5.1. AFSA’s approach to unregulated activities
5.1.1. AIFC Participants
While Persons applying to carry on Regulated Activities, Market Activities, Ancillary Services, and FinTech Lab Activities must be authorised, and must be registered/incorporated in the AIFC, not all companies registered/incorporated in the AIFC require an authorisation.
Those activities that are not listed as Regulated Activities, Market Activities, Ancillary Services and FinTech Lab Activities, could be registered/incorporated without authorisation.
5.1.2. Non-AIFC Participants
The Astana International Finance Centre is not the exclusive preserve of the AIFC Participants. Non-AIFC Participants established inside the territorial (geographical) boundary of the AIFC in the city of Astana can carry on trading, even in financial services, under the general law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and still remain unconnected to the AIFC. These others, in governing their affairs, remain subject to the Acting Law of Kazakhstan. Banks and other financial institutions can stay in the Centre without joining the Centre’s legal arrangements but complying with the general requirements in Kazakhstan concerning financial regulating in particular. Unless they register as the AIFC Participants, or make Financial Promotion the regulatory regime of the AFSA will not extend to them.