Entire Act

4.3. Currency reporting of AIFC participants

4.3.1. Reporting on services

Annex 3 to Schedule 5 to the AIFC Rules on Currency Regulation require AIFC participants providing depository and brokerage services in accordance with their AFSA Licence submitting quarterly (no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting month) reports on securities to the AFSA.

The information is provided electronically through secure communication channels with confirmation by an electronic digital signature.

There is no other service specific reporting under the AIFC Rules on Currency Regulation.

4.3.2. Reporting on transactions

AIFC Participants must provide information for the purposes of currency regulation with regard to the following: 

(a)   information on payments and (or) money transfers on currency transactions carried out by AIFC banks, including on behalf of clients, as well as by a second-tier bank of Kazakhstan on behalf of AIFC participants;

(b)   information on resident clients' transactions and the status of their accounts provided by AIFC banks;

(c)   information on deals and transactions carried out by AIFC participants, including on behalf of clients, that affected the change in requirements for non-residents and obligations in front of them;

(d)   information on transactions with securities and derivatives carried out by AIFC participants with non-residents;

(e)   information on income accrued and received from foreign exchange transactions with financial instruments of AIFC participants.

The information is provided electronically through secure communication channels with confirmation by an electronic digital signature.

The AIFC participant provides the AFSA with information on the contract, on the basis of and pursuant to which capital movement transactions are carried out, for an amount equal to or exceeding the equivalent of USD 500,000, in accordance with Annex 4 to Schedule 5 to the AIFC Currency Rules. The information is provided before the expiration of 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of commencement of payments under this contract.