Entire Act


60. Fines

(1) A Foundation which Contravenes a requirement of these Regulations to provide information to the Registrar is liable to a fine, as set out in Schedule 3 (Fines).

(2) A Foundation which in any document or other communication provided to the Registrar makes a statement which is false or intentionally misleading in any particular, is liable to a fine, as set out in Schedule 3 (Fines).

(3) Schedule 3 (Fines) to these Regulations contains a list of maximum fines applicable to any Contravention of these Regulations.

(4) Sections 171 to 173 of the AIFC Companies Regulations apply in relation to proceedings by the Registrar in respect of Contraventions, or possible Contraventions, of these Regulations.

(5) Section 170 (Involvement in Contraventions of these Regulations) of the AIFC Companies Regulations applies in respect of the involvement of Persons knowingly concerned in a Contravention of these Regulations.

61. Fees

Fees Rules to these Regulations contains a list of fees payable to the Registrar in connection with these Regulations.