business in the AIFC as a Branch of a Bank, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies

Form 200. Information on Controllers

Annex 2.22.

Not applicable for the AIFC Participants doing business in the AIFC as a Branch of a Bank, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies

Form 201. Net Stable Funding Ratio

Annex 2.23.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

7.Financial conduct supervision reporting templates include:


Annex No.


Other Asset Management Services

Annex 3.1.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Dealing Overview and Personnel

Annex 3.2.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Transactions- Principal Transactions-Exchange Traded (Booked in the AIFC)

Annex 3.3.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Transactions- Principal Transactions – OTC (Booked in the AIFC)

Annex 3.4.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Transactions- Principal Transactions- Exchange Traded (Booked outside the AIFC)

Annex 3.5.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carrying out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Transactions- Principal Transactions – OTC (Booked outside the AIFC)

Annex 3.6.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Arranging Credit Facility

Annex 3.7.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Staffing and Conduct

Annex 3.8.

Applicable for all AIFC Participants authorised to carry out Banking Business and Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing

Chapter 3. Reporting rules

8.Authorised Firms carrying out Banking Business as well as Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing need to submit to the Astana Financial Services Authority (hereinafter - AFSA) returns outlined in paragraphs 5,6 and 7 of this Manual. Reporting needs to be made in thousands of USD. The AFSA expects to receive from the reporting entities the report and an explanatory note to it disclosing the report’s key points within the following periods:

  1. 8.1. Quarterly returns within a month after the reporting quarter ends; and
  2. 8.2. Annual returns within 4 months after the reporting year ends. Annual prudential returns need to contain certification of the same auditor who was responsible for the audit of annual financial statements.

9.Any Authorised Firm carrying out Banking Business as well as Regulated Activities of Islamic Banking Business and Providing Islamic Financing must immediately notify the AFSA if it becomes aware, or has reasonable grounds to believe, that it breached, or is about to breach, a prudential requirement set by the AFSA and/or Financial Services Regulator that regulates that Authorised Firm’s parent entity (head office).

10.    Reports are expected to be submitted to the AFSA by way of official e-communication channels. The transmission should include scanned copies of signed reports and supporting Ms Excel documents.

Chapter 4. Conclusion

11.Authorsied Firms carrying out Banking Business as a Bank or a Subsidiary of a Bank need to submit the following reports (if such reports are required to be created) of Controllers of Authorised Firm:

  1. 11.1.Audited annual financial reports of the Controllers; and
  2. 11.2.Annual reports of the Controllers, that include annual information on the business performance, implementation of strategic goals and other information about shareholders.

The reports should be submitted in the English language (if a report is not in English, it should be accompanied by an accurate English translation) within a month after their approval.

12.Authorised Firms carrying out Banking Business in the AIFC as a Branch of a Bank need to submit copies of the following reports of the head office:

  1. 12.1.An audited annual financial report;
  2. 12.2.An annual report, that includes annual information on business performance, implementation of strategic goals, or any other information about head office performance required to be created (if such reports are required to be created);

12.3.Quarterly financial and prudential returns, that are required to be submitted by the head office Bank to a home Financial Services Regulator.

Copies of these reports should be submitted in the English language (if a report is not in English, it should be accompanied by an accurate English translation) within a month after their approval.

13.Authorised Firms carrying out Banking Business must submit an audited annual financial report in compliance with requirements of GEN. The submission of reports should include explanations regarding differences in each template used, where it is applicable.

14.AFSA may by written notice extend the submission periods of returns outlined in this Manual.

Authorised Firms carrying out Banking Business, Islamic Banks and Islamic Financing Companies should be informed by the AFSA on amendments to this Manual within 10 working days after publication on the AFSA official website.