Entire Act


1. Definitions for these Regulations

In these Regulations:

Accounting Records means Records and underlying Documents comprising initial and other accounting entries and associated supporting Records, including, for example, any of the following:

  1. (a) cheques;
  2. (b) Records of electronic funds transfers;
  3. (c) invoices;
  4. (d) contracts;
  5. (e) the general and subsidiary ledgers, journal entries and other adjustments to the financial statements that are not reflected in journal entries;
  6. (f) worksheets and spreadsheets supporting costs allocations, computations, reconciliations and disclosures.

Acting Law of the AIFC has the meaning given by article 4 of the Constitutional Statute.

AFSA means the Astana Financial Services Authority.

AIFC means the Astana International Financial Centre.

AIFCA means Astana International Financial Centre Authority.

AIFC Regulations means regulations adopted by the Management Council or the Governor, and includes, for example, these Regulations.

AIFC Rules means rules adopted by the Board of Directors of the AFSA, the Board of Directors of the AIFCA or the Governor, and includes, for example, the Rules made for these Regulations.

Appointed Publications has the meaning given by section 4 of Schedule 1 of the AIFC Companies Regulations.

Constitutional Statute means the Constitutional Statute of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 7 December 2015 entitled On the Astana International Financial Centre.

Contravene includes Fail to comply with.

Court means the Astana International Financial Centre Court.

Creditor includes a present, future or contingent creditor.

Decision-making Procedures, in relation to the making of a decision by the Registrar of Companies, means the procedures prescribed by the Rules that apply to the making of the decision by the Registrar.

Document includes any summons, notice, statement, return, account, order and other legal process, and any register.

Exercise a Function includes perform the Function.

Fail includes refuse.

Foreign Limited Partnership means a limited partnership formed outside of the AIFC that has not become a Limited Partnership.

Function includes authority, duty and power.

Fund has the meaning given in section 92 (Definition of Collective Investment Scheme) of the AIFC Financial Services Framework Regulations.

General Partner, of a Limited Partnership, means a Person who is registered as a general partner of the partnership under these Regulations.

Governor means the Governor of the Astana International Financial Centre.

Legislation Administered by the Registrar has the meaning given by section 1 of Schedule 1 of the AIFC Companies Regulations.

Liability includes any debt or obligation.

Limited Partner, of a Limited Partnership, means a Person who is registered as a limited partner of the partnership under these Regulations.

Limited Partnership means a limited partnership formed in the AIFC that is registered under these Regulations as a Limited Partnership, and, to remove any doubt, includes a limited partnership formed outside of the AIFC that is registered under these Regulations as a Limited Partnership because of an application for continuation under Part 9 (Transfer of limited partnerships).

Management Council means the Management Council of the Astana International Financial Centre.

Management Council Resolution on AIFC Bodies means The Structure of the Bodies of the Astana International Financial Centre, adopted by resolution of the Management Council on 26 May 2016, as amended by resolution of the Management Council, The Amendments and supplementations to the Structure of the Bodies of the Astana International Financial Centre, adopted on 9 October 2017.

Partner, of a Limited Partnership, means a Person who is registered as a general partner or limited partner of the partnership under these Regulations

Person means any natural person or incorporated or unincorporated body, including a company, partnership, unincorporated association, government or state.

Recognised Limited Partnership means a Foreign Limited Partnership that is registered under these regulations as a Recognised Limited Partnership.

Records means Documents, information and other records, in whatever form and however stored.

Registrar means the Registrar of Companies.

Registrar of Companies means the individual who is the Registrar of Companies appointed under the AIFC Companies Regulations.

Rules means rules adopted by the Board of Directors of the AFSA under section 181 of the AIFC Companies Regulations.

Standard Partnership Agreement means a standard partnership agreement prescribed by the Rules.

Writing includes:

  1. (a) in relation to a certificate, instrument, notice or other thing—the thing in any form that preserves a record of the information contained in it and is capable of being reproduced in tangible form, including by electronic means; and
  2. (b) in relation to a communication—any method of communication that preserves a record of the information contained in it and is capable of being reproduced in tangible form, including by electronic means

and Written shall be construed accordingly.